Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 170 Susie: I Like You

Chapter 170 Susie: I Like You

"The torpedo compartment was penetrated! The warhead was destroyed!"

The chief mate's roar came from the headset.

At this moment in the torpedo cabin of the Moniach, the first officer couldn't believe his eyes. A black, sharp spear-like thing pierced straight up from the bottom cabin, pierced through the steel plate of the bottom cabin, pierced the torpedo cabin, and Pierced the warhead of the Storm torpedo.

After a while, there was another muffled sound.

"The third watertight compartment is flooded!" This time the chief engineer shouted, "Someone is injured!"

"It's a dragon! He's attacking the hold from underwater!"

A third muffled sound followed, and the ship began to roll.

"Water in the second watertight compartment! The fuel pipeline is leaking!"

"Fire, fire in the back cabin! Put out the fire! Put out the fire!"

Susie, who was in charge of directing for a while, only felt overwhelmed.

The Moniah has a total of six watertight compartments, and now two have leaked. If there are two more leaks, the ship will lose its buoyancy and sink.

"How is Zihang?!"

"Still on the dragon, the dragon is too big! He can't stop the dragon's tail from attacking us!"


Susie roared.

The engine of the Moniaher roared, and it moved forward in a huge "zigzag" in the white mist on the river. Behind the river, a sharp water line chased after it.

"Left full rudder!"

The first mate at the helm desperately turned the steering wheel to the left, and the Moniaher drew a huge arc in the water.

"Engine boost! Full starboard!"

The chief mate at the helm desperately turned the steering wheel to the right again, and the hull of the Moniach rolled.It made a perfect turn, but at that moment, there was another muffled noise from the bilge, and another watertight cabin leaked.

"The engine is about to overheat!" The chief engineer jumped violently in the scorching bilge.

"Don't worry about it! Jiali!" Susie yelled, completely different from the usual calm girl.

"Attack, attack stopped!"

Lancelot's feminine voice came.

A group of people flocked to the rear deck.

There was constant roaring under the river, and the flames and the giant dragon could be faintly entangled crazily, stirring countless turbulent currents at the bottom of the water, which made the Moniach shake constantly.

"It's the president!"

They didn't know how Chu Zihang did it, but it was obvious that the underwater battle had entered a stalemate.

"Do something?" Lancelot looked at Susie.

"Can't do it! We can't do anything!"

Susie squeezed her slender hands tightly: "None of us have the ability to go into the water and fight dragons. There are only alchemy warheads that can't explode on the Moniach that can be fired, but it doesn't matter whether they can hit them, even if they can hit them. Cannot launch!"

"Because the president is on him!" Lancelot's forehead was covered with sweat.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Do our job well, trust him..." Susie stared at the water and said in a deep voice, "Trust Zihang!"

Ten minutes later, the fluctuations on the river surface became much smaller.


Lancelot pointed to 50 meters behind.

A huge black shadow emerged from the water, accompanied by fierce roars, and the crazy Jun Yan.

"Sue! Sissy!—"

Chu Zihang's voice was like thunder.


Susie straightened up immediately.

At the end of the storm, on the majestic head of the giant dragon, she saw Chu Zihang's eyes, those golden pupils that would never go out.

"Alchemy warhead! Launch!"


Susie trembled all over, it was hard to imagine her ears.

She looked to Lancelot.

"There is no... way..."

Lancelot said with difficulty: "The president can't kill such a big dragon, he can only rely on alchemy bullets to chop him up..."

"Ke Zihang..." Susie's eyes widened, the whites of which were bloodshot.


She shivered, and looked across the wind and rain to meet Chu Zihang again.

His eyes are always so calm, even in the face of life and death.

Chu Zihang opened his mouth, like a silent pantomime, no one heard what he said.

But Susie understood.

He said…


Just like when he practiced knives alone in the training room in those years, every time Susie deliberately walked past the door, his eyes didn't change a bit, he was always so calm and focused on doing his own thing.

Now, he is also peacefully going to die with the dragon.

He always does.

Like an emotionless machine.


Susie heard her voice in a trance.

I said that?
She's a little unsure.

How could I possibly say it...that's the boy I've loved for so long...

"What did you say?" Lancelot stared at her, his pupils trembling.

Susie raised her red eyes: "I said...fire."

Everyone was dumbfounded.


She suddenly roared, crying loudly with tears in her eyes: "Fire! Fire! Fire——"

No one responded, but everyone quickly got into position, like a tight machine, everyone returned to their positions, turned around, and locked the front.

The red button was pressed without hesitation.

Everyone seems to have no feelings, because they are afraid that if they hesitate, they will not be able to continue.


Roaring like an angry dragon, in the crazily spinning white waves, the alchemy warhead is like a dragon-slaying sword, bombarding the dragon's body with the perfect combination of human military peak and alchemy.

The water waves are monstrous.

Susie looked at him in the wind and rain, as if everything went away.

"Don't worry, nothing unexpected, we can have supper together in two hours."

"Is this an agreement?"


As a result, too many things happened, and the agreement did not come as promised.

How long in an instant, Susie didn't know.

All she knew was that many, many things surged wildly at this moment, submerging her in the ocean of fragmented memories.

"Do not--"

The girl's scream almost hurt the eardrums.

Everyone saw her raising her hand, facing the direction of the alchemy warhead.

Word Spirit·Jian Yu!
Resembling the title of Eastern Swordsmanship, it can control a small amount of metal and make them fly as you wish.

But that doesn't mean she can control a wildly spinning and cutting alchemical slug.

That is an alchemy work that can cut off the body of the Dragon King!

But Chu Zihang jumped up at this moment, leaping high, at the moment when the alchemy warhead hit Samson.

In the wind and rain, Su Qian saw Chu Zihang's expression.

It was a look of approval.

Countless shrapnel of the alchemy warhead spun wildly, cutting and expanding at a very high speed.

Chu Zihang was still within the range of the explosion.

In Susie's golden pupils, two lines of blood and tears overflowed her eyes.

"do not die."

She was like a desperate Lu Mingfei, yelling three words to Nuonuo.

People don't know where their limits are unless they are pushed to a corner.

Chu Zihang found that the trajectories of all the alchemy shrapnel that were about to cut him had changed, as if a big hand was protecting him, preventing any shrapnel from approaching.

He suddenly looked up, only to see Susie's hands facing away from here, a pair of gorgeous golden pupils suddenly became deep, but soon faded away.

Samson was thoroughly chopped.

Chu Zihang returned to the deck covered in bruises, and caught the girl who fell backwards.

Her pupils completely lost their luster.

He heard the last of her voice.

"I like you…"

(End of this chapter)

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