Chapter 148 I Refuse

Songs without words naturally have no lyrics.

When the prelude sounded, the men and women on the dance floor were also confused, not knowing whether to continue the dance just now.

The side profile under Natsuki's light is exquisite, and Eri Yi's graceful figure is also particularly beautiful.

Zero in the middle of the dance floor glanced at Xia Mu faintly, and suddenly changed his dancing style.

She was originally from there, so she naturally knew what the dance to this song should look like, but this also made her not very happy.

Originally, she was the queen this time, but under this song, she can only serve as a foil.

With her demonstration, coupled with the natural learning ability of mixed races, other people soon learned to dance, specious, but not ugly.

And Lu Mingfei is a marionette in Zero's hands.

For so many years, from Number Zero being hit by "Rhine" and being sealed by Lulin City, and then Lu Mingfei was born, Zero watched Lu Mingfei grow up, I don't know if he has the feeling of nurturing...

In the process of Xia Mu's voice gradually moving towards the clouds, outer space and the Milky Way, he still had his mind thinking about these things.

If he hadn't become a mixed race, his blood was getting stronger and stronger, and his body was constantly improving under the spray of dragon flames, he wouldn't be able to control the dolphin sound.

The real dolphin sound, the ultra-high pitch that makes everyone's scalp tingle, the frequency soars all the way to 1245hz.


In the highest note, Zero completed her predetermined 3600-degree rotation until the end of the song.

"If it's higher, does it mean that humans won't be able to hear this voice?" Someone touched the back of the numb head.

No one answered him, because they were all paralyzed by the high-pitched electricity.

"Oh, Mom and Dad, look at God!" Fingal murmured.

On the stage, Ling hadn't gotten up yet, so it was time for Lu Mingfei to return the salute.

"Aiqing is free from courtesy..." Lu Mingfei uttered this rotten sentence nervously, which made him collapse after hearing it.

"Why am I such a person?" He said in his heart, looking around, only to find that no one else heard this sentence, they were all applauding vigorously, the applause covered up his bad words, and their eyes were focused On Xia Mu's perfect profile.

"This year's freshmen are really interesting." Nuonuo heard Caesar whisper.

Holding a glass of brandy with ice, he watched Xia Mu carry Erika off the piano, then bowed slightly, and exited gracefully.

"Now, please invite the chairman of the student union, Caesar, to give us a speech." A minister tapped the microphone on the second-floor platform.

Caesar handed the wine glass to the waiter, climbed up the spiral staircase to the second floor, stood in front of the microphone, and scanned everyone below, like an emperor reviewing the army.

"I was very disappointed when I came to this academy on the first day," Caesar paused, "because there are too many people here!"

"The real elite will never be the majority!"

The opening scene was so cold that it made people get goosebumps, Xia Mu rubbed the goosebumps on his arms.

Then Caesar smiled lightly, "Thank you for coming, I am very glad to see the most elite group of people gathered here, our guests from Gattuso's house," Caesar raised a finger, "It can only be Elite!"

After a moment of silence, someone applauded vigorously, followed by everyone else, and everyone's eyes shone with excitement.

Caesar signaled everyone to be quiet: "I have always held the view that Kassel College is a miracle and has undertaken a huge mission, so the most outstanding group of people should make the most concise and powerful voice."

"Who should make such a sound?" He looked down coldly.

"Caesar!" Caesar's younger brother in the student union suddenly called out.

"No, it's not me, but... us!" Caesar raised his voice, "It's the best, us!"

The doubled applause almost broke Xia Mu's eardrums.

He was stunned.

This person is in the advanced stage of secondary illness...

"This academy, this mission, must be supported by the best people after all!" Caesar pointed to the sky, "Now, allow me, as the chairman of this year's student union, to welcome you and join the camp of lunatics!"

"Can you stop being so tugging?" Xia Mu held his forehead, "Do you know if you are too tugged and stepped on?"

"Xia Mu, Lu Mingfei."

Caesar's voice came from above.

"S-level freshmen, please come up and stand with me."

He pointed at the two from a distance, and sneered at the same time: "You can also choose to refuse and become my opponent."

Lu Ming was completely numb.

"I reject."

Xia Mu stood up with a gentle expression without any embarrassment.

"I'm going to join the Lionheart."

Dead silence.

At this moment, Caesar's cell phone rang, he froze for a moment, and reached into his pocket.

In the lobby, noisy mobile phone ringtones rang together, music ringtones, beeps, old-fashioned phone dings, unknown number prompts, dozens of hundreds of different ringtones sounded at the same time, making people feel like they were in a In the drum band that suddenly started playing.

Few people have heard so many mobile phone ringtones ringing at the same time, which makes people jump in fear.

All the guests froze for a moment and started touching their mobile phones. The girls hid their mobile phones in different places, some in stockings, some in the folds of tutu skirts, and some on their dance partners. The way he fumbled around his phone in a hurry was really funny, and it also broke the stiff atmosphere just now.

Caesar turned on the phone and only listened to a sentence, then his face suddenly changed.He reached out his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, raised his mobile phone and turned on the hands-free button.

"...Please go to the window, look in the direction of the school gate, hold your breath, when the guests come, the host should be prepared." There was a low voice that had been changed on the phone.

Everyone's expressions also changed, because there was the same voice in each of their mobile phones.

The guests flocked to the window. From the scope of the Amber Hall, through the huge French windows, the closed school gate with cast iron carvings was illuminated by a cold light.

The loud bang made people lose their hearing for a moment. In the dazzling flames, the iron gate twisted and was thrown into the air by the shock wave of the explosion. It rose to a height of 20 meters before falling again and hitting the ground hard.


The alarm sounded throughout the campus, and in the night, all the buildings suddenly lit up, and the quiet darkness was completely broken.

The red alert state is activated instantly.

Bright beams of light and the roar of motorcycles poured into the campus together. Wearing black combat uniforms, the intruders galloped forward on violent Black Widow motorcycles.

In their hands, guns gleamed fiercely.

"Bang bang bang..."

Entering the campus, they immediately dispersed and fired precisely at the same time, smashing all the monitors passing by.

"Something is coming..."

Xia Mu reached out and pulled Eriyi closer to her, close to her small ear, with a stern expression: "Eiri, be careful when you shoot tonight, don't mix too much."

The girl nodded obediently, grabbed his hand and shook it: "Okay."

Xia Mu then took out the Desert Eagle.

(End of this chapter)

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