Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 154 Unexpected Improvement

Chapter 154 Unexpected Improvement

All the teams are gathering in the direction of the Hall of Valor. On top of the rooster on the roof of the Hall of Valor, a bright and dazzling figure stands, it is the dragon, and he is shouting hoarsely towards the entire campus.

The running students fired Frigga bullets at him, and the bloody smoke completely enveloped him.

He waved his arms to shield his face and continued to shout.

"elder brother!"

It's really like a wraith, which makes people shudder.


At the top of the library, Xia Mu sat cross-legged on it, enduring the burning sensation in his body, Erika was beside him, looking at him without blinking.

When the vice principal jumped up, she directly threw the ice pick on his forehead.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

The old cowboy almost fell: "It's me!"

Where did Erika know him, she handed out an ice cross gun and slapped him in the face.


Xia Mu opened his eyes at once. At this time, all the cracks on his body surface had healed, and the blood in his body was like hot magma, bringing a tingling power.

Although there is no clear division of physical strength, according to his assessment of his combat power, this wave has at least increased by five times.

Erika's figure retreated, the ice cross gun disappeared, and her hands hugged his arms.

"Okay?" Her beautiful pupils gleamed with joy.

Xia Mu nodded and patted her little hand to let her relax.

"Are you?" He didn't know the top vice-principal either.

"Cough," the vice-principal jumped up, straightened his body, suppressed the DNA instinct to aim at Erika's perfect figure, and said in a serious tone, "The principal asked me to bring you this."

He took down the seven deadly sins behind his back.

"Why doesn't the principal use it himself?"

Xia Mu took it and carried it on his back.

"He..." The vice-principal knew that Angers must maintain an invincible form, but he still said, "He just likes his jackknife, and I didn't send you this to let you fight the first generation. He will give it to you." You and Lu Mingfei create opportunities."

"Get ready..."

Xia Mu sat down again: "Then I will digest for a while and let them go first."


The principal appeared on the lawn.

He squatted down like a leopard, accumulating all his strength in his legs in the posture of a young man.

The sound of dragon text chanting crossed the campus, and the dragons on the high ground also looked down at the old man.

Everyone could feel the handsome old man's "spirit" instantly amplify in the darkness.

Ling Ling · Time Zero.

The time in the entire Hall of Valor suddenly slowed down. Those running students, the dragon stretching its membrane wings, and even the swaying of the leaves in the wind, and the churning of the flames all slowed down.

Only the person avoided by the principal did not slow down. He was as fast as a leopard, crossing the lawn, flying along the fire escalator to the roof of the Hall of Valor.

The headmaster approached the dragon with only the jackknife in his hand.

Blazing flames radiated from the dragon's side, but the speed was many times slower than before, like a slow motion playback.

The principal cut in through the blazing gap, and the moment he got close, he swung the jackknife and turned his body.

Both arms of the dragon fell and he didn't even know it.

There was a split in the center of his forehead where the headmaster had cut him vertically with a jackknife.

A red-gold eye burst from the wound, turning slowly.

The third longan, his vital point!

"Lu Mingfei!"

The headmaster's voice exploded in the air.

Restraining the four noble kings, his speech spirit could not last long, and dissipated in this instant.


And the bullet made from the Philosopher's Stone burst out at this moment.


Hot blood burst out from the longan, and the dragon covered its forehead and growled hoarsely.

"What made you unable to make up your mind, Lu Mingfei?" The headmaster turned his head to look at the height of the church, and he knew that Lu Mingfei had kept his hand.

The dragon flapped its wings and flew away from the roof of the Hall of Valor.


Everyone thought that the sniper failed and the dragon was about to flee.

But at this moment, a sword glow seemed to come from outside the sky, like a flying fairy, like a frightened bird, and cut through the distance from the top of the library to the top of the Hall of Valor in an instant.

The young man in white held a long sword burning with crimson flames, his eyes were sharp, and the sword pierced the dragon's eyes.

"it is good!"

The vice-principal hung upside down from the eaves and shouted loudly.

He has been standing next to Xia Mu, but he doesn't know that Xia Mu has been paying attention to the situation in the field. Just now, the gust of wind howled, pushed Xia Mu out extremely fast, and pushed him almost to the ground...


Unlike the vice-principal, the principal sighed and shouted, "Be careful!"

Xia Mu was taken aback.

Then he saw that the wound on the third longan was covered by magma and quickly closed.

The sword he was bound to get pierced the skin, but missed the point at all.


Jun Yan exploded in mid-air.

Xia Muren was in mid-air, and he couldn't fly as easily as the opponent. He was suddenly exploded and his center of gravity was unstable, and he hit the ground with a bang.

Constantine, who spread his membrane wings, did not dive down, but flew behind the fountain pool.

But Xia Mu bounced off the ground under the push of the airflow, and the long sword burned with crimson fire again, pointing straight at the membrane wings on Constantine's back.

It wasn't that he insisted on fighting recklessly, but that he discovered a miraculous situation.

I don't know why, but his popularity is soaring, 300 million, 350 million, 400 million...

The last time the elites of the Protecting Lions Heart Association faced Constantine directly, their popularity soared a lot, and now it has started again.

If it is really a one-to-ten conversion method, even if all mixed races in the school are counted, there should not be such a leap forward.

At this time, there are no new works released, and there is no reason for the rapid expansion of the fan base.

The only change is, he's fighting Constantine!
Xia Mu didn't understand, but it didn't stop him from using Constantine as a scoring machine.

The headmaster has not recovered at this moment, and the others do not have the conditions to confront the first-generation species head-on.

Lu Mingfei can take a quarter of his life, but of course he will not be willing to do so.

Therefore, it seemed that only Xia Mu could fight head-on.

Erika is also available, but Erika has received Xia Mu's signal and will not intervene for the time being.


Jun Yan broke out again.

Xia Mu already had experience, and instead of absorbing all of it, he blew himself into the sky to avoid the explosion, and then absorbed some Jun Yan to keep his battery life.

"Ding ding ding..."

His flaming long sword still couldn't split Constantine's dragon scales, but the opponent could easily tear him apart.

It looks like a massacre...

Xia Mu's body flew upside down in the square from time to time, smashing through countless walls. If his body hadn't been greatly strengthened, it would have been impossible to survive until now.

[Popularity value of 500 million, S-level bloodline unlocked. 】

An unimaginable ascension speed.

'system?Or is it a hint in my heart? '

He's starting to discover something...

(End of this chapter)

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