Chapter 111
"Stop shouting, you can shout yourself if you like."

Xia Mu shook his head decisively.

If you want everyone to die together, it is absolutely impossible to let him die alone!

"Don't be shy, everyone likes to listen." Thelma stretched out her hand and patted Xia Mu's shoulder, "Primary school boy, this is your vigor, which is very contagious."


Xia Mu took Erika by the hand, and said hello: "We are going back to rest, goodbye."

"Wait, it's Professor Mance who wants you to call twice." Selma had to say.

Xia Mu looked back strangely: "You can call yourself if you like, why are you catching me? I think you will also sound good when you call."

"I, how can I call..."

Salma blushed.

"Senior sister, you are still young, don't classify yourself as a middle-aged woman so quickly, calling out also reflects your youthful vitality." Xia Mu returned her words.

Pretty latin girl at a loss.

"what happened?"

At this time, Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji walked side by side, their arms were almost glued together.

"Senior Selma wants me to say 'I am the king of the world' a few more times," Xia Mu scratched his head, "It's a bit embarrassing, why don't you say it, senior?"

Ye Sheng was embarrassed: "Uh..."

"Selma, you didn't ask for this for no reason, did you? What's the matter?" Jiude Yaji asked.

Selma didn't know how to speak, and said hesitantly: "It's like this... Aren't we searching for the Bronze City again? It has been a weak signal before, and it can only be determined in the upper and lower reaches of the Three Gorges area. two strong signals..."

Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji looked at each other, both a little surprised, and finally made progress.

"The location was successful?" Ye Sheng asked.


Selma shook her head and glanced at Xia Mu: "It's too late to locate, the time is too short, and it never appeared again."


Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji looked at each other in blank dismay.

"So you came here to find me..." Xia Mu twitched, "Isn't it because I suspected the strong signal caused by those two calls?"

"Yes, it is…"

Thelma turned her head away.

Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji moved in unison, and all four eyes fell on Xia Mu's face together.

"Why do you still look at me? You don't really believe that I can echo that bronze city, do you?"

Xia Mu was speechless: "It's too outrageous."

"No matter how outrageous things are about the Dragon Clan, we will try to believe them." Ye Sheng looked at him and said seriously.

"Schoolboy, let's try again." Jiude Yaji stretched out his hand and pulled Laxiamu's arm.

Xia Mu looked around and found that he couldn't push it away, so he said, "That's okay, but everyone has to come together."


The three of Ye Sheng showed embarrassment.

Ye Sheng is steady and mature, Jude Yaji is gentle and shy, and Thelma is so shameful that no one can yell out.

"For the great cause of dragon slaying, isn't my request too much?" Xia Mu looked serious.

"No... not too much..."

Ye Sheng coughed dryly: "Then let's come together."

Jiude Yaji looked at him with Thelma, and the meaning was obvious: you come first.


Ye Sheng held back for a long time before he could say: "I am the king of the world..."

"Your voice is not much louder than a mosquito." Xia Mu complained.

Ye Sheng coughed dryly and turned his head away.

Thelma quietly took La Jiude Yaji's hand, and the two looked at each other, and said in unison, "We are the kings of the world."

"It's so perfunctory, we will too."

Xia Mu took Erika's hand and said in a normal tone: "We are also the kings of the world."

"Professor, how's the signal?"

"Call me Captain!"

Professor Mance strode out from the cockpit, stepped on the railing, looked down at them, pointed at Xia Mu and yelled loudly: "Quick! That kid! Scream a few more times! It will work!"

After speaking, he ran back into the cabin.

Everyone's surprised eyes returned to Xia Mu's face.

Xia Mu...wanted to die.

If you don't want to be embarrassed, you can only embarrass others.

He suddenly jumped onto the ship's side: "I'm the king of the world!!!"

The embarrassment of changing the language is greatly reduced, just like most people will watch small movies in their own country, but it is very enjoyable to watch foreign movies.

"Okay! Come again! Come again!"

Professor Mance's excited cry came.

Xia Mu gave him Bo Sanlian.

"Not enough! If the movement is louder—" Professor Mance was a little impatient, "It's almost there!"

Xia Mu opened his hands, and the wind howled, and he slowly rose from the bow.

The setting sun fell to the place where the water and the sky were the same color, and the world seemed to be trampled under his feet.

"I'm the king—"

"of the world—"

The strong wind whipped up big waves, and a huge vortex appeared underwater.

"Stop! Stop!"

Professor Mance was a little panicked unexpectedly.

"What's wrong, Professor?!"

The three of Ye Sheng hurriedly jumped into the cockpit, only Erika remained in place, waiting for Xia Mu to land, and then the two of them entered the cockpit together.

"how so…"

Professor Mance muttered to himself.

"Positioning successful?!"

Selma first cried out in surprise, then her eyes widened: "Why is the distance getting farther and farther?"

"That's right, the location of the Bronze City is slowly descending. It has descended 100 meters since the first signal was received. It was originally only 400 meters deep..."

Professor Mance looked back at Xia Mu with puzzled eyes: "The harder you scream, it's not that the signal becomes stronger, but that the Bronze City will dive faster and get farther and farther away."

Xia Mu blinked his eyes, his face was blank, and his heart was equally blank.

"Could it be...he's afraid of you?" Professor Mance looked Xia Mu up and down, his fiery eyes made Xia Mu shiver.

"Who? Who's afraid of me?"

Xia Mu's bewilderment this time is faking.

"Haha, it's nothing. You are more pleasing to the eye. How about being my student after this task is completed?" Professor Mance patted him on the shoulder.

What a flag!

Xia Mu almost applauded him.

"Your speech spirit is the pupil of the wind king? It's very practical, not bad." Professor Mans looked thoughtful, "However, it doesn't make him afraid of you. You have something special about you..."

"But it doesn't matter. For Kassel College, as long as you are not a dragon and you slay a dragon, then we are partners, and no one will explore your secrets."

He was about to pat Xia Mu's shoulder, and seemed to see the worry that flashed in Xia Mu's eyes: "Don't be afraid, be my student, and I will cover you from now on."

You'd better find a way to survive...

Xia Mu thought to himself.

"Professor, what should we do now?"

Selma looked at the display, especially at the depth of nearly 600 meters, but said worriedly: "The depth has dropped by 50%, and the difficulty has at least doubled."

Xia Mu twitched his lips, not sure whether he was here to help or not.

"In this case, the diving equipment is a bit stretched..."

Professor Mance stroked the stubble on his chin.

"Then let the equipment department build a submersible!"

(End of this chapter)

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