Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 194 Xia Mi's Sharing

Chapter 194 Xia Mi's Sharing

"and many more!"

Seeing that the huge dragon lowered its ferocious head and sniffed Xia Mi's body, as if evaluating whether it tasted good or not, Xia Mu hurriedly yelled.

The dragon raised his head all of a sudden, staring at him with ferocious and terrifying eyes.

Xia Mu suddenly realized what the situation was.

The surrounding space similar to the dust-free land was obviously created by this dragon, and combined with Xia Mi's statement that the ground veins fluctuate abnormally, there may be a dragon king here...

"Lord of Sky and Wind!" he blurted out.

Then I felt a little regretful, this is really not a good time to speak.

Without the Thousand Chance Umbrella made by the Seven Deadly Sins, how could he slay the dragon with his bare hands?

Finding a way to save Xia Mi and leave is the only thing to do.

"She... merged..."

At this time, Xia Mi's bloody body trembled.

She opened her dull eyes.

"Quick... escape..."

The breathless voice was very clear in the silent space.

Xia Mu stood still.

He knew what it meant to be the dragon king after fusion, and he also knew what the authority of the king of sky and wind was.

In the face of Feng Wang's speed, this word seems ridiculous.

Xia Mi...Jomengard also feels hopeless...

It's been upside down outside, but it's calm here.

The dragon raised its ferocious dragon head and stared at Xia Mu, his gaze gradually became fierce.

Her claws moved down from Xia Mi's back, her wings spread, she paused for a moment, and then snarled sharply at Xia Mi.


This is a mad dragon with only aggressive instincts.

There is only one chance...

Xia Mu thought to himself.


From the disappearance of the Dragon King to the appearance, it seems to be just a moment.

Xia Mu's vigilance from being vigilant to being bitten by the giant mouth took an instant.


There was a sudden look of bewilderment in the huge dragon's eyes. She expected that the thing in her mouth should be swallowed twice by her, but now she only feels a toothache.

Xia Mu heard those two rows of teeth biting his bones creaking.

He gritted his teeth and endured the pain, stretched out his hand inside the dragon's mouth, and stabbed his fingers into the upper jaw...the place that would be particularly sensitive and uncomfortable if stabbed.


Raging spiritual flames erupted, pouring in crazily through the wounds punctured by metal fingers.


The deafening dragon chant sounded, and Xia Mu felt his whole body trembling. He could even see the huge tonsils of the dragon shaking wildly at the moment he was spit out.

He rolled and fell, his figure flashed past, picked up Xia Mi's body and ran away.


Breaking through the space of the dust-free land, he immediately fell into the sea again.

A lot of blood flowed out from Xia Mi's body, and all of it poured into Xia Mu's body.


Outside them, Junyan burst out, like the tail flame of a rocket erupting, coupled with the pupil of the wind king, the wind helped the fire, and the two were launched together.

Xia Mu used his head as an arrow, and protected Xia Mi on his chest with both hands, no matter how thick the rock was in front of him, he passed through it.

Except for a little headache, the speed is extremely fast.


But the storm that swept behind him was even faster.

The king of sky and wind in rage, unstoppable!

'I'm really going to die in a place like this with you...'

Xia Mu's heart was beating wildly, his pupils were deep, and the flames and wind were moving to the extreme.

Unless Erika calls him at this time, there is no other way...Of course, even if he is summoned, he will escape alone, Xia Mi...

At this time, an arm covered with dragon scales hooked his neck, and the other hand stretched out to his mouth, blocking his mouth with his wrist.

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, and looked down, it was Xia Mi's tightly closed eyes.

She opened her mouth in the water, and the shape of her lips was: "Drink."

Seeing her weak appearance, Xia Mu wondered if this bite would suck her dry.

But the storm behind him is getting closer...

He became cruel and bit down on it.

Arterial blood spurted out and flowed into the throat, the unique sweet taste made Xia Mu's eyes turn red.

The scene seen in the golden pupil changed, sea water, rocks, and mountains began to flow out of veins.

Xia Mu understands!
The power of the king of the earth and the mountain, at this moment he has been shared!
He knew what he should do in an instant, because it was like a three-dimensional map in front of him. After the earthquake and tsunami were disturbed, it was a three-dimensional maze.

And the power of the king of the earth and the mountain is to find the shortest escape route from such an environment.

"call out!"

It was not easy for Feng Wang's huge body to shuttle through the water and rocks, but at this moment, he found Xia Mu's fiery figure's route was strange.

Up and down, left and right, and more and more smoothly, faster and faster, gradually, it disappeared from her field of vision.


The moment the Dragon King was furious, the flow around his body suddenly weakened, and everything seemed to stand still.

Setsuna... is an enhanced version with countless times!

"Bang bang!"

At this critical moment, the sound of the clapper suddenly came from the ground, as if it was amplified by countless speakers, and it actually spread so far.

But here, it is already very weak.

Feng Wang's huge body suddenly stiffened, and then his fierce eyes gradually softened, then he was confused, and finally a little timid.


A boy's voice echoed underground.

"Come back soon..."

The dragon's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and the baby voice called out again: "Brother——"

With a bang, the dragon king's huge body disappeared from its original position.

Ten minutes later, a call was made from deep underground.

"Is it done?" Pompey's voice sounded from the opposite side.

The caller hummed and said, "Don't worry, she is the king of the sky and the wind fused together. No one can defeat her except the white king and the black king."

Pompei was visibly relieved: "That's good, let her sleep and transfer to another secret base."

"pass it to me."

The man's faint words are full of power.

"That's good, that's good, I'm going to continue my night life and go say goodbye!" Pompeii couldn't wait to hang up the phone.

"Wait a moment!"

But the man's voice stopped Pompeii from the upper brain of the white worm: "Is there any progress in Tokyo? When will the experimental data I need be available?"

Pompeii paused: "The doctor will work hard on his own. We don't need to push too much. Instead, what we need to consider is how to deal with him after he succeeds. That's the White King."

"Don't worry, his technique is not perfect yet, it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. With the sword of Damocles of your Gattuso family, it is not a problem to solve it." The man has a plan in mind.

Pompeii seemed to think about it for a while, and said: "The biggest trouble for him now is probably Xia Mu, who is making trouble in the mixed-race world. As a container, he doesn't seem to be so obedient."

"Originally, I was involved in the secret party's attack and planned to help our old friend, but this Xia Mu is still too strong. I just hope he can control it in the end."


Hearing the long silence on the other side, Pompeii seemed to be lost in thought, quietly hung up the phone, then rushed back to the swimming pool, and threw himself at the white beauty...

(End of this chapter)

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