Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 110 I am the King of the World

Chapter 110 I am the King of the World
The impermanence of the world lies in the fact that the friends who have always firmly believed that they will be together, the lovers who will never be separated, and the stories that will definitely have a happy ending, will suddenly shatter at a certain moment.

Xia Mu doesn't think he is the chosen one, the king of the world, he is just a lucky person.

Rebirth, time travel, and possessing special abilities are just blessings from heaven, but all of this will not guarantee that he can get everything he wants, can hold the warmth in his palm firmly, and can clear away any darkness.

The ending is never controllable.

Controllable, just a choice every moment.

"Why should I leave?"

Erika turned her head to the side, and the confusion in her bright eyes almost overflowed.

Xia Mu's chest was pressed against her back, her long hair fluttered from his side to both sides, exuding a pleasant smell of sandalwood.


He looked at the setting sun where the water and the sky were all in one color, and the picture of jumping off the sea-crossing bridge in the previous life popped up in his mind unexpectedly, and the sunset at that time was as beautiful as it is now.

"No matter what the future holds, I only have this moment..."

Xia Mu let go of the side of the boat with his hands, and slowly put them on her slender waist, against her warm and smooth belly, leaned forward, and rested his head on her thin shoulders.

Erika couldn't help but turn her head to look, but her cheeks were suddenly pressed against his face, feeling warm.

She was reluctant to turn back.

Xia Mu closed his eyes, feeling the oncoming breeze and the warm softness on his cheeks.

"Don't look at me," he said softly suddenly, "look at the front."


Erika blinked her eyes with some reluctance, and slowly turned her head back.

Xia Mu also opened his eyes at this time.

"Stand still."

He said softly, taking his hands away from her belly.

Before Erika was lost, he took the initiative to clasp the fingers of her two little hands with his left and right hands at the same time, and then led her to open his arms together.

The two of them were on the tip of the huge ship, flying against the sleeves of their windbreakers.

"At this time, it would be perfect to say 'I am the king of the world'."

On the second deck, Ye Sheng and Shude Yaji stood side by side, watching this beautiful scene.

"I believe they will go on forever." Aki Yakuto clasped his hands on his chest with a pious tone.

Ye Sheng smiled faintly: "Every couple in love will have a happy ending."


Aki Saketoku nodded vigorously.


At this time, Xia Mu was beyond their expectations, and really shouted out against the wind and waves: "The King of the World—"

Jiang Feng spread his energetic voice throughout the ship and everyone's ears, and made the people in the executive department smile.

Such vigor that doesn't care about other people's eyes is the style of Kassel College.

in other words…

The whole school is in the second grade.

"Hey, professor, is this really okay? We are on a search mission."

In the cockpit on the top floor, the girl standing in front of the monitor.

She is about 23 or [-] years old, with black hair, a typical Latin beauty, and wearing a combat uniform specially made by Kassel College.

"Call the captain, now I'm the captain of the Moniach, not your substitute professor," Mance said, puffing out his cigar, "Selma, don't be jealous of them, it's definitely your own opinion that you can't find a boyfriend Too high."

"Captain, look at the men around me right now, none of them are masculine, they are all auxiliary system words..."

Selma said dissatisfiedly: "The only Ye Sheng is still..."

She thought for a while and swallowed the words back.

Mance glanced at her: "What's wrong with Ye Sheng?"

Selma shook her head: "Nothing."

In the entire executive team, as long as there are a little sensitive commissioners, how can they not find out the tricks between Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji, but no one talks about it.

Of course, Mance, a big bastard, didn't know about it, otherwise he would never have allowed the two of them to dive to carry out this mission.

Because only he knows how risky this mission is, maybe nothing goes well, or...

So he really didn't want Xia Mu and the two to get involved before, but it's a pity that Principal Ange only had "Dragon Slaying" in his eyes.

"Drip drip drip drip!"

Suddenly, bright red dots lit up on the display.

"What! It's a signal! A strong metal signal!"

Selma was overjoyed after being surprised: "Professor! We found it!"

"Tell me to call me the captain!"

Mance strode up, put his cigar away, and stared at the monitor.

But before he could be happy, the red dot of the signal disappeared abruptly the next moment.

"What's going on?" he asked, frowning.

"I don't know," Thelma said strangely, "is the signal detector broken?"

"Bad? Those guys in the equipment department won't be so unreliable."

Mance shook his head and stared at the monitor: "Stop the Moniaher and investigate carefully."


The Latin girl Thelma answered immediately.

"I am the king of the world--"

At this time, Xia Mu's voice came again.

Selma couldn't help but frowned: "This guy..."

"Drip drip drip drip!"

But at this moment, the signal lights flashed crazily again.

"Position! Quick!"

Mance leaned over to the monitor.

Unfortunately, when Xia Mu finished calling, the signal light went out again.

Mance and Thelma looked at the monitor, staring at each other speechlessly.

Nothing happened after that.

"Professor... It seems that every time that guy calls, there is a signal?" Selma pointed at Xia Mu's back with some uncertainty.

Mance slapped her on the forehead: "Your imagination is too rich!"

"It was originally..." Selma touched the back of her head, "Don't you think it's too coincidental?"

"Okay, then go to him and howl again." Mance said.

"it is good."

Thelma stepped out of the cockpit.

At this time, Xia Mu had already let go of Eri Yi's hand, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, obviously the two voices just now were on a whim, and now he is a little ashamed when he comes to his senses.

"Eriyi, did I fall too high just now?" He rubbed his nose and asked.

Erika turned around and leaned against him, and asked as expected, "What is Secondary School?"

"It used to refer to children in the second grade of middle school. They often start to enter the rebellious period, and their behavior and thinking become incompatible. Now it refers to people who are inexplicably passionate." Xia Mu explained.


Eriyi's long eyelashes lifted, and her two small hands grabbed the hem of his shirt: "I feel very good... very relieved..."

"Anxin?" Xia Mu was puzzled.

"I don't know, I just feel at ease." Erika's arms wrapped around her, and she became more and more obsessed with the feeling of hugging.

"Xia Mu, Xia Liyi, hello."

Thelma finally came behind the two, wrinkling her nose slightly when she saw them hugging.

"Selma, a student of the 06th grade of Kassel College, executive team commissioner."

She stretched out her hand, shook Xia Mu shallowly, then looked at him and said, "Can you call 'I am the king of the world' a few more times? Everyone likes it very much."

Xia Mu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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