Chapter 153 I Swallow!

A gothic girl in a white dress with a gun, the Lionheart Club elite locked in the center, other students who came one after another, Nuonuo and Lu Mingfei on the Bugatti Veyron at the school gate, and Old Tang who was hanging his head upside down on the hood …

All of them had stiff expressions, watching the figure gradually revealed in the flames.

The hot wind blows, as if a sun is rising, and the girls' long hair is blown backward by the heat wave.

Everyone felt that they couldn't breathe, and the huge coercion almost destroyed them.

The monster's face became clearer and clearer in the flames, his pupils were burning, glowing brilliant gold, his face seemed to be cracked, and lava flowed in the cracks.

A terrifying expression slowly opened up on a terrifying face.


Lu Mingfei and Old Tang hugged each other, screaming, a pineapple could be stuffed into his mouth.

"All avoid danger! All avoid danger!"

Professor Schneider's roar echoed on the campus radio.

"Members of Group A, Group B, Group C, rescue Xia Mu! Rescue! Rescue!"

Although it seemed that Xia Mu had been engulfed by the flames, Schneider couldn't accept this fact. He was an S-level student who had just entered school and returned from slaying a dragon!
Everyone was motionless.

There is no way to fire at all, how to save? !

At this moment, the red-haired girl in the flames jumped up, and her snow-white short skirt looked like white clouds and white snow under the flames.

The sky is really snowing...

Eriyi instantly cooled the audience, her beautiful figure was peerless.

At this time, a figure shrouded in flames jumped out from the front of the monster.

Xia Mu!

The blazing flame burned him, but it didn't hurt him at all.

Far surpassing the effect of Dragon Warrior and Dragon Flame, Constantine's fire is a super tonic for him, but if it is overdone, it is like eating ginseng and getting a nosebleed. Now his whole body feels like it is going to explode of.


Xia Mu's roar woke everyone up.

The roaring monster rushed towards him, passed a high-voltage transformer, and the metal casing of the transformer melted instantly. A fountain of brilliant electric sparks surged up to the height of a person, and then exploded, turning the surrounding lawn into scorched earth.

"Bang bang bang..."

The dark red flames wrapped the Friga bullets, and poured out from the Desert Eagle, hitting the monster like a flaming meteor.

Amidst the ear-piercing shouts, the figure kept retreating.

Xia Mu tumbled to the ground, and the flames on his body were gradually absorbed into his body.

Everyone finally saw him clearly, and the elites of the Lionheart Society all heaved a sigh of relief.
The next moment, gunshots sounded like thunderstorms, and dense barrages came from both sides. The students who had received battlefield training hid behind the buildings on both sides of the lawn and made perfect cross shots.

None of the bullets could hit the figure, and when they were about two meters away from him, the bullets melted, as if there was an invisible layer of dark fire there.

Only the Lionheart Society's attack caused the opponent to keep retreating.

"He can give orders to metal and fire, everyone, change Frigga bullets!" Xia Mu roared.

But it was too late.

"All avoid danger!"

Schneider roared wildly at the same time as him.

Yan Ling · Jun Yan!
As the king of bronze and fire, Constantine has all the authority over metal and flame, so it is naturally impossible not to release the king flame.


Approaching the effect of an air-explosion of a napalm bomb, the surging flames radiated from one point, toward all directions, carrying a strong shock wave.

The figure stood tens of meters away from the nearest building, but all the glass around him shattered, and flames shot in from the window, like a fire-breathing dragon spitting out its tongue of fire.

After the explosion, with the figure as the center, all the grass on the lawn was burned, and the ground turned black.

Xia Mu is the closest, followed by Erikai.

The ice wall stood in front of the two of them, but it melted instantly.

The low temperature indirectly caused by Erika's "judgment" still cannot directly challenge the authority of the King of Bronze and Fire.

The students were almost desperate, and the shock wave of the explosion enveloped dozens of people.


But the wind and waves roared suddenly at this moment, it was a small tornado, covering Jun Yan's explosion range.

"I... swallow!"

Then Jun Yan was sucked into Xia Mu's body like a funnel, and Xia Mu became a burning man again!

He let out an inhuman howl, feeling as if his body had been torn apart.

Erika waved her little hands, letting the cold air descend on his small area, which made him feel better.

Constantine on the opposite side seemed to be standing in the center of a black sun totem, and began to chant again!
"I can't swallow it! Run away—"

Xia Mu's roar woke everyone up, the students panicked and fled in panic, away from the figure like a steel oven.

Before Jun Yan came for the second time, the flames on Xia Mu's body disappeared, but cracks appeared on his body, and melting flames could be seen faintly.

He hugged Erika's willow waist with one hand, and under the control of Fengwang Zhitong, he flew into the air, avoided Junyan, and landed on the top of the building.

"Professors, I tried my best, and now I need to digest it. This thing is stronger than Dragon Warrior, and I can't handle it." He reported succinctly in the channel.

central control room.

"Dad! Can you release the 'Command' now?" Manstein yelled into the phone, "That should be a releasing high-risk word spirits around the campus!"

"Don't be kidding, 'Discipline' can't be more effective than my higher-level bloodline! That dragon..." The voice of the old cowboy was also trembling, "It seems to be the first generation!"

"The first generation... isn't it... the four kings?" Manstein was sweating profusely.

"Thank you, Xia Mu..." Schneider looked gloomy, holding the microphone tightly, and fell silent after saying this.

He was at a loss as to what instructions to convey to the thousands of students on campus.

"Professor, let them all replace the Friga bullets to avoid the metal bullets. The impact force produced by the Friga bullets can repel the opponent," Xia Mu's voice came, "According to the two encounters in Group C from the library to here experience, Frigga bullets are effective."

Schneider's eyes flashed suddenly: "Yes! Smart!"

He excitedly waved his fist and picked up the microphone: "Everyone! Follow Xia Mu's suggestion immediately! Change to Friga bullets! Change to Friga bullets!"

The students hiding in the dark changed their bombs one after another. The stormy barrage shot at the figure in the flames. The Frigga bullet had an effect. The figure twisted in the barrage and kept backing away. The Friga bullet was approaching him In an instant, it collapsed into a cloud of blood-red smoke, but the figure was pushed back by the blood fog.

in the attic.

The handsome old man with gray hair looked down at the entire campus, looking for Lu Mingfei.

On the other side, the sloppy old cowboy is looking for Xia Mu with the Seven Deadly Sins on his back...

(End of this chapter)

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