Chapter 143 Is He a Woman?
"Xia Mu, this is a dragon, not a pet that can be raised casually..."

Professor Mance watched the whole process from the sidelines, unable to complain.

It's nothing, I've seen Xia Mu absorb Longyan before, but I didn't expect him to be able to absorb as many times as possible indefinitely.

Long Yan is the biggest threat to this red dragon cub. No matter who or what is sprayed, the only result is to die.

But now it has no effect on Xia Mu at all, that dragon cub is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, and directly degenerates into a big cat.

"Professor, I'm responsible for it, and I promise to squeeze out its dragon flames every day, so that it won't pose a threat to us." Xia Muti walked over with the red dragon's tail.

The students looked at him, not knowing what expression to use.

Appearances that have never been imagined...

"Principal, do you think it's okay?" Xia Mu waved his hand upwards.

Everyone looked up, and only then did they see Angers on the top of the building.


The students stood up.

Anger waved his hand and shook his head at Xia Mu: "We know too little about creatures like dragons, so we can't treat them casually."

"Can't you treat it casually?"

Xia Muti slipped the red dragon cub's tail, dangled it, and muttered puzzledly: "I don't feel any threat."

Everyone: "..."

Is this person still human?

"Its dragon flames were restrained by me, and I didn't come up with any new tricks at the moment of escape just now. In theory, there will be no danger."

Xia Mu held the red dragon cub, pinched his chin and thought for a while, "Why don't I hypnotize it?"

"Can you hypnotize a dragon?" Angers asked.

"It's very simple, physical hypnosis."

Xia Mu held the red dragon cub's tail and slammed it on the ground again.

Everyone's eyes twitched.

A ray of spiritual flame attached to the red dragon cub, and invaded his mind when it was "awowing" weakly.

"Look, I fainted."

Only then did Xia Mu lift it up and show it to everyone.

Anger took a deep look at him, he didn't miss the flashing mental ability just now, it was very similar to the ability recorded in the previous report, but more importantly, Xia Mu could use the spirit of speech.

Including Xia Liyi, who also used Lingling just now.

This means that both of them have higher bloodlines than the vice-principal, so they are not affected by the "discipline" of the words.

"You are responsible for all the consequences, and if you cooperate with the research of the Ice Cellar Research Institute, then let this red dragon cub stay with you." Anger said.

The students looked up in surprise, their eyes turned around the principal and Xia Mu, their eyes were confused.

What does this mean?Can college assets be kept by students?
"Thank you Principal!"

Xia Mu sincerely thanks.

"Speaking of which, do you have to allocate accommodation after you enroll?"

He played with the unconscious red dragon cub and looked around: "I don't know which senior, senior sister or classmate of the same year would like to share a room with me?"

The students were very unanimous and silently took a step back.

Only Chu Zihang and Kaiser remained motionless, as if they had taken the initiative to stand up.

"It seems that everyone is unwilling, so I can only..."

Xia Mu looked at Eliyi, and Tuqiong saw it, "Principal, how about me and..."

"I can live with you." Chu Zihang said suddenly.

Xia Mu: "..."

Why is senior brother so ignorant all of a sudden!
"I used to live alone, and there happened to be a vacant bed." Chu Zihang looked at him and said.

It's not that the senior is ignorant, but that the senior has never thought about the possibility of Xia Mu and Erika living together.

Xia Mu looked at him with a desperate look: "Aren't you afraid that the red dragon cub will suddenly wake up and breathe fire?"

"You can't control it, so what are you afraid of?" Chu Zihang shook his head.

Caesar frowned.

The visitor is not good...

Chu Zihang's action was really beyond his expectation, he would not hesitate to sell himself in order to attract people, such a thing he could not do if he was so proud.

My God, in such a big dormitory, you still have to share with others?

Caesar came with his head held high and walked as if the emperor was here.

"Joining the student union is a formal invitation," he said under the attention of everyone. "You will become the next president after me, I promise."

The students froze.

what is this?Make a wish?Is it directly the crown prince?
"Why?" Xia Mu asked.

Caesar stared at him seriously: "Because only someone who can be my opponent is qualified to be the next president of the student union."

"In this academy, Chu Zihang is the first, and you are the second."

Someone went to see Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei hid behind Finger, made the sign of the cross on his chest and said silently: "It has nothing to do with me...don't look at me...don't look at me..."

He already regarded Xia Mu as his savior.

After Xia Mu came, almost everyone's attention was attracted, then he could enjoy the benefits of S-level and enjoy the attention of A-level, it's perfect!
He, Lu Mingfei, only wants to make a living by relying on the S rank, and has no higher ideals.

Xia Mu didn't speak for a while.

The students were also a little nervous.

Everyone knows that the Lionheart Society is the oldest society in Kassel College. The position of the leader of the Lionheart Society is something that Caesar has coveted for a long time. It was only because the previous leader of the Lionheart Society did not like Caesar's pride, so Caesar chose to be the leader of the Lionheart Society. Join the student union.

Now he wishes that Xia Mu, who can slay dragons, will be the president. Is this going to completely overthrow the status of the Lion Heart Society?

"You don't have to rush to answer."

Caesar looked directly into Xia Mu's eyes, with a calm but serious expression, like a young and promising king, taking every word he said seriously.

"Chu Zihang also expects you to join the Lion Heart Club. If you choose the Lion Heart Club, that's great too."

He said lightly, "I will be happy whether a person like you exists as a friend or as an opponent."

Caesar lowered his eyes, patted Xia Mu on the shoulder, and turned to leave.

"Mumu," the girl's uncertain voice sounded at this moment, "Is he a woman?"

Caesar paused, turned around abruptly, and glared at the speaker...Eri Yi.

"Why do you ask that?" Xia Mu couldn't help laughing.

Erika had a naive expression on her face: "Look at his chest, it's just like a woman's."


Xia Mu couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Caesar's chest muscles are really a bit like...


Caesar frowned.

"Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

Xia Mu waved his hand, but couldn't help laughing again.

Even Chu Zihang beside him had a smile on his face, and the others held back their laughter, and Nuonuo laughed the loudest.

She doesn't have the awareness to protect her boyfriend's face.

"Xia Mu, come to the Lionheart Club, don't wait for me to graduate, I'll give it up to you next year."

Chu Zihang's indifferent words made the scene fall into silence again.

This is the real cost, even giving up my own seat...

Caesar didn't leave either, just stood there waiting for what Xia Mu had to say.

What does Xia Mu say...

He pondered for a while, and said, "Actually, I can also serve as the president of the Lion Heart Club and the student union, it's not a big problem."

 If you find that there is an update at 4 o'clock in the morning, I suggest you stay up late and don't click on it. It may be a mess of free work testimonials, which will be deleted at 4:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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