Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 138 The whole world knows it

Chapter 138 The whole world knows it

"Not good! Not good!"

The next day, Selma hurriedly opened the door of Xia Mu's room, and then saw the bright girl Xia Mi combing her long hair in the sun.

"Huh? Who are you?" She poked her head strangely, but she didn't find Xia Mu's figure.

"Afraid that you would steal someone, Xia Liyi asked me to sleep in this room." Xia Mi smiled brightly.

Selma has black lines all over her forehead.


She slammed the door hard, and then slapped on the door of the next room: "You two bastards! Open the door!"


Xia Mu opened the door, and Thelma stopped, leaning forward.

Afterwards, Erika stepped in front of Xia Mu and pushed her upside down body straight.

Selma regained her footing with great aggrievedness, and took a deep breath: "Do you know something big happened?!"

"Dragon King resurrected?" Xia Mu asked seriously.

Thelma shook her head.

"Is that something happened to the principal?" Xia Mu asked again.

Thelma then shook her head.

"Could it be that the dragon clan invaded in an all-round way?" Xia Mu asked again.

Thelma continued to shake her head.

Xia Mu exhaled, and made a gesture to close the door: "Then it's no big deal, we haven't slept enough, call again later."


Selma supported the door panel, akimbo in anger: "The video of the two of you has been exposed! Now it's spread all over the Internet! Isn't this a big deal?!"

"Is there such a good thing?" Xia Mu's eyes lit up.

Thelma: "..."

Later, Xia Mu saw the leaked video on his mobile phone.

It's not long, a total of 5 minutes, from him facing the dragon alone, to Erika's cooperation, to the whole process of slaying the dragon with his sword at the end.

"It's so blurry, is it also taken by satellite?" Xia Mu touched his cheek, "Except for several countries in East Asia, people in other places are blind, so they can't recognize me at all... What a pity."


Selma stared with her arms akimbo: "Do you know that Professor Mance is running around in a hurry, searching everywhere for the source, but he can't find the culprit at all! If you can't find the other party, you can't force him to refute the rumors!"

"What are you worried about? Isn't there someone in the academy who can handle this kind of thing!" Xia Mu said indifferently.

"Who?" Selma asked strangely.

"Of course it's Fern..."

Xia Mu was halfway speaking, but suddenly stopped.

No, Fingel is a good hand at washing coal balls, but what he wants is not to refute rumors or deny.

"It's not a big problem. There's no need to make a fuss. The people will make up their minds. Let the academy explain it to ordinary people and high-level officials, and say it's a movie!"

Selma's eyes lit up: "That's right! You are stars! Find Hollywood to make a hero movie for you, and the problem will be solved!"

"Uh, Hollywood?"

Xia Mu had a feeling of unexpected joy, how could he forget that the tentacles of the mixed race are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and the influence of Kassel College or the secret party behind it makes it easy to become a global star.

"Go! Connect with the principal! Tell him, I want to be a global superstar!"

Selma couldn't understand Xia Mu's excitement at all.

"The principal wants you to slay dragons, not to be a star."

"These two things don't conflict. No matter what I do in the future, no matter what is photographed, it can be interpreted as filming! I'm doing it for concealment, okay?" Xia Mu said eloquently.

He seemed to see a popularity value of [-] million waving to him.

"Xia Mu, do you want the academy to support you as a global star?"

Ten minutes later, Professor Mans got through to Principal Angers.

"Yes, principal, in order to better carry out the dragon slaying business, in order to better disguise ourselves, and prevent ordinary people from knowing the truth about the dragon clan, it is very important to have a spokesperson like me standing in front of us."

Xia Mu's righteousness is awe-inspiring, as if becoming a star is entirely for the academy and for slaying dragons.

"The benefits are indeed great, but to invest in a movie, it needs to be at least 1 million U.S. dollars at the Hollywood level."

Principal Angers smiled: "The college can afford the money, but the college doesn't need to pay the money, you understand."

Xia Mu understood: "If the principal has any requirements, just say it."

"Hey, how about slaying a dragon king?" Ange said lightly, as if what was going to be slaughtered was not a dragon king, but a cat or a dog.

"Principal, have you forgotten that the Bajia of Sheqi is also quite rich?" Xia Mu remained calm.

[The fourth round of main task: Kill the King of Bronze and Fire. 】

[Mission reward: 500 million popularity points. 】

Xia Mu frowned, but he wasn't too excited.

Because he slaughtered the Dragon King, he felt that he could gain so much popularity.

What the hell is going on with this system?What did Shami mean?
He is beginning to doubt now.

"Although the Eight Snake Qi Family are rich, you don't want to go back and rely on them," Principal Anger said lightly, "otherwise you wouldn't do everything possible to cooperate with Chu Zihang, and finally came to Kassel College."

"The $1 million Hollywood film investment is not worth risking my life." Xia Mu remained calm.

Anger chuckled: "Don't worry, I have a complete plan, and I have a favorite dragon slaying candidate, but now it seems that it's safer to have you, don't worry, I don't want you to kill the Dragon King alone, after all, we have never really killed any dragon king." A dragon king."

Xia Mu paused: "Deal."

"it is good!"

Principal Ange didn't seem to have expected him to be so decisive, so he couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding: "I really didn't misread you, you are different from the guys at the two ends of the group of Snake Qi Bajia."

"Cough," Xia Mu coughed dryly, reminding him, "I am the Patriarch Uesugi."

Anger also realized that he had scolded him together, so he turned around and said: "I am optimistic about you, and hope to see you in the academy as soon as possible."

"After last night, you didn't encounter any more attacks, right? The executive department searched that area, but didn't find any trace." Principal Ange said suddenly.

Xia Mu kept his eyes on his nose and his heart, and remained silent.

"No, it will be troublesome to salvage the black dragon's body again tonight." Professor Mance replied.

"Well, it seems that the target is indeed a bone bottle, so it's fine."

After the call ended, an explosive news appeared around the world that day: Carnegie Mellon shot again!Create a brand new dragon slaying blockbuster!
With the dragon slaying clip, Xia Mu became famous all over the world.

Of course, it needs precipitation to transform into popularity, and it is estimated that quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes after the film is released.

But even so, his popularity quickly reached 300 million.

The base is too large.

After that, some of his training videos and dragon slaying videos have a place to go, which can be used as film materials.

College life is also more fulfilling, and you can go to Hollywood to shoot movies during the holidays, which is not only a suitable excuse not to go home, but also the cooperation with Master Mei is worth looking forward to!

There was nothing wrong with Xia Mu and Erika after that, the two packed up and prepared to go back to get their luggage and set off.

And Ye Sheng and Jiude Yaji also finished their mission ahead of time, applied for a long vacation, and went with them all the way, and then went to the island country.

The only variable, Xia Mi disappeared again.

But Xia Mu was always a little uneasy, not knowing what those words in her mouth meant...

(End of this chapter)

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