Chapter 172 First Kiss
"Hey! Why did you suck it up!"

Erika has disappeared and returned to the Moniach.

Xia Mi stretched out his hand to push Xia Mu, his expression extremely displeased.

"I do not know either…"

The dragon's blood in Xia Mu's body rolled like magma, and the ratio of the dragon's blood directly broke through the critical blood limit, but it didn't feel too big.

It's just that he was embarrassed at the moment, facing Xia Mi's extremely apologetic spread of hands: "I didn't mean it."

"It annoys me to death!"

Xia Mi worked hard for his fellow clan, but in the end he didn't get any benefits. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, his chest heaved.


She suddenly pulled Xia Mu's blood-sucking hand, and bit on it.

Xia Mu didn't hurt, because it looked like a bite, but in fact he had a thin wound like last time, but the feeling of being sucked blood was... special.

Xia Mi's eyes flashed.

Most of this blood seems to be Norton's, but it has been filtered, so... useful!
She was in a good mood, and a smile appeared on her face as she drank, like a kitten who had eaten and drunk and narrowed her eyes.

"Hey... calm down..."

Xia Mu felt that she drank nearly half of the blood energy he collected, so he had to reach out and push her head.


Xia Mi refused to look up.

"It's going to be flooded!"

Xia Mu looked up and saw that the entire Bronze City had completely lost its support at this moment. After it was torn apart, the river flooded in.


He moved the six bronze walls and pressed them into a cube to protect the two of them.

But the raging water couldn't stop it.

Xia Mi suddenly let go of his hand to stop the bleeding.

Xia Mu took a deep breath.

The next moment, the two were submerged in the current.

The bronze cube was hit by countless fragments, smashed back and forth at the bottom of the water, and rolled endlessly.

Xia Mu maintained the state of the bronze throne to resist the extreme water pressure and the constant impacts.

"Bang bang bang..."

Xia Mi rolled into a ball with him.

But she has dragon scales all over her body, and Xia Mu doesn't feel any softness.

It took 3 minutes for the underwater roar to calm down.

Xia Mu pushed Xia Mi away, scattered the bronze cube around him, and floated upwards.

Xia Mi immediately circled him like a fish swimming, and went up together.

Xia Mu couldn't see her face clearly underwater, but she poked and patted her body from time to time, and knew that she was in a very good mood now, and probably got great benefits from that half of Norton's blood.

But Xia Mu's mood was not good, his face was already flushed.

At least 400 meters from the water surface, the bronze throne can help him resist the water pressure, but there is no oxygen for him.

He's been holding his breath for 4 minutes...

When a person reaches the limit, all restraint will be thrown away, just like a person will eat everything when he is hungry.

Xia Mu suddenly grabbed Xia Mi's hand and pulled her to his side, staring at her mouth with red eyes.

This guy can breathe underwater!
She also said to give him breath...

Xia Mi looked at him with wide eyes, saw his mouth pressing towards her, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

There is no such thing as dragon kissing, human seems that it can't be so casual!
Xia Mi's personality had the upper hand, she subconsciously reached out and pushed Xia Mu's chest.

Feeling the resistance of that hand, Xia Mu stopped suddenly, and then he pushed Xia Mi away violently, the water surged around his body, pushing himself upward at a very high speed.

Xia Mi stopped in place, looked up at his back, a strange color flashed in his eyes.


She rushed up suddenly, quickly caught up with Xia Mu, and grabbed his face.

But Xia Mu tilted her head and moved away, only letting her red lips fall on her cheeks.

Xia Mi was dumbfounded again.

Completely inexplicable!

It was him who held her back to save her breath before, but now she is the one who pushed her away, what's going on!

[The cooldown ends. 】

A look of relief appeared in Xia Mu's eyes. Compared to Xia Mi, who was neither an enemy nor a friend, of course he chose Eri Yi.

It's just that this day came... much earlier than he expected.


Erika was suddenly summoned to him.

At this time, there were still 300 meters away from the water surface, and there was no light, so we could only approach the past and barely see each other.

Xia Mu reached out and hugged her willow waist, hugged her tightly into his arms, and pressed her face to face.

Her immature face is timid and charming like a flower bud covered with dew in the morning, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, the two of them are close together underwater, intertwined with an irresistible attraction.

Sorry, Erika, I can't ask for your opinion...

Xia Mu closed his eyes, and pressed his lips fiercely.

Erika's eyes widened suddenly.

She thought about kissing her Mumu in the future, and imagined what it would be like when she took a bath by herself countless times. She tried and tried, but her Mumu was always very persistent and insisted on She told him what it is to like someone.

But now...

The moist, soft lips touched a piece, and a numb, itchy feeling bloomed from the lips.

Erika didn't know where she was, nor what the situation was.
But this was completely within her tolerable range, and she didn't even notice her lack of oxygen.

That kind of gentle touch seemed to melt her whole body, she couldn't help but put her arms around Xia Mu's neck, and closed her eyes.

Xia Mi also stared at the side.

what is this?what is this?what is this? !

Push her away and call another girl to kiss?
I, Xia Mi... Am I Ye Mengjia so shameless? !
Xia Mu's suffocated feelings were greatly relieved, and he finally relaxed a little, so that he could experience the ultimate soft and intimate touch.

The kiss tasted better than anything else, better than they had imagined, even here in the darkness of the water.

She is his most precious person, his heart melted softly, and there were waves of ripples, and all the ripples in his heart were her shadow.

The mood... the mood has completely changed...

I can't think of her as a child anymore...

The sweet smell and the fragrance made Erika feel dizzy with happiness.

The beautiful feeling that she once recalled in the dream, which made people intoxicated and unwilling to wake up, surrounded her so realistically and naturally.

Her happiness, her longing, her first kiss, and her mumu, in this cold river, when her body is as warm as spring, she got what she wanted!
From now on, he will have no reason to reject her anymore!
The plan can't keep up with the change...

In Xia Mu's heart, he got cheap and acted like a good boy.


At this time, a foot kicked him fiercely, and the other kicked down, separating the two of them.

Xia Mi grabbed Xia Mu's arm, accelerated directly underwater, and rushed towards the water surface at the fastest speed.

Xia Mu has to actively float up to reach the water surface, but she is no different from a fish, and her speed is naturally much faster than Xia Mu.

Erika was in a daze, and it took a while to react...

(End of this chapter)

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