Chapter 123 Launching
"Wait for me five minutes."

Mance went to the back cabin and connected to Angers' special line.

"Principal, the new development of the 'Kuimen Project', we found a city completely made of bronze in the underwater cracks created by the earthquake."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, "The ancient city of bronze, that is the palace of Norton, the king of bronze and fire."

"We are not sure whether to explore right away. The wind and rain on the river are very strong, so we have to take risks." Mance said.

"The location has been located, let's withdraw first, and wait for support."

Manston paused: "But Ye Sheng sensed something in the ancient bronze's not a dead city."

"Understood, execute the plan immediately," said the principal. "Remember not to let a pure-blooded dragon leave our surveillance. For them, the first choice is to capture them alive, and the second is to kill them. If this kind of thing is out of control, the whole world will be subverted!"

"Time is limited, can I use the 'key' to open the Bronze City?" Mance asked.

"I let you take him with you just for this moment!"

When the principal said this, he suddenly asked: "Norma said you gave the 'key' to Xia Mu and Xia Liyidai?"

"Ah, yes, principal, you also know him and Nuonuo's adoptive mother..." Mance hesitated to speak.

"Oh," the principal understood, "how are these two children?"

Mance rolled his eyes in circles: "It's not bad, not bad, just average."

"Any A-levels?" asked the Headmaster.

"Almost, it can almost be achieved, but it still needs to be taught. I think I am very suitable to be their mentor." Mance looked serious.

The principal was silent for three seconds: "When you come back."


Mance's momentum surged.

"Boys! Work! Work!"

He rushed back to the front cabin, his unusually high mood baffled the others.

"Prepare a diving suit for me and 'Key', as well as a spare oxygen cylinder, I'll go down."

As Mance said, he reached out and picked up the little guy Xia Mu had left by the window.

"Whoa whoa-"

Then the baby started crying again.

Mance didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Little darling, the two of them left you aside and embraced affectionately, what are you still doing?"

'Key' continued to shake his hands and pedals, crying loudly.

"Xia Mu..."

Mance glanced over, but said nothing, everything was kept silent.

"I'm not going down."

Xia Mu shook his head.

"This little baby keeps crying, and I can't force him down." Mance said helplessly.

Xia Mu pushed Erika to "Key".

"Don't cry."

Erika said coldly.


The crying of the little baby was instantly suppressed.

"Okay." Xia Mu spread his hands.

Mance: "..."

Ten minutes later, just as he was about to enter the water, the baby's wailing sounded again.

"Xia Mu..." Mance was very embarrassed, "Why don't you go down and pull up the diving bell first, and then dive down when you are in position, and go down along the safety lock of the two of them, there will be no danger."

"This little thing depends on me."

Xia Mu supported his forehead.

"Professor, the executive team leader has the right to apply for an increase in the level of the student's outstanding performance?" Ye Sheng's voice suddenly sounded in the cabin, "If the level of the Kuimen operation plays a huge role, the A level will be raised to be the same as that of Chu Zihang. An A+ is perfectly possible, and even an S grade is not out of the question."


Mance patted his stomach and promised: "Don't worry, the promotion will be on my shoulders! As long as you make contributions, the principal will not refuse!"

Do not…

As long as I slay a dragon, Angers will have no objection.

Xia Mu rolled his eyes.


Seeing him going to put on a diving suit, Erika couldn't help but tugged at the corner of his shirt: "What about me?"

"Wait here for me."

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to pat her on the head, subconsciously treating her like a child.


There was a faint sense of loss in Eriyi's eyes, which made his heart soften.

"For my safety," he added softly in her ear.

Erika immediately straightened her body: "Okay!"


Ye Sheng felt that the "snake" he had entered inside the Bronze City became more uneasy, and its swimming speed increased a lot.

The beam of light from the spotlights descended from top to bottom, and a figure was swimming towards them.

Xia Mu didn't speak, but knocked on his helmet visor to pay tribute, and spit out a string of bubbles.

He looked like a nine-month pregnant woman in a special wetsuit with a front bladder of hard, transparent material containing the baby in the ultra-small wetsuit that Mance would have worn.

In this kind of underwater where adults can't help being frightened, "Key" miraculously didn't cry out. He turned his head and looked around slowly, with a faint golden light flowing in his pupils.

Xia Mu took a new signal cable, and after connecting it, he replaced the oxygen cylinders for Ye Sheng and Ya Ji.


Ye Sheng patted his stomach to tease the baby, "Xia Mu, you look like a diving kangaroo."

"Then you're like a fox who came to steal a wallaby from me! Stay safe! Both of you!"

Xia Mu swam forward: "Get ready, the door is about to open."

Ye Sheng and Ya Ji hovered behind him.

"Xia Mu, use your words, try to open a small space in front of the door, and open the door for the 'key'."

Mance's voice sounded in the helmet: "Your ability, like mine, belongs to the wind-type speech spirit. It should be able to achieve an effect similar to the dust-free land, but it's not as fine."

"it is good."

Xia Mu closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and pressed against the bronze wall.


The river water around him swirled, and a transparent water shell rapidly expanded outwards around him.

In a spherical space with a diameter of two meters, the water was forcibly displaced, and the vortex swirled around him at high speed.

Xia Mu instantly lifted his mask, and the high-pressure oxygen leaked from the oxygen bottle filled the space in the bubble, and he actually stood in the air!
It can be regarded as a weak and weak version of the dust-free place.

He just used the airflow to drive the water away, and with the help of oxygen support, he relished the space of two meters, at most 1 minute!

Where Xia Mu's hand touched, it was like the wind blowing over the surface of a bronze wall, and a large piece of copper rust was peeled off, revealing a brand new metal surface, with a blue-black shimmer like oil.

The pattern on the wall is clearly displayed, it is a protruding human face with a burning firewood in its mouth, this is a weird picture, the face is distorted in pain, but it refuses to let go of the firewood teeth.

"Okay, my job is done, 'Key', get to work!"

Hanging from the bronze wall with steel claws, he carefully lifted the baby out of the belly cavity of the diving suit.

There was silence, only the "squeak" of the high-speed rotation of the water vortex.

The baby with golden pupils was silent for a long time, then bent down and stood up hard, standing on Xia Mu's palm.

He looked only a few months old, with a pacifier in his mouth, but he was such a child, with his back straight and solemn like a priest.

He stared at that person's face, slowly stretched out his chubby little hand, and pointed a finger between the eyebrows of that face.

The bronze bulge between the brows scratched the baby's delicate fingers, and the blood flowed across the painful face.

For a moment Xia Mu saw that face distorted, revealing a joyful expression.


The sound was as deep as a giant bell gushing out of the child's mouth, and the bronze wall resonated faintly.

The baby's blood poured into the mouth of the bronze human face, as if being sucked by force, but the baby stood with the indifferent posture of a martyr, without any painful expression of blood loss.

Xia Mu hugged him, took out the hemostatic bandage, carefully wrapped it on the baby's little finger, and patted his face, "Key, enough, unless you want to bleed to death."


The "key" leaned against his arms again.

After the bronze human face sucked the blood, it was silent for a moment, then slowly opened its mouth, as if yawning.

There was a terrible sound of metal heating and cracking from the depths of the bronze wall. A pitch-black hole with a diameter of about one meter appeared on the bronze wall. The teeth of the bronze face above and below were definitely not human teeth. It looks like a dagger.

"This is the entrance."

Xia Mu pointed to the front, and said to Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji:
"Return safely."

(End of this chapter)

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