Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 139 Eating Ice Cream

Chapter 139 Eating Ice Cream
"Today, the 'S' freshman who came back from slaying the dragon is going to report?"

"I heard that it is, did you not read the news that the front page has been pinned?"

"He hasn't come yet, but his popularity in the academy can already be compared with Chu Zihang's Caesar, so he's not a good person!"

"What's wrong? His dragon-slaying sword is really handsome!"


The night watchman forum was extremely lively, with endless debates surrounding the name "Xia Mu".

Naturally, they all saw that video. Unlike ordinary people, they naturally knew that it was all true.

A real dragon slayer!
In particular, Xia Mu tried his best to turn the tide and saved a whole team of executive teams, which added a layer of heroism to this dragon slaying.

For the patients with secondary illnesses in the entire school, this was extremely passionate.

Especially this year's freshmen.

When I first came to Kassel College, I was dazzled by the disputes between the student union and the Lionheart Club. I am not used to all kinds of coquettish manipulations by the seniors. Caesar's white skirt girl group and Chu Zihang's dominance are all amazing. is desirable.

They were initially establishing their admiration and admiration for these two kings, and then they were blown to pieces by Xia Mu's tornado.

"He will take today's CC1000 express train. I checked the departure time and it is estimated that he will arrive at 3:[-] pm. How about going to meet him together?" Qilan, the freshman union, proposed on the forum.

The popularity of this post has risen rapidly, and it can be called a rebellion and carnival for freshmen.

"Students, I would like to remind you of one thing. The CC1000 express bus only departs to pick up freshmen during the school term. At other times, only helicopters can fly in." Some seniors poured cold water on them.

"No, I will take the CC1000 Express."

This reply silenced the hot post for a moment, because the replyer's ID was "Cun Yu", that is, Chu Zihang.

No one will question him.

Except Caesar.

"how do you know?"

Everyone was refreshing the website to watch the two big shots.

"I called him to ask him." Chu Zihang said.

Caesar fell silent.

But at 02:30 that afternoon, the latest news on the forum dominated the rankings: the girls in white skirts are all out!Meet the dragon slaying hero!

After 5 minutes: Chu Zihang appeared!The president of the Lionheart Club welcomes Xia Mu!Epic moment!

Another 5 minutes: Caesar appears!The President of the Student Council is determined to win!

There are more and more people at the school gate, and it is not clear whether they are welcoming them or watching the excitement.

"Go! Go! Let's go to the cafeteria!"

Finger dragged Lu Mingfei up from the bed.

"Wait, wait, I haven't put on my pants yet..." Lu Mingfei put down his notebook, flustered, "Also, why are we going to the cafeteria? Aren't we going to join in the fun?"

"Come on! But you can also bring some wine and snacks!" Fingel smiled treacherously with his messy hair.

Lu Mingfei immediately reacted: "The middlemen earn the difference! Profiteers!"

"For the steak and red wine for supper, how about?"

Lu Mingfei swallowed, "Damn it!"

When the chickens were flying around in the academy, Xia Mu and Eri Yi dragged their suitcases and waited on the platform of the train station.

Of course there was no express train in the timetable, and they were not impatient.

"sit down."

Xia Mu asked Erika to sit sideways on the suitcase, and pushed her along with the suitcase, just like taking a child with her.

"Maybe I have to wait a while, what do you want to eat?"

Xia Mu pointed to the shop beside the platform.

Erika sat on the suitcase, dangling her delicate calf, and stretched out a little finger: "I want ice cream."

Ordinary girls yearn for long skirts when they are young, but they often choose to give up when they grow up, and can only wear them shorter and shorter, so as to show the few attractive points on them.

But Erika could wear a snow-white long skirt, showing only a section of her calf, because even this could not conceal her natural beauty.

Those whose bodies can still control long skirts after adulthood are often fairies among mortal women.

The long skirt can cover up the attractive figure, and it needs a more beautiful face and charming temperament to make up for it.

Erika doesn't lack these things, not to mention she has long smooth and bright red hair, like the clouds in the sky, so beautiful.

When Xia Mu came back with the ice cream, he looked at her silhouette under the light, and found it pleasing to the eye, and he could see the age of time.


He handed the cone to her, and saw her eyes suddenly lit up, and the little hand holding the cone, sticking out a small tip of her tongue, gently scraping the ice cream.

Xia Mu quickly moved his eyes away from the tip of her tongue, raised the Coke in his other hand, and took a big gulp.

The cold carbonated drink came and made him feel better.


Five minutes later, Erika tugged at the hem of his clothes, and there was still some snow-white cream on her lips.

Xia Mu subconsciously stretched out his hand to scrape on her lips, scraping off the cream.

He looked at his fingers and couldn't do anything to put it in his mouth, so he had to reach for the tissue with one hand.

But Erika suddenly grabbed his hand with two small hands, opened her small mouth, and put the creamy fingers into her mouth.

Xia Mu trembled, pulled out his finger abruptly, turned around and left.

"I'll get you ice cream."

Erika looked at his back inexplicably, licked her lips again, then took out her phone and asked: I licked his finger, why did he blush?
"Nice job, girl, keep up the good work!"

"In addition to fingers, there are ears, neck and so on. You will find that he is getting redder and redder."

"Don't teach bad people, talk nonsense, it's just pure interaction, I just want to say, is there a live broadcast?"

"Under this post, no one is innocent."


Erika looked puzzled.

At this time, Xia Mu finally brought her back a cone.

She thought for a while, stretched out her index finger to lick, then scraped some butter and pestle it to Xia Mu's mouth: "Mumu, eat."

Erika decided to feel it herself, smart girl!

Xia Mu's Adam's apple rolled down, and he could clearly hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

The girl's eyes are so pure and clean, but what she does is...

"My fingers are clean, I licked them myself," Erika added, her bright eyes were so clear, "Open your mouth!"

Xia Mu opened his mouth blankly.

Erika put her finger into his mouth.

"Eat them all."

At this time, she was stunned for a moment, then suddenly lowered her head and spoke softly, but she didn't dare to look at him again.

Xia Mu had no choice but to do as she wished...

(End of this chapter)

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