Chapter 104 You Own Me
"You are not allowed to look at my body, you know?"

Erika stood in front of the sofa at some point, stretched out her little finger and tapped the "key" on the nose.


"Key" has been looking at the scenery outside the window curiously, and suddenly he was approached by the humanoid Tyrannosaurus in his eyes, and his emotions collapsed instantly.

"what happened?"

Xia Mu came carrying Cun Yu.

"Key" seemed to see the great savior, and stretched out his two small arms to him, obviously asking for help.


Erika didn't know why she felt very uncomfortable.

Why does this little guy have to follow him when he cries?

She turned her head and said aggrievedly: "I told him not to look at my body, and then he cried..."

"oh, I see…"

Xia Mu nodded lightly, and squatted down beside the sofa.

The "key" immediately hugged his neck smoothly.

When Erika saw it, her eyes turned red.

But Xia Mu didn't see her expression, he just stretched out his hand to take the two little arms away, looked into the "key"'s big clear eyes, and said seriously: "With me, she will always be the first, I believe you can understand I mean."

"Key" blinked, with tears on his face, as if he didn't understand.

Xia Mu stood up, put Cun Yu aside, reached out and squeezed Erika's soft little hand in his.

The two held hands and interlocked their fingers, looking at the little baby on the sofa together.

"Do you understand now?" Xia Mu said.

"Key"'s tears stopped suddenly, and the dazed expression on his little face was a bit funny.

He is a high-purity mixed race, with a pure heart of a child, and can easily perceive information from the outside world.

Obviously, Xia Mu was telling him that he and Erika were on the same team, and here he was in third place.

Or, last but not least.

"Well, he understands."

Xia Mu smiled and let go of Erika's hand, but when he turned his head, he saw her beautiful eyes staring at him tightly.

Then slowly, slowly, I hugged him.

Full of fragrance.

Xia Mu caressed her long hair, a bit reluctant to let go.

It seems that I accidentally got a wave of favor... unintentionally.

When Erika buried her head in his arms, he couldn't help but circle her in two circles and lock her tightly on him.

Because the feeling of being dependent, and having a girl, is so fascinating...


"Key" let out a half cry.

As for why it was half-voiced, it was because when Erika looked up, he fell silent.

He is probably quite depressed now, following the breath he likes to fall in love with Xia Mu, but he didn't expect to have a room with a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex, and her status is higher than his own.

"Mumu, why is he always crying?" Erika leaned softly on Xia Mu's body, but looked at the "key" curiously.

Xia Mu let go of her willow waist, and supported the soft flesh on her waist to make her stand upright.

"When a child cries..."

He had no such experience in his previous and present lives, so he had to take out his mobile phone to search.

"Well, there are two possibilities above, one is hungry, and the other is wanting to get attention."

A small light bulb lit up on Erika's forehead: "Does the baby eat the same as us?"

"Probably not, wait for a while, I'll run errands to buy a few cans of milk powder from the property management." Xia Mu walked away and picked up the dedicated phone.

Erika sat down beside "Key", and softly pressed a small piece of the sofa into it.

"I'll be with you, don't cry." She said softly, her eyes fell on the baby, her brows and eyes were extremely gentle, she wondered if she felt empathy for his need for attention and company.

It's a pity that "Key" almost burst into tears again when he saw her sitting beside her, only to see his little mouth twitching, obviously suppressing his sobs.

Erika is still too scary for him...

"what happened to you?"

Erika couldn't help but poked the baby's cheek again, only to see that his eyes were suddenly closed and his little face wrinkled into a ball, as if he was enduring some great torture.


Erika suddenly saw his diaper change color.

"Mumu, look."

Xia Mu walked back and saw Erika pointing at the baby's diaper.


He put his hands on his forehead: "They are so irresponsible, they didn't even give me a diaper."

How did he know that the "key" doesn't need diapers at all, and he will cry when he needs to go to the toilet, as long as the person who takes care of him understands the meaning.

This time, I was just scared to pee...

Xia Mu ran to dial the special line again, asked for a bunch of baby supplies, then picked up the "key" and took him into the bathroom.

Of course he doesn't know how to do it, all he can do is throw away the diapers for the baby, then undress and rinse him with the shower head, and finally soak in warm water and wait for the items to be delivered to the door.

The "key" was a little happy, and Xia Mu paddled around in the water with both hands.

Erika squatted on the edge of the bath with him, watching curiously: "Mumu, he has no breasts, is he a girl?"

"No ..."

Xia Mu turned the "key" body around and showed it in front of Eriyi, and took the opportunity to start the science popularization: "Didn't you read the physiological knowledge book? He is a boy. You can compare his body organs with those of girls. "


Xia Mu: "..."


The "key" was not willing to show her, and moved his small body towards Xia Mu.

"Mumu, he doesn't like me."

Erika turned her gaze back and landed on Xia Mu's side face, that gaze made Xia Mu feel distressed.

"He's just scared."

Xia Mu freed up a hand, dried it on the towel, and gently touched her head.

Erika stretched out her hands, wrapped his right hand, and lowered her eyes: "Well, I understand... Just like those people in my family, they are all afraid of me, even my brother, sometimes..."

"It will be fine, it will be fine." Xia Mu said softly.

Erika's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked up at him: "Mumu, are you afraid of me too?"

"No." Xia Mu said.

A gleam flashed in Erika's eyes: "Why?"

She stared into his eyes: "I know, when I use power, my mood will change, and I feel that there is nothing in the world that cannot make it die..."

"Because you won't kill me, I know you won't kill me," Xia Mu squeezed the soft little hand in his hand, looking at her, "Your world is small, and everything you have will be cherished, and you know , I'm the only... person you have."


Erika's eyes widened slightly, and the light in her eyes turned unbelievable: ""

Xia Mu gave her a comfortable smile: "Yes, you own me, now, in the future, and forever."

(End of this chapter)

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