Chapter 124 Sudden Change


The diving bell was pulled up, Xia Mu walked out from it.


Erika came running with a small jump, her joy was beyond words.

"Have you run out of 'keys'? Give it to me."

The unidentified woman stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked over, involuntarily taking the baby away.

"Da da da…"

A helicopter roared above the deck.

The woman did not hesitate to pull the sling with one hand, let the helicopter lift her up, and then entered the helicopter cabin.

Xia Mu looked at the helicopter going away with a dazed expression.

"Professor, she left just like that? And took the 'key'?" He pointed to the other side and asked.

Damn!Who will open the gate of the Three Gorges Dam if the key is gone? !

How can you kill the Dragon Attendant of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, if you can't open the gate? !

How can he grab the leader if he can't pinch the dead dragon servant? !

What's wrong with this woman? !
"Her mission has been completed. She said she was in a bad mood and wanted to go back." Mance said indifferently, "It's troublesome to keep it anyway, so just go."

Xia Mu was dumbfounded.

What unfolds?

Could it be that the woman took him away just because the "key" got too close to him?


what the hell!

"Mumu, what's wrong with you?"

Erika grasped his hand tightly, her eyes were beating uneasyly.


Xia Mu shook his head, turned around and said to Mance, "Professor, fill the diving bell with oxygen, I'll go down again."

Seeing his serious expression, Mance couldn't help but startled: "What's wrong?"

"Just in case, I'll go underwater to meet them." Xia Mu looked at him and said.

Mance's heart beat a little faster. Since Xia Mu came to the boat, it was the first time he saw this young man's expression, firm and decisive, without flinching.

Why did he seem like a different person after "Key" left?
"Mumu, I just had your call."

Erika suddenly handed over his mobile phone, her eyes flashed uneasy, and she whispered in his ear, "It's brother."


Xia Mu's heart skipped a beat, Yuan Zhisheng was about to start something again.

He walked to the side to answer the phone, and called skillfully, "Brother."

"Well," Yuan Zhisheng's voice was steady and caring, "I heard from Norma that you became a temporary commissioner? What task do you perform?"

"I don't know, I seem to be looking for something." Xia Mu replied ambiguously, anyway, he shouldn't know anything.

"Well, you don't need to care about these things, and help out when needed, but our agreement..."

Xia Mu nodded: "I know, I won't use 'judgment' directly. Apart from the spiritual fire, I recently killed the state of the wind, which can control the air flow. They say it is the pupil of the wind king."

"The fire of the spirit... the pupil of the wind king..."

Yuan Zhisheng's voice was a little louder: "Didn't you just use that spiritual fire?"

"Just... tried it, and then they saw..." Xia Mu said in a low voice, like an aggrieved child.

Yuan Zhisheng's tone immediately softened: "It's okay, it's okay, then you will show these two kinds of power at most in the future, and don't make new things, okay? Be obedient."

"it is good."

Xia Mu agrees.

"Well, you should also pay attention to the call. This is the special line guaranteed by Kaguya Ji. Under other circumstances, you can't touch those taboo things, including your words," Yuan Zhisheng urged, "Protect yourself."

"it is good."

Xia Mu glanced around, thinking that you should stop talking, and I will go to slay the dragon after hanging up the phone.

"Don't be instigated by them to do dangerous things, just tell me if you have any trouble, and call this hotline." Yuan Zhisheng was still saying.

"I'm hanging up, goodbye, brother."

Xia Mu snapped it down, and handed the phone to Erika: "Wait for me up there, remember our agreement."

Erika's eyes reflected the sky under the storm, but was occupied by his figure: "Okay."

"Be careful, Ye Sheng and the others have gone deep into the Bronze City." Mance didn't say anything, but just patted Xia Mu on the shoulder.

The diving bell dived to the bottom again.

"Aki, your heart is beating faster, are you okay?"

Thelma's slightly nervous voice came from the earphone.

"It's okay, just a little dizzy." Yaji said.

Xia Mu sat cross-legged in the diving bell, listening to the progress from the earphones, his mood became a little nervous.

"The signal is interrupted!" Selma exclaimed on the Moniaher, "The data transmission between us and Yaji is interrupted!"

Mance froze for a moment, "Take up the line! Take up the line! Warning Ye Sheng!"

The engine at the stern rotated again, retrieving Aki's lifeline.

"There's no tension on the engine," Thelma said, looking up, her face losing color. "Aki's lifeline broke again!"

"Xia Mu! Xia Mu! How are you?!" Mance asked.

"It looks all right."

Xia Mu replied calmly, and at the same time pulled out the underwater pistol modified by the equipment department, fixed his eyes on the outside of the diving bell, and sensed the water flow within a radius of 50 meters.

"Wait another 5 minutes! Wait for Ye Sheng!" Mance said loudly.

Everyone is glued to the monitor.


Xia Mu suddenly shouted: "Ask for support! Professor! Ask for support from the academy! The whole Bronze City is running! It's alive!"


Mance horror.

"Dong dong dong..."

Lu Mingfei was awakened by the deafening bell, sat up abruptly, turned his head and looked out the window, the sun was shining brightly at noon.

"What bell is ringing? Don't they all take a nap?" His first reaction was to curse, and his second reaction was to lift the quilt to cover his head and go back to sleep.

He curled up under the covers for a moment, realizing something was wrong.

The sound of the bell remained undiminished.

Lu Mingfei slowly lifted the quilt.

"Hi, here," someone said from the window.

A boy in a small black suit, a white silk shirt and small square shoes is sitting on his window sill, quietly looking into the distance in a daze.

Lu Mingze.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, his whole body turned cold, and he yelled loudly: "Don't push me down this time, let's talk if you have something to say."

"Not this time, I just remind you that something is happening, be prepared," the boy said.

"What's the matter? The dragon clan invaded and the world was destroyed? Don't wake me up from my nap if there is no such big event."

"Didn't you hear everything? The bell is ringing."

The boy said meaningfully, "You have to make some preparations. If you want to continue your studies in this place as an 'S' student, you can't be too wasteful. Remember the cheats in StarCraft? Black sheep wall, the map is fully open, very useful Bar?"

"Nonsense, don't you know how important it is to find a way in the interstellar world?"

"The first cheat I taught you is black sheep wall. Now this cheat is unlocked. Use it, and you will get a detailed map of the surrounding environment. But remember not to abuse it, you will be found if you use it too much." Boy Smile slyly.

Lu Mingfei was puzzled: "What am I doing with it while lying on the bed?"

"Remember that Xia Muhe," the boy smiled mysteriously, "Do you want to see everything and help him?"

Lu Mingfei sat up straight at once: "Where is he? What is he doing?"

"I'm doing something very dangerous, and I'm waiting for rescue. The only one who can help him now is you." The boy pressed his mouth, and the figure disappeared.

The world flickered before Lu Mingfei's eyes, and then he saw Nuonuo suddenly appearing at his window.

"Hey! What are you doing in a daze! Let's go!"

Nuonuo dragged him and ran outside.

"Why are you teasing me? Shouldn't you tease your Caesar?" Lu Mingfei stumbled.

"He doesn't need me to talk about it. He is most excited about this kind of thing. He must have gathered all the elites of his student union and rushed to the library!"

A group of people rushed into the library and entered the main control room.

(End of this chapter)

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