Chapter 171 Yiyi!


In the shattered and self-destructed bronze city, huge gears and building debris fell like rain.

Xia Mu and Xia Mi each showed their skills, constantly dodging and resisting.

"It's a trap! Get out of here!"

Xia Mi appeared beside him, leading him to avoid the dome that was pressing on him, and shuttle at a very high speed.

She is the king of the earth and the mountain. Although she can't build the bronze city, she can easily see through the structure of the bronze city and find a way out.


As the bronze city collapsed, the water surged in and began to squeeze the air inside.

"Get away with the hammer! There is still oxygen in it, how can there be in the water?! You tore off my diving suit!"

Xia Mu converted the Thousand Chance Umbrella into a long-range form, and fired the dark red bullets at Norton's figure bang bang bang.


Xia Mi looked a little embarrassed.

Dragons can breathe underwater, but Xia Mu can't.

"What are you afraid of! I'll save you!"

She was obviously a little angry...

Xia Mu ignored her, dodged left and right, and hid in a place where there was no water submersion.


At this time, a black shadow suddenly flashed past, smashing the position he had found and submerging the torrent.


But at this very moment, the Thousand Chance Umbrella in Xia Mu's hand turned into a long spear, and dark red flames swept up, like an angry dragon turning back, poking at him.

Xia Mi, who was covered in dragon scales, also appeared behind him, and the shots were all from Norton's weaknesses.


Norton also reacted.

The Bronze City was a trap set by him, but what Xia Muxiami said just now was a trap for him.

Originally, he could have waited for the Bronze City to completely collapse before speaking, but out of hatred for Xia Mu, he was eager for revenge, and his reason was burning with rage, so he rushed over without carefully distinguishing their words.

What made him most angry was the giant sword in Xia Mi's hand.

Those are the seven deadly sins that he created himself... "Furious Rage"!
As for Xia Mu, his right hand is the Myriad Chance Umbrella built by the core of his statue, and his left hand is the "arrogance" in the Seven Deadly Sins!
What kind of bastards are these two!Hack him with his stuff!

"Ding ding ding..."

The fighting style of the three figures is very wild, without any tricks at all, just fighting for speed and strength.

With the support of the bronze throne and the pupil of the wind king, Xia Mu can keep up with this attack speed.

Although Norton was angry, he still knew how to avoid Xia Mi's attack, because the only thing that could kill him was the "Rage" at this moment, except for the Philosopher's Stone.

"Where is the weakness?"

"He doesn't have a third eye, and the dragon's heart is his weakness!"

The exchange is completed when Xia Mu interacts with Xia Mi.

Norton's dragon's tail rolled wildly, and he retreated, trying to hide in the dark again.

"Don't let him run!"

Xia Mi quickly chased after him.

Xia Mu's eyes flickered with gold, looking at the gears in front of Norton, he suddenly made them smash towards Norton.

Word Spirit·Jian Yu!
But these bronze gears didn't have the slightest influence on Norton... In the past, Guan Gong played big swords in front of him, but now Norton plays metal in front of him.

"Depend on!"

Xia Mu looked around, not wanting to sink into the water, the range of activities became smaller and smaller.

Angry!Zoom in!


The next moment, Erika appeared in front of him, with flying red hair bringing familiar sandalwood.

Xia Mu stuffed the spear form of the Thousand Chance Umbrella into her hand, and pointed at Norton: "Frozen Water! Fuck him together!"

Erika's wine-red eyes glanced at him first, then turned into a magnificent golden color.


The power of the "Judgment" field was fully activated, and the water flow in the entire Bronze City area was suddenly frozen, and the collapsed city was also frozen, and even the air was no longer spilled, completely blocked by the ice layer.

"Yiyi! You are too awesome!"

Xia Mu couldn't help hugging her slender willow waist.

Erika's indifferent golden eyes suddenly glanced at him, seeming to have murderous intent.

Xia Mu quickly loosened her waist.

At this moment, Erika winked mischievously at him, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

Then she tapped her toes, her whole body flew lightly, and shot at Norton at top speed.

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, her playful and cute appearance stayed in her mind for a moment, it was the first time she had such a vivid expression after opening the golden pupils.


Norton was very shocked by Erika who suddenly appeared, especially the wound she made couldn't heal.

"Judgment! It's a trial!"

Blood flowed profusely from Norton's body, and the flames all over his body exploded with a bang, sending Erika flying away.

But even though the shock wave was strong, the flames couldn't enter within three meters of Erisui's body.

Except for the Mieshiyanling, there is no other speaking spirit that can compete with "Judgment".

"Heart! Stab his heart!"

Xia Mi actually cooperated with her, and the howling wind blew Jun Yan away, opening the attack direction for Eri Yi.

Xia Mu then appeared, sucked away the surging Jun Yan, and replenished himself.

Erika grabbed the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella and the little red gun and attacked it.

Norton was unlucky to meet the three of them...

Although Xia Mu's authority over metal and fire elements is worse than him, he still has perfect defense.

Erika's trial attack can't be recovered after being touched, and it's not only her long spear that needs to be guarded against, but everything around her may become the spokesperson of her "judgment" will, which is so disgusting.

As for Xia Mi, he can see through all weaknesses, and even carries "Rage"...


With a long and sharp whistling sound, the entire Bronze City suddenly turned into motion again.


The ice suddenly shattered, and the torrent swept across.

"Never mind! Fuck him!"

Erika wanted to freeze again, but Natsuki stopped her.

The fragments of the Bronze City were smashed down, accompanied by the water flow, but Xia Mu put his hands together to avoid all the metal, and Norton gave the opposite order.


However, Erika's frozen Norton was not immune, and the burst of flames was sucked away by Xia Mu, and his whole body was instantly frozen.

A flash of red light flashed, and Erika opened a huge wound on his chest with a gun.

Xia Mi followed closely, and directly smashed "rage" into his heart.


The ice outside Norton's body was shattered. He looked down at the "rage" on his chest, with a calm expression on his face, without any other emotions.

He looked at Xia Mu again, only then did anger well up in his eyes.

And the angrier he was, the faster he died...


Norton's last words were addressed to Xia Mi, who is also the Dragon King: "Your wish...can't be realized...don't struggle..."


Xia Mi stretched out his hand to poke and pull, pulled out "Rage", and inserted it back behind Xia Mu casually.

Norton, die.

Without hesitation, Xia Mu reached out and pressed Norton's body, and countless blood surged towards him immediately.

[Royal bloodline, unlock. 】

There is only such a simple hint in mind.

Comprehension flashed in Xia Mu's eyes...

"Wait! Take my share!"

Xia Mi immediately squatted down and pressed on Norton.

Erika looked at them inexplicably, not knowing what they were doing.

If Norton knew that this was the scene after his death, he would probably lift the coffin board...

(End of this chapter)

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