Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 102 'The Key'

Chapter 102 'The Key'

[The third round of main missions is open. 】

[Task Reward: Double the popularity multiplier. 】

Xia Mu's eyes lit up for a moment, but quickly went out.

'What task content? '

Doubling the popularity multiplier He has encountered this kind of task reward before, which means that his popularity doubles all the time, which is equivalent to halving the number of popularity required to unlock it!

For example, the S-level lineage unlocked by 1000 million popularity points only needs 500 million.

But according to his experience, the tasks accompanied by such generous rewards are also unimaginably difficult.

Last time, before falling into the Nibelungen system and upgrading, the task to get this reward was...

Win an Oscar winner within a year!
That thing is not something you can get if you want to, nor is it enough to have enough strength. The quality of the film and luck are very important.

[Task Content: Kill the King of Bronze and Fire, Dragon Attendant, within one month. 】

When Xia Mu saw the words "Kill the Bronze and the King of Fire" jumping out, Xia Mu almost sprayed the system to death, but luckily he added the word "Longshi" at the end.

Although that seems like an impossible task.

But I remember that it was Professor Mance or something, who used the Three Gorges Dam to pinch the dragon servant to death, maybe he could snatch the head... the dragon head?
Xia Mu looked at Ye Sheng and Jiu De Ya Ji immediately became smiling.

Oops, these two people just fell asleep and brought him a pillow!
"You... have strange eyes..."

Yaki Tokuto touched his long hair hanging down to his chest, smiled at Natsuki, and said something in Japanese: "I am also from Tokyo."

Unexpectedly, Xia Mu didn't respond yet, but Erika looked at her with big eyes, "Me too!"

Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji had a question mark on their foreheads.

"You're a ghost," Xia Mu patted her on the head, pulled her back to her side, and smiled at the two of them, "What do we need to do now?"

"I don't need it for the time being, I just officially notify you to join our team, and send a child to you..."

Jiude Yaji didn't finish his inexplicable words, and there was a sudden cry from the car behind him.


Ye Sheng pointed at the car a little embarrassedly: "This baby is called 'Key', he is a member of this special operations team, but it is still in the exploratory stage, it is too inconvenient to take care of him all the way, so I hope you can take care of him for the time being. Help look after it."


Xia Mu twitched the corners of his mouth, that is not the child who possesses the master key of speech spirit, it is said that it can open any door in the world.

"Stop talking nonsense! Have you finished negotiating? Hurry up and take him away! I'm so annoying!"

At this time, a woman got out of the car with a crying baby.

She is about 40 years old, charming and charming, and the sparkling diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand shows that she has a very rich husband.

"This is the child's adoptive mother, uh, she..." Jiude Yaji was a little embarrassed, "She will play in Shenhai City for a few days, and she doesn't want to take care of her."

Xia Mu looked at the woman a few times, but remembered that this person was Nuonuo's adoptive mother.

Well, the relationship between adoptive mother and daughter is not pleasing to each other.

"Do we both look like we can take care of children?"

Xia Mu and Erika stood together, apart from their overly delicate faces, they looked like young girls under the age of 20.

"We can't help it, this auntie..." Jiu De Yaji subconsciously leaned forward and bowed to apologize, "I have caused you trouble."

"Didn't he stop crying? He likes you." The woman stuffed the baby into Xia Mu's arms involuntarily, as if she had been pardoned.

Xia Mu looked down, the little guy really stopped crying, and only looked at him with a pair of curious eyes.

"Why don't you cry?"

Xia Mu tugged at his milky cheeks.

"do not!"

Ye Sheng yelled: "It's hard to make me cry...uh..."

But the next moment he held back his words, because he actually saw that the little ancestor was not crying or fussing, and even stretched out two small hands to grab Xia Mu's finger, smiling without any impurities.

"'Key''s dragon blood is extremely pure, you should pay attention to him, and be careful of backlash." The woman said indifferently, turned around and left with a thump.

"Don't worry, she's just like this. She never regards the 'key' as her own child, but is very vigilant." Ye Sheng said.

Jiude Yaji was a little happy: "He likes you very much. This is the first time I saw him take the initiative to get close to people."

"Then I'm really honored..." Xia Mu pouted.


Erika stretched out her onion-like fingers and poked the baby's cheek.


But the baby suddenly burst into tears, with a frightened look on his whole face.


Erika looked at her fingers, and said with a little grievance: "I didn't use any force..."

"It's hard to say clearly what we like and dislike about 'Key', don't worry, it's already surprising enough that he likes Xia Mu." Jiude Yaji comforted her.

"Don't be afraid."

Xia Mu reached out and touched the baby's forehead, but he didn't cry anymore, but curled up in his arms, his small vigilant eyes aimed at Erika, as if seeing a monster.

In many cases, the five senses of babies are more sensitive than those of adults. They may not understand what the people around them are saying, but they can get strange intuitions. Therefore, they will always get close to some people who are usually taciturn, but treat those who show kind smiles. People howled.

Of course, 'Key' was afraid of Erika not because she sensed any hidden attributes, but simply because she was afraid of the coercion brought by the super pure dragon blood on her body.

"Can I ask a professional to take care of it?" Xia Mu thought about using money ability again.

Jiude Yaji quickly waved his hand: "No, no, he's too pure, if he gets out of control..."

Xia Mu glanced at Erika beside him.

out of control?The biggest source of loss of control is this guy...

"Okay, I have one last question." He held the baby in one hand, resting him on his shoulder.

"what is the problem?"

Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji breathed a sigh of relief.

The 'key' was requested by the headmaster, but it really caused them a lot of trouble, not to mention that his adoptive mother is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

No wonder Professor Mance often said that Nuonuo's personality was also forced out, and children who grow up in such a family will not be normal...

"what is the benefit?"

Xia Mu spoke concisely.

Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji were stunned.

"Well, as a freshman before entering the academy, he became a temporary commissioner to participate in the operations of the executive department. This is an extremely dazzling resume." Ye Sheng said with a smile.

"That's it?" Xia Mu handed the baby over without the slightest hesitation, "You guys can play by yourself."


'Key' hugged his arm and started crying.

"It's good! It's good!"

Jiude Yaji hurriedly said: "You two will not be downgraded no matter what the assessment results are in the first school year, and it will be the same in the future. Only when you participated in the special operations of the Executive Department that year will you not be downgraded."

Xia Mu frowned.

It's a good thing, homework credits and so on can be learned as you want.

(End of this chapter)

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