Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 144 The Lionheart Club Is Still the Student Union

Chapter 144 The Lionheart Club Is Still the Student Union
"You're merging the student council and the Lions?"

Caesar's blue eyes showed sincere appreciation, "Very well, this is what I want to do."

"As long as it is called the Lion Heart Club after the merger." Chu Zihang continued.

"The student union is the most suitable society in the university."

Caesar hugged him, but then realized that this action made him more majestic, so he put his hand down after seeing Erika.

Chu Zihang looked at him indifferently: "The Lion Heart Club is the tradition of Kassel College."

"Tradition is made to be innovated."

"Then you want to reform the Gattuso family?"

"why not?"

"Give up the surname Gattuso?"

"If you can."

The two of them each said a word, tit for tat.

Xia Mu took the red dragon cub and took a few steps back, concentrating on eating melons.

"Mumu, do you want to raise it?" Erika pointed to the red dragon, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

Xia Mu nodded: "Well, let's raise a turkey and spray fire every day, um, let's call it 'turkey' from now on."

"Then what should I do?" Erika reached out and fiddled with his sleeve.

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment: "What?"

"You have raised it, will you still raise me?" Erika looked a little unhappy.

Xia Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It doesn't need to be raised, let it continue to sleep after sucking the fire, and let it suck again when it recovers."


Erika was happy again.

"Xia Mu, what do you think?"

Caesar and Chu Zihang suddenly looked over together.

"Huh? What do I think? Oh, you're talking about the student union and the Lionheart?"

Xia Mu pretended to think about it, and then raised his head: "Actually, I think, once the emperor and the courtiers, the new emperor ascends the throne and change the year name, why do you have to use the old one? I think it will be called 'Muyihui' in the future." OK."

Caesar: "..."

Chu Zihang: "..."

What kind of neurosis!

Caesar turned around and left, deeply feeling that he should not waste time here today, and let him harm the Lionheart Club.

Nuonuo rolled his eyes, looked at Xia Mu and Eriyi, and at Lu Mingfei who was trying to reduce his presence on the other side, and suddenly had an idea.

She can't stand alone in the student union, she needs to find a few younger brothers to support the scene...

"What are you planning? Don't touch Xia Mu. Chu Zihang mentioned his name fifteen times after he came back this semester." Su Qian didn't know when she appeared by her side.

Nuonuo held the ball and rolled her eyes: "Can you control it? You should think more about how to catch Chu Zihang, who has been rumored to be his girlfriend for more than a year, but nothing happened. Is it embarrassing? How about I give you something special?" wine?"

There was a blush on Susie's face, but her mouth was not forgiving: "If you don't have it, don't squeeze it. It's more embarrassing than me if you can't squeeze it out."

"What?" Nuonuo was puzzled.

Susie pointed to her chest, then flicked her ponytail and gave her a chic back view.


Ten seconds later, Nuonuo let out the roar of the Hedong lion.

Just like Caesar and Chu Zihang, Nuonuo and Susie also have a similar relationship between enemies and friends. Of course, they have more girlfriends, and they can touch and make fun of each other in the bath together.

Xia Mu glanced at Su Qian's back and couldn't help sighing.

She is also a tragic girl.

When she was about to die, she didn't recover her memory. She didn't know that Chu Zihang, whom she couldn't help protecting, was the boy she had loved for many years.

Although this world is gorgeous, it is full of tragedies, like painstaking efforts wrapped in sugar, which makes people unable to let go.

"Try Harder!"

Xia Mu clenched his fist.

At this time, a pair of white and tender hands stretched out to wrap his fist.

He turned his head and saw Erika's eyes blinking.

"What are you doing?" Xia Mu was puzzled.

Erika said crisply, "I like touching your hand."

Xia Mu lowered his fist and opened it, and ten light-white and slender fingers were inserted in, tightly intertwined with him.

"Then let's go to the dormitory to put our luggage."

He held Hui Liyi in one hand and pulled the suitcase in the other.

"Do you know where the dormitory is?" Chu Zihang said silently behind him.

Xia Mu's footsteps stagnated.

"Also, Xia Liyi's accommodation has not been arranged." Chu Zihang said again.

Xia Mu remained motionless.

"Finally, your 'turkey' fell to the floor."

Chu Zihang picked up the red dragon cub on the ground, feeling its fine and delicate scales with a strange expression.

The other students secretly admired it.

As expected of the boss of the Lionheart Society, he is not afraid of being swallowed by another dragon flame.

"Then you carry it."

Xia Mu couldn't make a move.

"Go to the Academic Affairs Office to register first, and follow me."

Chu Zihang's enthusiasm was beyond the imagination of the onlookers.

This is determined to win, and it seems that the Lion Heart Club will overwhelm the Student Union in the future.

Unless there is another S-class rise who can't see the depth.

Many people thought of Lu Mingfei again, and turned around to look around, only to find that he and Fingel were hiding in a corner sharing the spoils, discussing how many steaks and what brand of red wine they would order for the evening.

The students silently moved their eyes back.

One is a handsome star who slays and plays dragons, and the other is a bad boy who resells to make a profit. They are both S-rank...

After officially enrolling, Xia Mu was indeed assigned to share a dormitory with Chu Zihang, and since there was no girls' dormitory vacant for the time being, Erika had to share a dormitory alone.

Of course, this is exactly what Xia Mu wanted.

After all, Chu Zihang is tight-lipped and won't tell about his disappearance in the middle of the night...

"What are you thinking, smiling so strangely?"

After helping Hui Liyi settle down, Xia Mu followed Chu Zihang to his dormitory under her reluctant eyes.

In such a luxurious Kassel College, the student dormitories are actually bunk beds, which is really unimaginable.

Chu Zihang slept on the lower bunk before, but Xia Mu could only sleep on the upper bunk.

"Nothing, I just got a text message."

Xia Mu looked down from the upper bunk, Chu Zihang leaned on the table with his arms folded and looked at him.

"Nonuo sent an invitation letter on behalf of Caesar. Tomorrow night, a dinner and a social dance will be held at the Amber Pavilion. Yiyi and I are invited to attend."

Chu Zihang raised his eyelids slightly: "Oh."

"Aren't you afraid that I will be bribed to go to the student union?" Xia Mu asked with a smile.

"You won't." Chu Zihang shook his head sincerely.

Because you called me Senior Brother long ago... he thought to himself.

"You are so confident." Xia Mu shrugged.

Chu Zihang thought for a while and said, "Caesar's social ball is very troublesome, you have to wear formal clothes, and the school uniform is not formal, don't forget."

Xia Mu paused: "Well, I hope that Yiyi and I can send the big suitcase tomorrow."

What I brought today was Eri Yi's serum. In fact, the luggage of the two of them was still in the check-in.

"It's almost 5 o'clock, are you going to eat?" Chu Zihang looked at his watch.

"Go," Xia Mu jumped off the bed, "Let's see the college food."

"Xia Liyi, too?"


The two went out side by side.

"How are you now?"

"Is that what you've been wanting to ask?"

Chu Zihang nodded slightly: "Yes."

"What's your relationship with that Susie?"

"Does this have anything to do with the question I asked you?"


Chu Zihang turned his head: "What connection?"

Xia Mu answered him seriously: "They all belong to the category of gossip."

(End of this chapter)

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