Chapter 122 hug me
"Leave her alone."

Xia Mu held Erika's soft little hand and made her turn her head.

The woman snorted coldly, dismissively.

Xia Mu is too lazy to argue with her, maybe she will die tonight, why bother.

"Don't worry, she is just so annoying, not for you, but for everyone."

Professor Mance flicked the cigar, pressed it against the bulkhead, and stuffed it into his pocket.

Because Selma's voice came from next to my ear: "Professor, the diving bell has arrived at the designated location. Ye Sheng and Yaji please come out of the cabin."

"What is the current level of wind and waves? How is the underwater situation?" Mance asked in a deep voice.

"The level of wind and waves remains unchanged, and there is no abnormality underwater for the time being, but the Channel Maritime Safety Administration has just reminded us that there may be an earthquake with an intensity of magnitude [-] underwater." Selma said.

Mance's face was calm: "Ye Sheng, Ya Ji, fasten the lifeline, go down from the diving bell, the maximum depth is 200 meters, and start the mission now."


The voices of two people came from the earphones.

"You don't have much time, you must end the search before the earthquake arrives," Mance said.

"Don't worry, Professor, the underwater 'snake' travels farther. I can detect an area close to five kilometers. If I can't find it like this, then there is no point in searching with the naked eye."

Ye Sheng's steady voice came.

Then, the two opened the hatch of the diving bell.

"Be safe," Mance said.

At this time, the three of them returned to the cockpit. Mance was staring at the positions of Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji on the monitor, while Selma was in charge of monitoring their physical signs to ensure that the data was stable.

Xia Mu and Eri Yi seemed to have nothing to do, so they had to turn around.

"Mumu, you brought Cunyu with you."

Erika suddenly reached out and poked his lower back.

The scabbard was fixed by a belt, and the handle was in a position where Xia Mu could pull it out with his backhand.


Xia Mu nodded, put his finger on his mouth: "Shh, keep your voice down, don't disturb them."


Erika nodded obediently, lying on the side of the porthole, and saw the water waves rolling outside, and the raindrops making crackling sounds on the glass.

"The weather is very bad..."

Her eyes reflected the violent storm, without fear or fear, but with a touch of dislike.

If she wanted to, she could completely calm down the few kilometers around her.

"It will always be fine, tomorrow will be fine." Xia Mu stroked her soft long hair and comforted her softly.

Erika raised her head, and pressed the back of her head against his neck: "Mumu, can you hug me?"

The girl stood in front of the porthole, slim and charming, with long straight hair hanging down, graceful and graceful.

Xia Mu's heart skipped a beat.

"Mumu, I want to hug..."

Against the backdrop of the wind and rain, her thin and tall figure exudes a delicate fragrance, revealing a pitiful frailty.

Although she is not weak at all...

Xia Mu stretched out his hands and placed them gently on her slender waist, the soft touch made him unable to help touching.

Erika leaned back against him, letting herself be surrounded by his warmth.

"Hold forward..."

She turned her head sideways, and said with her smooth forehead against his profile.

Xia Mu stretched his hands forward along the willow waist, sticking to her smooth belly.

Erika's waist was extremely thin, and when he pressed his hands against her lower abdomen, most of the circle formed by his ring was vacant.

Her hands staggered left and right on the back of his hand, and pulled to both sides, Xia Mu's hands left his lower abdomen, his left hand reached his right waist, his right hand reached his left waist, and then he hugged her tightly.


He breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed against Eriyi's chest and back, the intimate fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose, and his mood slowly recovered from the rapid beating.

After all, there were more than a dozen people busy behind him, and he couldn't fully immerse himself in intimacy.

It's just that it's okay to hug like this, the storm outside the window can't shake the faint warmth here.

"Don't...let me go..."

Erika felt the peace of being hugged, her body seemed to be soaked in hot spring water, wrapped in no dead ends, not exposed to the outside.

She is like a child who is timid to be exposed to the outside world. She always has to go back to her parents' harbor to gain strength before she dares to face the strange world again.

Suddenly, the feet of the two shook.

The change was very slight, but Xia Mu let go of Erika at once.

"Professor! Is it an earthquake?!"

He turned back immediately.

This is the prelude to tonight's crisis!
Mance's pupils contracted, and the sonar image in front of him clearly reflected what happened underwater.

The water body is shaking, and the rocks are shaking violently.

The whole bottom of the water was shaking, and dust was raised from the bottom of the water.

"The underwater earthquake has started...Damn it! Their early warning this time is too accurate!"

Mance turned to the mate and shouted, "Reel in! Reel in! Get them back to the diving bell!"

The turbines turned, and the black rope, which served as both a lifeline and a signal line, began to recover.

But at this moment, Mance heard a cracking sound coming from the sound of wind and rain outside, and then the speed of the turbine lost control.

Mance's face changed suddenly, the turbine was out of control because there was no tension on it, and the lifeline snapped.

The spotlights were only a gleam like fireflies in such a turbid water body, barely able to illuminate two pale faces.

All Ye Sheng could do was hug Jiude Yaji tightly, and they were falling rapidly.

Just now, an obvious crack approached rapidly from a distance, like an invisible sharp knife cutting, and the rock layer with a thickness of several meters cracked and sank.

The earthquake tore the bottom of the water, Ye Sheng and Jiu De Yaji didn't have time to react, they felt the huge water pressure from top to bottom, like a wave tens of meters high hitting their heads.

on the water.

There was dead silence in the front cabin, and Mance inserted his hands into his hair and combed it back violently, until the root of the hair was painful.

There was a hissing sound of current disorder in the loudspeaker, the signal was interrupted, and life and death were unknown. The lifeline was also a signal line, and it was the only channel connecting them with Ye Sheng and Ya Ji.

He might have lost two of his favorite students, although he had long been aware of the possibility because a similar incident had happened ten years earlier.

The situation at the bottom of the water is unknown, should someone be sent to explore and rescue?Or give up like the Greenland Ice Sea?Mance thought nervously.

"If you see a wall, you can't see the end up, down, left, or right, and you can never reach the border, what is it?" A calm voice sounded in the cabin.

Everyone raised their heads in surprise, it was Ye Sheng's voice.

"That's death. I read it in a book before, and now I understand it. This is Ye Sheng. Both Yaji and I are alive. I am talking to you through the current of the 'snake'. We have reached the bronze With the palace of Norton, Lord of Fire, please reply."

This is a special use of "snakes", and now they are carrying Ye Sheng's voice signal back and forth between the bottom of the water and the Moniach, acting as messengers.

"Are you sure?" Mance's voice trembled slightly.

"Professor, if you see the bronze wall in front of me, you will believe it." Ye Sheng said, "Please continue to search and wait for instructions."

"Professor, I suggest that they retreat, there may be aftershocks, and the oxygen reserves are insufficient." Xia Mu said.

If possible, retracement is the best choice now, it is too hasty tonight.

"Xia Mu, do you know what I'm seeing now? It's the edge of the two worlds of dragons and humans. Will you stop to catch your breath when you touch the edge of the world? If the aftershocks buried this seam, would you It's a pity to die." Ye Sheng said.

Xia Mu nodded: "Well, I will take a breath."

Ye Sheng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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