Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 193 The Fight Between the King and the King

Chapter 193 The Fight Between the King and the King
"Brother... loves me..."

The dragon's head spread out on the ground, but it was as tall as Xia Mi's whole body. The sadness and fear in the dragon's eyes were like a child's.


The baby's voice came out of such a ferocious giant mouth, which seemed so strange.

Xia Mi smiled softly: "Really."

Her hand stroked, stroked, and slowly moved to the top of the dragon's head.

This position, cut in, is the third longan, the vital point of Fellowes!
"You have the love of your younger brother, you merge together, and he will always be by your side forever, so...isn't it good?"

Xia Mi was very patient, calming down fellow's emotions little by little, and also dispelling the other party's vigilance.

"Together with my brother...forever..."

The huge dragon's eyes suddenly glowed.

"Your eyes are also his eyes. Everything you see, he can also see. Your happiness is the happiness of your younger brother."

Xia Mi gently stroked her ferocious head, the golden pupils gradually became deep, and the fine and beautiful dragon scales on her hands slowly covered them.

"Bang bang, bang bang..."

Just when she gathered all her strength between her fingers, suddenly, a strange knocking sound echoed in the empty ground.

Fellowes' dragon head suddenly became stiff, and there was a flash of fear in the dragon's eyes, and then it slowly turned into numbness.


Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Mi turned his right hand into a sharp claw, slashed down with a cold light, and stabbed fiercely at the dragon's head.


The strong limbs of the dragon suddenly stood upright, its wingspan suddenly opened, and the earth-shattering dragon chant echoed in the ground.

A strong and invisible wave spread from the dragon, blasting everything around it away.

The super enhanced version of Word Spirit Clean Land!
"Puff puff…"

Xia Mi's body that was shot backwards was swept by endless wind blades, bloodstains gradually spread all over his body.

She only had time to protect her pretty face...

Why the sudden madness? !

Xia Mi didn't understand.

Especially at the moment when he was about to succeed, a sudden change occurred.

"Fellows! I'm your friend! What are you doing?!"

Her voice did not make the dragons hesitate.

The huge wings spread out, and the tyrannical pounce seemed to tear her apart.

Xia Mi turned over to avoid the attack, then quickly ran along the rock wall, turned over and passed over the sky, and fell behind the dragon.


Her delicate fist hit the ground, but it exploded like an earthquake epicenter.

The whole underground is like a surging sea wave, sweeping up, shattering, and collapsing in an instant.

Xia Mi fled among the chaotic rocks like rain.

The ferocious dragon behind fell into the ground, but the wind howled, blowing the rocks away, and followed the storm with its whole body.

The sharp blade roared, and the whole underground was in a mess, like a scene of doomsday.


The strong wind light was like a gear spinning and cutting at a very high speed, leaving deep and visible scars on her back.

'I'm going to let him see my bloody back again...'

This was the thought that flashed through her mind.

The last time I was slashed by Angers, this time it was even more serious. There were fine wounds all over my body, especially my back, and my buttocks...

"I don't know if I can escape, what do I want to do..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth, her body hurting badly.

Originally, she thought that she was meeting one of the kings, so Xia Mu helped her to be sure.

But I didn't expect to meet the fused king of the sky and the wind, and that and the single incomplete dragon king are fundamentally two concepts.

If the current King of Wind thinks about it, he can even directly raze a hundred miles around to the ground!

What's more troublesome is that the other party seems to have lost his mind.

Although she was stupid, it was not the same as going crazy, at least she could achieve her goal by fooling her.

"Come help me, Xia Mu... If it's too late, I'll be finished... The cocoon is just beginning to form... I'm really going to die..."

Xia Mi blasted down the underground rock formations one after another, but he could barely bring Fellowes some obstacles.

The distance between them is shortening.

The scariest thing has actually yet to happen.

Xia Mi knows that Fellowes doesn't know how to use power, but as long as she wants, she can use instant or time zero at any time!

Instantaneous acceleration is equivalent to stopping time.

This is the most terrifying ability of the King of Sky and Wind.

Maybe at this moment she is still thinking about what is there and what is not, and the next moment it will be torn apart.


Xia Mi glanced back, the danger was very close.

"Forget it, I hope you can escape as far as you can, don't let it all go here..."

She tried her best not to think about the silly brother under the subway platform, and she didn't think about what would happen to her after she died. Her eyes were deep, and they swept across the entire mountain range in front of her.

The last chance!


She stopped suddenly, stepped on the rocks in the air, dropped sharply, and punched them down.

This is the stress concentration point for the entire mountain range.

Luckily for her, it's not far away.


As if encountering a magnitude [-] earthquake, a strong shock wave occurred in the ground, which was transmitted to the ground, and the whole mountain danced like ocean waves.

The shock extended to the coast, and for a moment the sea water was turbulent, the waves were surging, and a tsunami was born quickly, forming a huge wave of tens of meters rushing towards the coast.

The epicenter is too close to the ground, and the power created may not be comparable to level [-], but in this position, it is only strong but not weak!


For a moment, it felt like the sky was falling apart.

All the hybrids of the Gattuso family are on the run.

It never occurred to them that lying down at home, some people even finished half of what they loved to do. First, the house collapsed, then the ground collapsed, and finally the entire mountain range was shaken to the ground.

This is not enough, there is a wave of tsunami after the end...


Amidst the violent wind and rain, the surging waves, and the indistinct sound of the dragon's chant, the entire broken ground seemed to be propped up from the ground by a huge force.

Dust-free land, super enhanced version!

If you look from above, you can see that the entire Gattuso family residence was blown away, countless rocks and soil clods disappeared, and a large pit with a radius of ten miles appeared in the center, like a valley created out of thin air.


The sea swept across, and the huge waves rolled over, submerging this place at the fastest speed.

Xia Mu opened the bronze throne when the waves hit, and at the same time took a deep breath, letting the sea water beat him down.

Xia Mi must be below, he has to find her, and diving with the current is undoubtedly the fastest.

"Puff puff bang bang..."

He didn't know how many things he bumped into along the way, but fortunately it was the body of the bronze throne, so he didn't feel anything when bumping into it.

The dark underwater torrent was raging, and he had no chance to see his surroundings clearly, until with a puff, his body hit the invisible barrier, and then fell into it violently.


Xia Mu rolled twice, and found that the water flow and all the sounds disappeared at the same time, as if he had come to another world.

Outside this world, the waves continue to rage, and the earthquake roars wildly, but inside there is a dead silence.

Except for the dragon in the middle...

Xia Mi who stepped on her paws with her.

(End of this chapter)

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