Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 105 I'll Be Your Child

Chapter 105 I'll Be Your Child

The weak cry of "Key" awakened Erika who was getting closer and closer to Xia Mu's face.

There was a rosy glow on her cheeks at this moment, she was so beautiful.

"Mu... Mumu, I'm going to the swimming pool to play in the water."

It was the first time that Xia Mu saw Erika so shy and happy, she almost jumped up the stairs, and even secretly glanced back at him at the stairs.

"Could it be that Paladin IV played the role of emotional enlightenment?"

He laughed and shook his head, but also a little relieved.

I hope that in the future, I can see more of the girly side of Eri Yi, and less of her childlike heart.

When she understands everything and can maintain a pure heart, then he has achieved what he wanted to do.

It's like raising a child.


"Key" let out a cheer of joy, and hugged Xia Mu's arm, with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, why are you so close to me?"

Xia Mu reached out and splashed water on him, and he laughed even more happily.

He can't understand human speech, but he can understand the semantics without going through the process of language conversion.


"Key" snorted reassuringly while hugging Xia Mu's arm, but Xia Mu couldn't understand what he meant.

When people grow up, they often lose their sense of life and start to rely on surface communication. In fact, it is a step backward, and it is also a kind of protection in the evolutionary process. Ignorance is a blessing.

"Okay, let's treat all living beings as if I were a king, haha..."

Xia Mu hugged him out with a smile, and dried him with the towel on the clothes heating rod. There were also things from the property at the door outside, so he changed into diapers first.

It's just that he didn't see the extreme sense of peace on his face when the "key" was pulled on him...

That was the purest perception, like being afraid of Erika.

"Come, drink milk."

Xia Mu brewed a bottle of warm milk powder unskillfully, pulled out the pacifier in his mouth, and replaced it with a bottle.

The little guy didn't make a fuss anymore, he babbled in a very rhythmic way, and Xia Mu's throat unconsciously grumbled.

Breastfeeding, very sweet...

"Mumu! Come swim with me!"

Eliyi suddenly ran down the stairs, only wrapped in a layer of bath towel, waving her white and tender hands, ups and downs.

Xia Mu was still swallowing just now, but now he subconsciously glanced at her chest, and then moved away instantly.

A fleeting thought, wicked...

"right away."

He waved his hand, turned back and continued to look at the "key" to drink milk.

"Key" could actually feel his mood, so he drank quickly.

After he finished drinking, he put it back on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he actually watched the river cruise with relish.

Under the night, the river reflects the light on both sides of the river, and there are many boats and boats.

Xia Mu gave him a small blanket, and the central air conditioner in the house kept the temperature constant, so he didn't have to worry about catching a cold, so he went to the top floor with confidence.

There, Eliyi was floating on the edge of the water, showing him a delicate and smooth jade back, with two beautiful shoulder blades just under the round and fragrant shoulders, the beauty was suffocating.

Of course, Xia Mu came here for aerobics, not to see beauties...

"Mumu, do you like children?"

Erika didn't turn her head, but lay on the edge of the swimming pool, resting her chin on her arm.

Only then did Xia Mu notice that she had wrapped her long hair up, so he could see her beautiful back clearly for the first time.

Girls seem to be pretty good at tying their long hair into a ball.

He forgot about aerobic exercise in an instant, and dived to her side. Looking at her side face with her long hair curled up, she had a maturity that she didn't usually have, which made her heart-pounding.

"I like children who are not fussy." Xia Mu said.


Erika made a low voice.

Xia Mu was a little strange: "What's wrong?"

"Will Mumu have a child of her own in the future?" Erika turned her head sideways, with water droplets hanging on her face, she couldn't tell whether it was tears or not.

Xia Mu couldn't grasp the girl's uncertain emotions, so he had to think about it seriously and said: "Probably there will be, it's a part of life, I don't want to lose this experience, but I don't have any requirements for children, as long as they don't It’s fine to do bad things, just to grow up with you.”

"You are very good to children..."

Erika's eyes were shrouded in a strange color, making it difficult for Xia Mu to see clearly.

"Did I treat you badly?" Xia Mu scratched his head.

Erika blinked her long eyelashes, and suddenly there was a look in her eyes: "Okay."

Her mood suddenly improved a lot, although the overall interest was still not high.

"Don't Eriyi like children?" Xia Mu asked.

Erika shook her head: "I don't know..."


She clasped her hands and fingers together, squeezed her chest, and lowered her head: "That kid doesn't like me, and I don't want to like him..."

Xia Mu laughed: "I didn't ask you to like him. If you like children, you can have children by yourself in the future."

"Me?" Erika raised her head suddenly, her eyes widened half a bit: "Having a baby?"

Xia Mu felt even more amused: "Otherwise? Could it be that I gave birth?"

"Oh, yes, it's said in the book that it's a girl," Erika was stunned, but her expression was a little tangled, "The book also said that giving birth is painful."

"I don't think what you need to worry about is whether it hurts or not..."

Xia Mu twitched the corner of his mouth.

There is a high probability that Eri Yi's child will be a dragon...

"Mumu, I can give birth to my own child, what about your child? What should I do?" Erika asked curiously.

Xia Mu's eyes turned around her subconsciously, and his heart was pounding.

"Maybe, you can divide your child in half and count it as mine." He looked away.

"Okay, okay!"

Erika looked very happy.


But worry soon appeared on her face: "Would you like my child, and then ignore me..."

Eat your own child's vinegar...


Xia Mu couldn't help laughing.

"Mumu?" Eliyi was puzzled and frowned a little, "If that's the case, I won't give it to you!"

Xia Mu continued to laugh: "Then it is impossible for you to have children."

A question mark lit up on Erika's forehead: "Why?"

"You, you haven't learned enough, go read it twice." Xia Mu said with a smile.


Erika tilted her head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised her head and leaned against him and said, "Mumu, can I be your child?"

Now it was Xia Mu's turn to put a question mark on his forehead: "What are you doing being my child?"

"You like children," Erika said as a matter of course, "this way you will have children again, and you won't ignore me."

"You are... so smart..."

Xia Mu retreated.

That night.

The two slept in the same bed.

It's not that she plans to have a baby, but Erika doesn't want Xia Mu to sleep on the sofa with "Key".

Nothing interesting happened in bed because...

[The opportunity for the awakening of the words and spirits began to be released. 】

 I have received everyone's opinions. According to the outline, the content of the songs will be reduced in the future, and new points of popularity surge will be launched.

(End of this chapter)

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