Chapter 142 Poor Cub

The female student screamed subconsciously, but then retreated abruptly, with a vigorous figure.

It's just that the red dragon cub was too abrupt, even though her reaction was sensitive enough, she was almost burned by the dragon flames on her pretty face.

'It's over!The old lady is disfigured! ' thought Susie.

A strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back, and then the other hand stretched forward, but suddenly stopped.

Chu Zihang half hugged Su Qian, and faced Long Yan with some embarrassment.

I can't use the spirit of speech in the academy... It's miserable.


Fortunately, at this moment, a hand was in front of him, protecting his handsome face.

"Don't be afraid!"

Xia Mu appeared beside him with a hahaha smile, and under the terrified eyes of the students, he stretched out his hand to block Long Yan.


Everyone thought that his hand was going to be roasted pig's trotters directly by Long Yan, but in the end, the flames were all taken into the palm of his hand and disappeared immediately.

The students were dumbfounded.


The red dragon cub didn't breathe fire anymore, but the eyes staring at him wanted to burn him up.


It spread its wings, turned into an afterimage and passed by, and its small claws sneered towards his face.

"Damn! Want to ruin my face?!"

Xia Mu's figure flickered and dodged to the side.

But to his surprise, the red dragon just swayed for a moment, then immediately retreated and flew towards the opposite side quickly.

"Bang bang bang..."

At this time, a series of gunshots sounded, and the red dragon was shot ding ding ding, causing it to fly crookedly, its route changed, and it flew back into the crowd.

Caesar held up the Desert Eagle, and the muzzle of the gun closely followed the figure of the red dragon.

"Friga's bullets can't penetrate the defense, change the bullets!" Professor Mance shouted.

Caesar glanced at him and nodded.

He also discovered that it was a real dragon, and Frigga's bullets couldn't pierce the dragon's scales at all.

"Don't! Don't hurt my dragon!"

Xia Mu uttered something that made everyone puzzled.

"Xia Mu! The consequences of letting it escape are disastrous! Get rid of it!" Professor Mance said anxiously.

Entering the academy, he can't use the spirit of speech.

And no one knows what special abilities the dragon cubs have. If they escape, they don't know how many troubles they will cause. Just Long Yan and the indestructible claws are enough trouble.

"Is he Xia Mu?"

"This... This way of appearance is so special..."

"The dragon was raised by him?"

"What did he raise? Didn't you find that it was used by Professor Masashi Toyama when he was guiding the freshmen? It is said that there is something called bloodline awakening, and Xia Mu's bloodline level..."


Many people talked about it, but more people focused on the red dragon.

Almost all these students saw a live dragon for the first time.


There were screams one after another, and the students would not be frightened after being prepared. The main reason was that the red dragon Longyan and his claws were always slamming people's faces, which terrified the girls who didn't want to disfigure their faces.

"Don't be afraid!"

"Don't run!"

"you are mine!"

The red dragon was flying around in the crowd, breathing fire, but Xia Mu followed it like a shadow, absorbing every mouthful of dragon flame accurately.


The noble dragon cub was so angry that he stopped in mid-air and turned his head to Xia Mu.

The majestic and gorgeous golden pupils locked on Xia Mu deeply, it waved its blood-red wings, and its slender but elegant dragon neck was raised high.


Different from the dragon flames that emanated before, this time the fire spewed out like a blazing beam of light, and the flames spread suddenly, and the people within a hundred meters around felt that they were being roasted by the flames almost at the same time.

As soon as Xia Mu's hand touched the Yan Zhu, he withdrew abruptly.

"Damn! It's hot, hot, hot!"

A look of contempt flashed in the tiny eyes of the red dragon cub.

The noble dragon cub is not stupid. After discovering that his dragon flames would be absorbed, he focused his energy on the temperature instead of the dragon flame itself.

"Yiyi! Ice it!"

Xia Mu pointed at the red dragon cub, arrogantly.


A light girl's voice came.

At this time, everyone saw the slim girl behind the crowd.

She stretched out a beautiful little hand and gently pinched it in the direction of the red dragon cub.


The surrounding temperature dropped extremely rapidly, as if an iceberg was suddenly thrown off under the scorching sun.


The Longyan beam of light was frozen, then evaporated, then frozen again, and then evaporated...

The steaming mist diffused.

Xia Mu's figure suddenly rushed upwards at an extremely fast speed, facing the beam of light and absorbing all the cooling dragon flames.


The red dragon choked suddenly because of the cold air.

At this time, Xia Mu pinched its slender dragon neck.


Due to the blocking of the fog, everyone only heard a muffled sound in the white fog.

"Let you spray me!"

"Let you call!"

"Your name!"

Accompanied by muffled noises and chaotic roars, the white mist seemed to be in chaos.

Everyone looked at each other.

Principal Angers, who had just heard the news, stopped.

Standing on the top of the building, he was the first to see the situation clearly, and a dumbfounding expression appeared on his face.

The fog dissipated.

Everyone saw that Xia Mu grabbed the red dragon cub and slammed it on the ground, even the stones on the floor were smashed.

He looked like he was handling a fire-breathing turkey.

Many people's eyes twitched.


The roar of the young dragon was full of emotions such as anger, humiliation, sorrow, helplessness, and madness.

"Are you still running?"

Xia Mu stopped moving, and held the red dragon's neck up to his eyes.

The red dragon cub didn't suffer any injuries, but his physical strength and spirit were greatly damaged. At this time, he breathed out the dragon flame weakly.

"Spray again."

Xia Muxi smiled and took Long Yan away, grabbed it and shook it.

The red dragon turned his head away.


It made intimate contact with the ground again.

"Spray if you tell me!" Xia Mu said.

The red dragon cub longed to go back to sleep in formalin again.




The poor dragon cub didn't let go of the dragon's neck until Xia Mu let out smoke in his throat.

It fell to the ground with a puff, looking weak and weak.

But in the next moment, he flapped his wings vigorously and shot towards the sky at high speed.


The red dragon cub suddenly found his body stopped in mid-air.

It struggled violently, jumping up after a while, but couldn't break free at all.


Many people couldn't bear to look directly and covered their eyes.

Too bad, can't watch, really can't watch...

The dragon cub was exhausted of the dragon flames in his body and was extremely weak. Then he wanted to escape, but Xia Mu grabbed his tail again and smashed it on the stone slab with a bang.

Many female students couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

A girl's heart is always softer, who made the little dragon cub look so cute...

"Did I let you go?"

Xia Mu squatted on the ground, holding the red dragon's tail and hanging it in the air.


The feeble roar was mixed with a lot of sadness.

"Follow me obediently from now on, if you have dragon flames, spray it, if you don't have it, keep it, and spray it when you have it."

The red dragon cub tried its best to look up at the man in front of him, and carved this hateful face into the dragon's brain...

(End of this chapter)

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