Chapter 149 A Promise

"Red Alert! Red Alert! Dragon Invasion! Dragon Invasion! Freshmen stay in the dormitory. Students who have passed the battlefield survival class immediately receive their weapons and fill them with Friga bullets. Live ammunition is not allowed." Norma's voice came through the loudspeaker Weapons spread to every corner of the campus, "block all entrances, and have the right to shoot unidentified persons."

The students who were dancing in their formal attires immediately showed their trained military demeanor, and flocked outside in an orderly manner. The people from the maintenance department parked the cars outside each building, opened the compartments, and there were neatly arranged automatic guns on the weapon racks inside. .

In front of the Amber Pavilion, the sound of loading guns.

Under the starless night sky, if you stand on the turret of Kassel College, you can watch the lights of those motorcycles spread to every corner of the campus like fireflies and then go out.

People poured out of each building, controlling all passages and entrances, and this quiet campus suddenly became a fortified military fortress.

"Happy birthday."

Nuonuo dragged Lu Mingfei straight to Caesar's Bugatti Veyron, and when passing by Xia Mu, he heard his voice.


Nuo Nuo, who dragged Lu Mingfei and was about to run away nervously up the mountain, was stunned.

"Female big ten, everything is worth it."

Xia Mu suddenly patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't be seduced by the witch."

Lu Mingfei was full of confusion.

"Thank you."

Nuonuo glanced at Xia Mu, then kicked Lu Mingfei's calf: "Let's go! It's too late!"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head, looked back at Xia Mu, and then ran away with Nuonuo.

Xia Mu looked at their backs and shook his head: "If this can still fall into it, then it's fate."

"My girlfriend doesn't need you to worry about it, she knows what she's doing." Caesar came behind him at some point.

"I don't worry, not at all."

Xia Mu waved his hand.

He has to protect Erika and be responsible for her future, which is already very stressful.

The water behind Lu Mingfei is too deep, so it is better not to get involved.

"I've seen the video of you slaying a dragon, and I've been looking forward to this day since then." Caesar said suddenly.

Xia Mu was puzzled: "What do you expect?"

"Facing the same enemy, compare and see who can solve it faster and kill more."

Caesar's face was stern, and Kaka pulled the safety lock of the Desert Eagle: "Don't blame me for bullying you who are two years younger than me. Except for Chu Zihang, you are the only one in the academy who can be my opponent."

"It's an honor..."

Xia Mu's tone didn't mean honor at all, and he slowly turned the gun around.


The corners of Caesar's eyes twitched: "The Desert the one I lost to Chu Zihang?"

"Maybe, it feels a lot heavier than a normal gun." Xia Mu said.

Caesar was silent, but his breath was heavy and wheezing like a gorilla.

Suddenly their phones rang at the same time.

They were connected together, but it was actually the same person's voice.

"I'm Schneider, now connect to all the students who are capable of armed combat, please listen to my command."

In the central control room, Executive Director Schneider looked at the map with a serious expression.

"Group A, members of the Lion Heart Club, commanded by Chu Zihang, stationed in the church."

"Group B, members of the student union, commanded by Caesar, stationed in the Hall of Valor."

"Group C..."

Everyone thought that the AB group was over, but Schneider continued unexpectedly.

"Group C, newcomers Xia Mu and Xia Liyi are stationed in the library."

The students looked stunned.

Immediately after that, the action began, and the whole campus was shrouded in a tense atmosphere. The students who were laughing and laughing on weekdays looked like well-trained soldiers at this moment, crossing forward with guns and special forces.

"Yiyi, let's go."

Xia Mu took Erika's little hand and left through the back door of the Amber Pavilion.

"There is a problem…"

After the order was issued, Norma only left the four mobile phones of Schneider, Kaiser, Chu Zihang, and Xia Mu to continue to connect to each other for timely command.

Xia Mu's voice sounded: "Can any of you tell me how to get to the library?"

There was a moment of silence in the channel.

"After leaving the Amber Hall, walk west along the boulevard..."

Chu Zihang's plain voice sounded quickly: "After 500 meters, I saw a domed building and stopped, then went 300 meters north to the intersection, stopped and looked northwest, the most obvious and most brilliant building is the book Hall."

"Thank you." Xia Mu said.

"Chu Zihang, did you give Xia Mu my Desert Eagle?" Caesar asked lightly.

"En." Chu Zihang said concisely.

The other three could actually hear Caesar's heavy snort at this moment.

"We'll have another match next time, and I'll give him your village rain as well." He said flatly.

Chu Zihang said: "No need, he already has one, the same as mine."

Caesar was silent for a while: "No wonder he is so determined to choose the Lionheart Club. It seems that you have been related before."

"It's obviously a movie of three people, but I still can't have a name..." Xia Mu hummed.

Schneider knocked on the microphone: "Be serious, now is the critical moment to guard the campus, the three entrances, especially the Hall of Valor, must keep the enemy out, followed by the church, the library can relax, as long as the other two Keep the entrance, and no one will be able to go down to the ice cellar through the library."

The call ended here, and the groups quickly took their positions.

Except for Group C.

Xia Mu and Erika walked hand in hand in the campus, since the intruder hadn't broken through the entrance, it seemed very quiet.

The night breeze was cool, without any impetuousness.

The entire campus seemed to have fallen into a dead silence. Human voices, noises, and the roar of intruders were all still.

Ten minutes later, when Xia Mu saw the magnificent European-style building in the library, Schneider's voice suddenly sounded: "Notify everyone to get ready, the 'discipline' of the spirit of speech will be lifted soon, and you can use the spirit of speech."

The academy decided to release the group of tigers out of the box.

Tens of meters deep underground in the library, on the monitoring screen of the central processing system, dozens of hundreds of silver-blue light beams slowly rise up, which is the power passed down from the ancient times.

The students were commotioning, and their long-suppressed "spirits" were revived.

"Group A, all members evacuate the church." Schneider's voice came.


"Zihang! Evacuate."

Susie went to knock on the confessional door.

"No, not including me." Chu Zihang said in a low voice.

"Not including you?" Susie was stunned. "The order was given to everyone through the public channel."

"Group A received the request to evacuate the church area immediately, excluding Chu Zihang." Professor Schneider's voice sounded again, and Chu Zihang seemed to have expected this order.

"This order is only for those who don't need to participate in the church battle." Chu Zihang said, "Susie, evacuate."

Chu Zihang stretched out his hand from behind the curtain, and squeezed Susie's wrist tightly. His hand was white, slender, warm, and powerful.

"Don't worry, if there is no accident, we can have supper together in two hours." Chu Zihang said.

"Is this an agreement?"

Susie put her hand on Chu Zihang's.


(End of this chapter)

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