Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 101 Ye Sheng and Shudoku Yaji

Chapter 101 Ye Sheng and Shudoku Yaji

"Shocking! A night with a super high approval rate! Is he a god?!"

"Xia Liyi joins hands with her rumored boyfriend to go on stage, harvest CP fans as much as you want! Do you like Shuangxia CP?"

"Life is meaningless, don't you think?"

""Like Smoke", the fairy lyrics and music that became popular all over the country overnight!"


At the moment when the live broadcast of the program ended, Xia Mu's name spread across the country again, and his popularity value also exceeded 30 in a short period of time.

According to his prediction, after waiting for the show to air, the popularity value will slowly rise back to 100 million without any problem.

The problem is that it will be too difficult to improve later...

"Xia Mu, can you sign for me?"

When sending Lu Mingfei and others away, Chen Wenwen mustered up the courage to speak up.

"no problem."

Xia Mu took the pen and danced around, very skillfully.

"Me too!" "Sign one for me too!"...

Lu Mingfei and those members of the literature club immediately surrounded him.

"Did they all remember that they were Xia Mu's fans in the first place?" Lu Mingfei murmured to himself, but he didn't approach Chen Wenwen by himself.

"No," Nuonuo stood beside him with the airport in his arms, "I never remember this, and I haven't recovered, and they probably will be the same."

"I want to go home, will you give it to me?" Lu Mingfei was obviously not interested, but was saddened to see Chen Wenwen holding Zhao Menghua's hand and smiling sweetly.

Nuonuo rolled his eyes at him, and pointed to the waiting bus: "You can go back with them."

Lu Mingfei drooped his brows, as bad as he wanted: "When I came here, I used a sports car, but when I go back, I take a bus, it's so boring..."

"Then you can go back by car, anyway, I don't plan to go to Sioux City anymore," Nuonuo clapped her hands, carelessly akimbo, "The task is completed, Miss Ben will stay here for two weeks, and then go back to school directly !"

"Wait," Lu Mingfei suddenly became vigilant, squinting at her charming side face: "Are you afraid that you will encounter the weird thing just now on the way back?"

"I'm not stupid, why continue to take risks." Nuonuo rolled his eyes.

Lu Mingfei hugged his head and howled, "I have to go home—"

"Brother! Can you send me back?!"

He suddenly ran up to Xia Mu, and stumbled Zhao Menghua who was hesitant about asking for an autograph.

Zhao Menghua wanted to have an attack, but thinking of Xia Mu supporting Lu Mingfei before, he still endured it silently.

"Send you back..."

Xia Mu pondered for a moment, then threw him the Lamborghini key: "Here's the car, drive back by yourself."


The people from the Literature Club couldn't help covering their mouths and exclaiming.

"I don't want a car! Take me back!" Lu Mingfei called out.

The others looked at him in astonishment, and they were convinced that Lu Mingfei was really different, and he didn't even care about Lamborghini.

Many people started to be envious, and secretly jealous. Even Chen Wenwen secretly glanced at him several times. It's a pity that Lu Mingfei only cares about whether he can go home safely.

"Your place is really..."

Xia Mu raised his forehead: "Why don't I give you a room at Waldorf for two weeks, and go directly to the academy when school starts?"

"Waldorf?! I heard that 1 yuan a night!" Someone exclaimed.

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened slightly: "Why don't you give me the 15 room fee, and I'll find a place to live by myself."

other people:"……"

"Actually, there is really no danger for you to go back alone, trust me."

Xia Mu turned Lu Mingfei into a corner: "Think about it, I should be the most dangerous person. I had an accident just after I went to your city, followed by Nuonuo, who only went for a few days, and you? Ten years!"


Lu Mingfei rubbed the back of his head, a little melancholy: "I really want to go back alone..."

"Are you afraid of accidents, or of being alone?" Xia Mu said suddenly.

Lu Mingfei was embarrassed: "I, how can I be lonely?"

"The sorrow of blood on your body is probably more serious than everyone else." Xia Mu patted him on the shoulder, "In the future, there will be companions, all in the academy. If you don't want to go back now, you can stay. I will arrange for you and Nuonuo Live near our house, go back if you want, don't think too much."

Lu Mingfei sniffled and lowered his head: "Thank you..."

"I can understand your mood very well now."

Xia Mu stood beside Nuonuo, watching Lu Mingfei walk away together.

"What?" Nuonuo was puzzled.

Xia Mu pointed to Lu Mingfei's back: "It's sad."

"Bad boy, just like this ghost."

Nuonuo said something angrily, then waved his hand, and turned around smartly: "I'm leaving, see you at the academy, I will remember your life-saving grace, and I will also figure out the matter between you and Xia Liyi Yes, hum!"


A pair of soft and cool little hands held Xia Mu's right hand together, and when he looked back, he saw the familiar big beautiful eyes.

"They're finally gone." Erika pursed her lips.

Now in the parking lot, after seeing off Lu Mingfei and the group of people from their literature club, it was suddenly much quieter, except for a dozen big light bulbs from the management team.

"Do I need to send you back?" Chen Ning glanced at the hands of the two of them, sighed, and made up her mind to fire CP, because this was the only way she had left.

But it's okay, both of them are singer-songwriters, they are strong in themselves, and they are not trying to sell their faces.

"No, just record the program announcement next time, of course we may not show up, bye."

Xia Mu waved his hand and sat in the sports car with Erika.

Chen Ning watched their taillights quickly disappear before her eyes, turned around and said, "Go back to the studio! Work overtime tonight, do a good job of publicity and public opinion guidance, and start frying CP!"


A group of people got into the car and left.


When the sports car drove into the parking lot of the residence, Xia Mu and Erika had just got out of the car, but they were stopped by the oncoming men and women.

A tall and thin young man, wearing a dark green suit, slim and fit, the neckline is thin with silver, the gold buttons and cuffs are shiny, and there is a badge embroidered with silver thread on the chest, which looks like a school uniform, extremely exquisite.

A girl next to her smiled sweetly. She wore the same uniform as the man, but it was just a skirt with a rose red lace scarf tucked into the neckline.

"Ye Sheng."

"Wine De Aki."

The two greeted them politely.

"Executive Department Commissioner of Kassel College, you should have received the news. Principal Ange has included you as an intern commissioner to carry out missions with us." Ye Sheng pointed to the badge on his chest, the pattern is a half-decayed world Tree.

Xia Mu couldn't help but look at them a few more times, this pair of men and women who will be desperate couples in a month's time haven't even confirmed their relationship yet.

Because they are a deep-water diving group, in principle, people who are close to them are not allowed to form a team.

"Don't worry, the principal means to take you through the experience. We are just a detection mission and there will be no danger."

Ye Sheng understated the death mission of the two of them...

(End of this chapter)

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