Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 150 Chasing down Old Tang

Chapter 150 Chasing down Old Tang
"Professor Schneider, are you sure the other two entrances are guarded, so the library is safe?"

Xia Mu pushed open the heavy door of the library, and dragged Erika into it amidst the creaking sound.

"In theory." Schneider said succinctly.

"Unfortunately, facts defeat theory." Xia Mu said.


Schneider, including Chu Zihang and Kaiser who entered the fighting state on the other two sides were taken aback.

"A mouse has come in."

Xia Mu smiled lightly, and the dazzling golden pupils lit up in the darkness, like a lighthouse in the dark night.

He didn't turn on the light, because the darkness couldn't stop the air flow, so it couldn't hide his whereabouts.

"The remaining members of group A, gather at the library and join group C, under Xia Mu's command." Schneider made a prompt decision.

The twenty or so elites of the Lionheart Society were stunned for a moment, but did not question them. Soon, led by Susie, they marched in a staggered manner towards the library.

"Bang bang bang..."

Schneider did not expect that the battle broke out first in the library.

Xia Mu's golden pupils are like two beacons, making it easy for No. 13, who is hiding in the darkness, to aim at him.


It's a pity that as soon as Erika Yi stretched out her white and tender little hand, the bullets were frozen in front of the two of them and fell with a clang.

"Damn! Are they Neo?!"

No. 13, or Old Tang, was almost scared to pee.

He hasn't awakened yet, doesn't know who he is, doesn't even know what dragons are, and what hybrids are.

He just occasionally takes on weird tasks to earn commissions.

Xia Mu raised the muzzle of the gun, without wrapping the bullet with spiritual fire, and shot directly.


The bullet accurately hit No. 13 in the chest.

At that moment, Old Tang almost thought he was finished.

But he was thrown away under the impact of the bullet, but fell into the safe passage.


He rubbed his chest, and suddenly realized that the body armor given by the mission organization this time was pretty good.

"This is…"

Number 13's face was illuminated by a red sparkle.

"Central host control room, no entry."

Old Tang almost jumped up in surprise.

Isn't this the entrance specified in his mission?
He quickly took out a card and swiped it, and with a beep, the forbidden area of ​​Kassel College was opened so easily.

"Bang bang bang..."

The gunshots were approaching, and they had reached the exit of the safe passage.

Old Tang didn't hesitate at all, the cat leaned over and quickly rolled in.

Sure enough, the sparks from the bullets immediately flashed on the ground behind him.

He didn't have time to wait for the door to close, and ran all the way inside listening to the instructions on the phone.

The gunfire didn't stop, and the man rushed in after him.

The bullets followed like a shadow, and under the suppression of firepower, he, an experienced mercenary, couldn't hold his head up.

"What kind of monster is this! Don't you need to aim?!"

Old Tang couldn't stop at all, he could only keep going forward.


It was another door, which he swiped open with his card.

One rolls in.

In front of him is a faint light from top to bottom, and a nearly transparent shadow stands in the light.

It was a long-haired girl, wearing a silk pajamas, so cute that it was unreal, which made Old Tang feel ashamed of himself when he was excited, and felt in a daze that he had entered someone's bedroom by mistake.

The girl looked at him: "Who are you?"

Old Tang hesitated for a moment: "It's just a passer-by."

He realized that the girl was just a holographic projection, but the lifelike demeanor made him willing to talk to her as a person.

"You broke into the central host control room illegally and used a privilege card. I should call the police now, but I can't. I know you are the enemy, but your authority requires me to treat you as my own side." The girl said, " Then I give you a final warning, leave immediately! It's best for you."

"Leave immediately? Don't tease me..." Old Tang scratched his head, "I rode a motorcycle all the way here...I'm so tired."

The girl looked at him silently.

"Since I have a privilege card...then...sorry, may I ask the way...where is the ice cellar?" Old Tang cautiously asked.

The girl points out the direction with her finger.

"Oh, thank you." Old Tang didn't know what expression to face.

When he came around the corner, he turned to the girl and said, "Goodbye."

The girl looked at him silently from behind, and Old Tang stared at her clear pupils, feeling a little chilly in his heart for some reason.

"Still haven't caught up, he actually has such a high authority."

After 1 minute, footsteps sounded, and Xia Mu came out from the shadows.

"No, you didn't go after it with all your strength."

The holographic image of the girl turned around with a smile on her face: "Hi, I'm EVA."

Facing him was obviously much more friendly than facing Old Tang.


Xia Mu stretched out his hand and shook her hand.

"Why didn't you use the word spirit just now? According to the ability records of my Curry, you and Xia Liyi, it is only a moment to stop him." EVA said.

Xia Mu shook his head: "It's not like that, I do have the intention to kill, but his evasion is very effective, and..."

EVA saw bewilderment flash across his face.

"I don't know why, but I have an intuition that something worse will happen if I kill him now," Xia Mu said.

EVA nodded: "Well, I don't have any intuition, so I respect your choice, but as an artificial intelligence, I suggest you report to Professor Schneider immediately. This is something I can't do at the moment."

1 minute later.

"What? The intruder broke through the blockade of the central host control room? Norma...EVA didn't stop it?"

Schneider was stunned.

Xia Mu replied calmly: "Yes, he has a super authority card in his hand, and EVA has no authority to deal with him."

"I contacted Bingjiao, the members of group A have arrived at the library, and you will arrange the follow-up."

After Schneider finished speaking, he hastily cut off the phone.

"Do you want to sing a song?"

Xia Mu put down the phone, but saw the girl with her hands behind her back, and smiled.

"Singing? At this time?"

EVA nodded: "Someone likes your "Dark Knight" very much, and I like it too."

Xia Mu frowned.

someone?You mean Fingal?

"You have to listen to yourself playing, and I have to arm myself."

Xia Mu waved his hands back and turned around.

The next one to come out is Constantine, a group of core members of the Lionheart Society outside, don't run into him head-on.

Susie can't be killed because of his butterfly effect, that's not good.

"Who doesn't sleep in the dark..."

Suddenly, he heard his own singing voice echoing throughout the campus.

Xia Mu staggered, almost lying on the ground.

In the Hall of Valor, Mai Toku was confronting Caesar, and they agreed to stop the music and fire at the same time. As a result, when the singing sounded, everyone was scared and shot almost at the same time.

In the church, the three-no girl confronted Chu Zihang.

Jun Yan exploded in the singing...

(End of this chapter)

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