Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 145 Xia Mi's Hut

Chapter 145 Xia Mi's Hut

At dusk, Xia Mi returned to the old community hidden behind tall buildings.

It is rare that there are still sycamore trees here, the leaves have fallen, and the dead branches cut the dim sunlight into pieces.

Building No. 31 is an old building with red brick exterior walls, cement balconies, and green painted wooden windows. The walls are covered with small advertisements for "cleaning the sewer" or "billing bills".

The blue painted door plate of "Room 15, Unit 201" is nailed to the green wooden door.

The smell of cooking and the sound of educating children come from next door, which is warm and happy.

When Xia Mi took out the key and was about to open the door, the neighbor's old lady came out from an unknown corner, carrying two green onions, with a kind face on her face: "Xiao Mi is back?"

Xia Mi nodded, with a sunny and refreshing smile on his face: "Well, school is over."

"Will you not live here after you go to university?" the old lady asked with a smile.

"Probably not anymore, I'm going abroad to study in university." Xia Mi's bright eyes seemed to see far away.

The old lady's eyes suddenly lit up: "Then are you going to sell this house? My grandson is going to get married in a year, and he wants to buy another house. We are all neighbors, so it's better to just buy and sell through an intermediary..."

"Not for sale."

Xia Mi interrupted her crisply, and the smile on his face suddenly faded: "This is the last thing my parents left me, and I won't sell it."

The old lady froze for a moment, and then retreated a little awkwardly.

The door opened, and the setting sun rushed in, Xia Mi stood in the sunlight.

"I am back!"

She said with a smile, but the expression on her face slowly began to change. The bright and sunny smile gradually diluted, and finally became expressionless.

Facing the door is a large floor-to-ceiling window, and the huge sunset is falling outside the window.

The dim sunlight cast the shadows of the panes on the ground like a black cage.

After closing the door, Xia Mi felt that he had become Yermungandr for a moment.

The room was empty, with only a bed placed in the center of the room, and an old-fashioned chest of drawers standing in the corner, and a gas stove and an old-fashioned double-door refrigerator in the corner on the other side.

That's all the furniture.

She went over and opened the chest of drawers.

It was a full chest of drawers, neatly packed.Head flowers in cardboard boxes, from wooden to metal to tortoiseshell, and shiny satin bows; stockings, socks, cotton stockings and stockings are all rolled up and placed one by one on the side of a certain drawer, like A nest of fluffy squirrels, on the other side is actually colorful underwear, also neatly folded.

In addition to these, there is a separate layer of retro record players, as well as rows of neatly packed exquisite records.

Xia Mi took out the record player, and then took out a brand new record from his schoolbag... "Like Smoke".

If you go to find all the records in the cabinet, you will find that they are all the works of the same person.

Like people, dragons are just children who came into this world at first.

Yemengard needed support.

Xia Mi needs more.

Once Xia Mi told Chu Zihang that Xia Mu was also her friend, and that sentence was true, but Xia Mu didn't know it.

She put the record down gently, turned around and sat on the bed, hugging her knees against the head of the bed.

Simple white sheets and white duvet, the pillows are also white but with a Rilakkuma pattern.

The little yellow bear is sitting on the corner of the pillow with a serious expression on his face.

"I sat by the window, looked out of the window, the sky was full of memories..."

The clean boy's voice echoed in the cabin.

Xia Mi faced the setting sun.

The sun was about to set, and darkness crept in through the window, casting her long shadow on the wall.

There is a vague noise outside, and the children after school are playing basketball on the playground.

All these years, she has been living such a life.

There are no parents, no brother with dementia, no one to cook for her, no one to talk to her, sitting here in the silent late night, listening to human voices, thinking about learning about human beings.

This dragon named "Jemungad" forged a life named "Xia Mi". How much is she Xia Mi?Or Xia Mi doesn't exist at all, just an illusory shadow.

"In the ear, in front of the eyes, this life repeats itself."

"It was I who came from the darkness and returned to the darkness."

"In the world, in an instant, between heaven and earth, who will I be next time..."

Xia Mi slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the setting sun took away the last afterglow, and the night covered her like a curtain...

The next day.

Chuyang was full of vigor, illuminating the entire Kassel College.

Xia Mu and Eri Yi started their first day of college life, choosing courses, attending classes, meeting and getting to know all kinds of classmates.

In the evening, their checked luggage was finally sent to the dormitory.

Maybe it can't be called luggage, but an entire dressing room has been brought in, from winter clothes to summer skirts, filling almost half of the dormitory.

"We're going to a dance tonight, let's change our clothes."

Xia Mu looked at the girl's dress hanging all over one wall, and the corners of his mouth curled up in excitement.

All kinds of clothes specially made for Erika finally arrived, and he was so excited to dress up this perfect girl to his heart's content.

"Come on, starting from the first set, let's change one by one until the most suitable one." Xia Mu took the clothes for her.

The joy in Erika's eyes was obvious.

As a girl, and a girl who knows that she is beautiful, of course it is difficult to refuse so many beautiful clothes.

She habitually opened her belt, and the maiden costume on her body was like pieces of clouds peeling off.

Xia Mu can also get used to only focusing on her little face, not paying attention to the peripheral vision in the corner of her eyes.

The first set of dresses was a long black dress, which completely covered her from shoulders to ankles, and the slender black high-heeled shoes made her height almost as high as Xia Mu's ears.

But dresses have always been the most daring clothes that can't be worn out at ordinary times, how could it be so conservative.

When Erika put her red hair up high and turned around, Xia Mu was filled with a gorgeous white tenderness.

This is a backless dress, from her delicate back of the neck to the beautiful and delicate shoulder blades, along the snowy back that cannot be attached by the flowing water, to the beautiful back of the waist, until it is almost rounded to cover again.

Xia Mu's Adam's apple rolled: "Turn around, okay?"

Erika held the hem of the skirt with her two small hands, and spun it around lightly.

Xia Mu almost suffocated.

"Does it look good?"

Erika got the answer when she saw Xia Mu's eyes.

Girls' intuition is always accurate, the only difference is whether they are willing to trust their intuition.

Xia Mu couldn't move his eyes away at all, and after a while he brought another set: "Try this again."

"it is good!"

Erika watched his eyes, there were circles of joy in the lake of her heart, turning into ripples and blurring...

(End of this chapter)

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