Chapter 173 Do You Like Me?
"This is the Moniah, and I'm Chu Zihang."

"We killed a dragon, but it looks like it's not Norton, but the same next-generation dragon as Xia Mutu's last time."

"The third officer was killed in the dragon attack, and Susie was overdrawn and fell into shock."

"Xia Mu disappeared underwater."

"Earthquake fluctuations occurred underwater before, and 10 minutes have passed by this time, and there has been no movement."

Chu Zihang's voice was still so calm, as if all this had no effect on him.

Only Lancelot could see that his fingers were pinched in the palm of his hand, and the blood, drop by drop, fell on the floor.

Opposite silence.

"I declare that the operation failed, and the Moniaher will return immediately."

A minute later, the headmaster's voice came.

Chu Zihang opened his mouth, his eyes dimmed, and then he said softly, "Yes."

Angers hung up the phone.

"President, the principal is protecting us." Lancelot said in a low voice.

Chu Zihang looked at the peacefully flowing river outside the porthole, and the blood in his palms flowed faster and faster.

How could he not understand what the principal meant.

With the storm torpedoes gone and the alchemy warhead expended on Samson, the ship doesn't have any weapons that would work against Norton.

The last dragon slaying ace, Xia Mu and the Seven Deadly Sins, disappeared.

If Norton attacked, the entire army would be wiped out.

"Lancelot, you take over the duties of the captain in my place, and command the Moniah to leave immediately." Chu Zihang said suddenly.

Lancelot was stunned for a moment, and immediately called out: "President! You!"

"Excuting an order."

Chu Zihang held on tightly to Cun Yu, the brand new Cun Yu, after walking out of the front cabin, he couldn't help but glance at Susie's pale face in the cabin, the crazy appearance of the girl was still imprinted in his mind.

He pursed his lips, and finally walked to the back cabin and put on his diving suit.


After Xia Mu's head came out of the water, he gasped for breath immediately, and almost sucked all the surrounding air into his lungs in one breath, only then did he feel a little more comfortable.

The place where Xia Mi sent him up was very good, it just happened to be next to the bowstring of the Moniach.

She didn't come up by herself, but kicked Xia Mu out of the water and dived away by herself.

Chu Zihang, who was sitting on the strings of the boat, was about to jump into the water, and Lancelot and others stood behind him with worried and sad expressions.

Then everyone saw the head that popped up all of a sudden...Looking at each other, there was silence.


It was Chu Zihang who spoke first. Except for that moment, his pupils dilated and his heart beat faster, and then he calmed down immediately.

"Well, Tulong is back, and Norton is gone."

Xia Mu said something lightly, and continued to breathe heavily, wheezing.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears, they were dumbfounded.

"Norton... is dead?" Chu Zihang asked softly.

Xia Mu nodded.

Another moment of silence.

Lancelot and others looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

Although the mixed races are not normal people, but killing the dragon king's lair alone, killing the opponent and coming out unscathed... that's easy!

"Can you pull me up first?" Xia Mu regained his breath, all speech and spirit stopped, and a sense of fatigue surged up.

Chu Zihang stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

The heat rose from Xia Mu's body, and soon all the clothes were steamed dry.

"Come on, let me go."

Lancelot and the others subconsciously made way for a passage.

They themselves didn't know how much admiration and awe they had when they looked at Xia Mu's back.

The power of faith is an eternal theme.

Xia Mu returned to the cabin, changed into a school uniform again, and leaned on the seat after being dry all over, and let out a big sigh of relief.

After this encounter, there were still many accidents, and finally there was no danger.

The crazily surging dragon blood in his body continues to transform his body, and he will become a real super hybrid in a short time, on the same level as the Yuan Zhisheng brothers, and maybe not as good as Erika.

But his speech ability is exaggerated, almost a weakened version of the King of Bronze and Fire.

With the contact and battle with the Dragon King, some strange changes began to appear in his body, which made him overturn his previous judgment.

Being able to absorb the blood of the Dragon King, get the spirit of speech, and gain the power and power of the Dragon King, this has far exceeded the scope of the system to unlock bloodlines.

wait, unlock?
Xia Mu paused, suddenly enlightened.

Ha ha…


At this moment, Erika suddenly appeared in the cabin.

She had been dazed underwater for so long before she recovered and returned to her original position.

Suddenly Xia Mu's face felt a little hot, his eyes were erratic, and his heartbeat accelerated.

Just now... was it a forced kiss?


Erika's body was wet, the water flowed over her pretty face and slid down, strands of hair stuck to her cheeks, which made her even more charming.

She sat down beside Xia Mu, no matter how wet her body was, she stretched out her hand to grab Xia Mu's hand, her eyes were about to meet his, her pretty face was pale pink, and her lips were moist.

"Mumu, you kissed me."

Xia Mu moved his eyes away, not looking at her, but his hands warmed up, helping her to evaporate all the moisture from her body.

Eri Yui's body suddenly became warm.

"Mumu, you kissed me."

She relentlessly fiddled with Xia Mu's hand.

Xia Mu was so disturbed by her that he had no choice but to look back at her, his face was a little red: "Well, I kissed you."

At this time, I can't explain to her that I am hypoxic, that would be too... Shameless!


The girl first smiled, but then her eyes dodged a little, she held his hand tightly, and asked, "Then...we..."

She didn't know what was wrong with her, her heart was beating like a drum, and her breathing was not smooth.


The long eyelashes are trembling, and the eyes are full of anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, longing, and hope, all kinds of emotions are intertwined.

"do you like me?"

She finally spoke up.

After so long, she learned from the mobile phone that she and him have done many things that couples would do, such as holding hands, hugging, sleeping together, taking a bath, living together, and so on.

But what is their relationship?

She doesn't understand.

She likes the feeling of being cared for, likes the stable breath on his body, likes being hugged by him like having the little happiness of the whole world, likes being taught, called, and...needed.

Gradually, she wanted more and more, and her eyes, her world, and everything about her revolved around one person.

She also wants that person to be just like her.

"Mumu, do you like me?"

Erika straightened up suddenly, wine red eyes and Xia Mu looked at each other, the uneasiness in the eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by the majesty and calm similar to when the golden pupils lit up.

She was sure of what she wanted, and she was waiting for an answer.

Looking at those beautiful eyes and the serious look on her face, Xia Mu finally stretched out his hands, and gently, gently, hugged her slender body tightly.


(End of this chapter)

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