This game is full of energy

Chapter 164 You Are Like an Old General on the Stage

Chapter 164 You Are Like an Old General on the Stage

This scene, the last of the three images before the script opens, is almost identical.

"It's finally right this time." Zhang Fang took a breath, looking at the various tubes that had been inserted into his body again.

Zhang Fang had experience this time, so he didn't directly pull out these tubes.Instead, check your skills and items first.

The result was exactly as Zhang Fang expected.

[Blessing of Cooking School], this ability that can only be used once in a single script, can be used again.

There are also those magazines that were consumed in the last world, and those used [Human and Animal Harmless Eggs] are also restored as before.

With previous lessons.This time, Zhang Fang first activated [Cooking School's Blessing], then gritted his teeth and pulled out the tubes one by one from his body.

After pulling out the tubes on his body, Zhang Fang endured the pain all over his body, and took the [Qian Kun Instrument] out of his backpack.

Holding the [Qian Kun Instrument] in both hands, Zhang Fang looked around.

Sure enough, the world around me, no matter whether I hold the [Qian Kun Instrument] or not, the scene is the same.

No more gold or green codes.

"Huh... this time, it's finally true."

Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.This time, he finally returned to the real world.

There was a creaking sound, and the three training cabins next to Zhang Fang were lifted from inside at the same time.

It was Chen Dengqi, Xia Xinxin and Lin Wan who sat up from the training cabin.

The three looked at the tubes on their bodies and frowned. The pain they experienced when the tubes were pulled out was still vivid in their minds.

"Forget it, bear with it." Chen Dengqi gritted his teeth and raised his hand to pull it out.

"Don't worry, don't pull it out yet." Zhang Fang quickly stopped the three of them from moving.

Turning down from the training cabin, Zhang Fang limped and walked between Chen Dengqi and the others.

After estimating, the distance is just right.

"Well, now that you are all within the range of my [Cooking School's Blessing], you can start pulling out those tubes now. This way you can quickly recover your combat power."

"Thank you." Chen Dengqi gave Zhang Fang a thumbs up.

The three of them pulled out those pipes three times, five times and two times.

"It really hurts." Chen Dengqi gritted his teeth in pain, and was a little afraid to look at the bloody potholes on his body after the tube was pulled out.

"A big man, what he says is afraid of pain." Sure enough, Chen Dengqi's words aroused Lin Wan's contempt.

"Oh, I just said it casually, don't take it seriously." Chen Dengqi scratched his head in embarrassment after being ridiculed by a girl named Lin Wan.

"It does hurt a bit!" Xia Xinxin opened his mouth and gave Chen Dengqi a step:
"But I'm so happy, my [Human and Animal Harmless Egg] is back!"

Xia Xinxin was very happy to find that all the consumables she had in the previous world had been restored.

After moving down from the training cabin, the four of them used [Cooking School's Blessing] to recover from the injury caused by extubation, while discussing the next move.

"We should go find the 'magic gun chip' now." Lin Wan said:
"But where is this chip now?

"The gun god said before that the 'sharp gun chip' should be near where we wake up." Zhang Fang said:
"Has anyone found any trace of the 'sniper chip'?"

"Not yet." Chen Dengqi shook his head, and while responding, glanced around:

"But according to what you just said, the location of this chip shouldn't be too far away?"

After the four of them scanned a large circle, there were only training cabins everywhere around them, and the humans soaked in the training cabins.

"What kind of world is this?" Chen Dengqi couldn't help being a little speechless when he saw this scene.

But it was a coincidence that when the four of them were looking for the "magic gun chip" here, a signal light suddenly lit up not far away.

"What's that?" Xia Xinxin pointed to the signal light and asked.

Everyone looked in the direction of the signal light.I saw that not long after this signal light was on, another signal light was on.

And then one, and one, and another.A series of signal lights lit up one after another.

These signal lights that lit up one after another gradually connected in series to form a light strip in everyone's field of vision.This waiting is like a bright road sign, pointing out the direction for Zhang Fang and the others to move forward.

"This light strip seems to be guiding us." Chen Dengqi stared at the string of light strips and commented.

"Then it's easy to handle now. It seems that we just need to walk along the light strip." Zhang Fang looked at the light strip that gradually lit up and agreed with Chen Dengqi's statement.

"Then go over and have a look?" Xia Xinxin raised her little hand impatiently as her injuries were almost healed.

"That's what I mean." Zhang Fang nodded.

"Then go." Lin Wan also nodded concisely.

The four of them walked forward cautiously along the guidance of the light strip.

The four of them walked very carefully, but there were no emergencies along the way.

After walking for a long time, I saw a small metal box next to a lamp at the end of the light strip.

In this world full of steel and concrete everywhere, this small box looks extremely abrupt.

"This is too obvious." Chen Dengqi looked at the small box and muttered:

"Even if it is inferred that the difficulty of this script will be significantly reduced now, but the reduction in difficulty is too obvious."

"It's just one more banner over here saying 'Sniper Chip' isn't here anymore."

"Don't be crowed." No matter how Zhang Fang looked at it, he felt that Chen Dengqi was like an old general on the stage.

"Okay, okay." Chen Dengqi pouted and nodded, then glanced at Zhang Fang: "Then what should we do now, open it and have a look?"

"What else can I do if I don't open it and have a look?" Zhang Fang gave Chen Dengqi a blank look.

"Let me do it." At this time, Lin Wan walked over and carefully picked the long knife in his hand on the box.

"You still have experience. You are worthy of being a member of the special department." Zhang Fang praised Lin Wan, and then summoned the bloody little paper figurine:

"Let my summoned creature come, everyone step back."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Lin Wan put away the long knife, and cast a blank look angrily.

The blood-colored little paper man moved very neatly, and landed beside the box lightly, with both hands resting on the box, waiting for Zhang Fang to give an order.

"Everyone back away." Lin Wan said to Zhang Fang and the others for everyone's safety and just in case.


When everyone backed away, the blood-colored little paper man raised his little hand and gently touched the small box.

The small box opened in response.

(End of this chapter)

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