Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 201 Natsu Mi Attacking in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 201 Natsu Mi Attacking in the Middle of the Night


Xia Mi was arranged by Xia Mu in the guest room and did not sleep in the master bedroom.

She didn't feel sleepy, just lying on the big soft and comfortable bed, watching the scenery outside the window.

I have never slept on such a comfortable bed, nor have I been covered with such a soft quilt.

She was amazed by how much human life had improved, and of course, by the disparity between rich and poor.

However, the dragon clan itself has great class differences, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

"If I can sleep on such a bed all the time, covered with such a quilt..."

Xia Mi closed his eyes, "I will linger too, I don't want to leave..."

Lying here, a kind of quiet little happiness lingers in my heart.

But she opened her eyes quickly, sat up, and left the comfortable bed.

The brother who got off the capital subway station hasn't seen her for a long time, so he can't delay, he must go back.


Xia Mi walked to the door and gently pushed the door open.

A warm night light was lit in the hallway and continued to the bathroom.

She didn't go there, but walked to the master bedroom.

The door of the master bedroom opened slowly and silently.

Standing at the door, Xia Mi saw that under the faint moonlight in the room, the girl was curled up in Xia Mu's arms, like a baby hiding in the protection of its parents.

She held Xia Mu's pajamas with both hands, with a peaceful expression on her face.

With bare feet, Xia Mi stepped on the soft carpet and slowly walked to the bedside.

Xia Mu's sleeping position is not good, I saw him sideways facing Eri Yi, with one hand protecting her head, one hand on her waist, and one leg actually resting on Eri Yi's body.

Xia Mi couldn't help smiling, but a picture flashed in his mind.

That was when he was being hunted down by the King of Sky and Wind. He must have been in the same posture, with his hands covering her head and body, using himself as a shield to pierce through all obstacles.

No matter how stubborn he was, he still kept his promise to protect her and escape.

Xia Mi squatted down on the carpet, leaned against the bed, and stretched out his finger to poke Xia Mu's cheek.

Xia Mu closed his eyes, and the eyeballs moved under the eyelids.

Damn it, it's midnight, what is Xiao Longnu planning to do!
Based on his and Erika's grasp of the surrounding environment, theoretically Xia Mi would wake up when he got close, but Erika regarded his side as the safest place, without any precautions.

But he himself was awake.

Xia Mi pursed his lips and snickered, and simply lay down on the edge of the bed, touching Xia Mu's cheek with his fingers.

Adam's apple, clavicle, pectoralis, abs...

Xia Mi's hands paused, and his eyes moved over to look, his face became a little hot, and a heart-warming blush appeared under the moonlight.

It turns out that what the book says is true, a man will really...

"Stop... what are you doing!"

Xia Mu finally couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Xia Mi's hand and pulled it away, then turned his head and stared at her.

It can't be blamed on him, being so tempted every day, and sleeping next to Erika at night, something is not normal...


Xia Mi blinked his left eye.

"Get out!" Xia Mu stared.

Xia Mi giggled and breathed out: "Cloud...net...disk..."

Xia Mu's face twitched.

"Stop making trouble, can you? I beg you..." He begged softly.

Xia Mi withdrew her hand, leaned on the side of the bed and supported her head, her warm and delicate face seemed transparent under the moonlight.

"I'm not making a fuss."

She stretched out her finger to poke Xia Mu's arm one after another, and said in a low voice, "Don't you want to try the feeling of being sneaky? Thinking about it will make your heart beat faster."

Xia Mu's heartbeat also accelerated a bit, but he glanced at Erika who was sleeping peacefully next to him, and immediately pressed down.

"Do not want to."

He closed his eyes, turned his head to Erika's side, and ignored Xia Mi.

Xia Mi was not annoyed either, his fingers traced behind his back little by little, as if he was writing something.

Xia Mu settled down, followed her fingers, and wrote a few words in his mind: "Will you fall in love with me?"


He sighed sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

The most touching part of love is to love each other. What's the point of being so obsessed with making him fall in love with her?

Maybe it really has a special meaning to her.

He could feel that Xia Mi seemed to have put his upper body on the bed, and his head gradually approached him.

He could even feel her warm breath on his cheek.

Xia Mu's heart moved, his head shifted immediately, and he opened his eyes.

Sure enough, the warm and soft touch passed from his cheek and landed on his ear.

"Xia Mi!"

Xia Mu reached out and pushed Xia Mi's head away, wanting to get angry but afraid of waking Erika.

And at such a close distance, her monster-like face was so charming that it made his heart beat wildly.

"Stop playing with me, please..." he whispered.

Xia Mi put her hand on his chest gently, bit his earlobe lightly with her lips, and said in a low voice: "Xia Mu, I have read many books, and I know that to make a man like her, a girl must learn to push and pull, Hang him, give him some sweets, and don't really let him get it..."

"But I'm different, I don't want to use those methods, my intuition tells me that you have seen those things..."

Her soft voice is beautiful, "I want you to love me, so what I show is my charm, not just to seduce you..."

Xia Mi moved slightly away from Xia Mu's ear.

Xia Mu turned to look at her, not knowing what to say.

She reached out and pinned the hanging hair behind her ears, and looked into his eyes: "I am Xia Mi, not Yemengard. What you have to fall in love with is not a dragon, but a human personality. Xia Mi is Xia Mi." Mi, I want her to truly appear in this world."

Xia Mu's eyes were confused, like listening to a book from heaven.

"I'm leaving."

Xia Mi's voice came again, he was startled, and looked away.

Xia Mi stretched out his wrist and chuckled lightly: "The next time we meet must be a month later, I have to feed you."

Xia Mu was stunned to see her reach out her hand and put it next to his mouth.

He opened his mouth, and the blood flowed into his mouth, rushing into his body, and his body seemed to be activated in an instant, the blood flowed like dancing and screaming happily, flowing to all limbs and bones.

A sly smile flashed across Xia Mi's eyes.

The wound on the wrist gradually healed, and the bleeding moved up the inside of the arm.

Xia Mu raised her head almost subconsciously, following the flow of blood, her lips moved up from her wrist, over the bend of her hand, along her big arm, and slowly reached her smooth shoulders.

Xia Mi had already taken off her pajamas to her chest, fully exposing her shoulders.

Xia Mu suddenly paused, and raised his eyes in a daze... Why did they come to his shoulders?
But then more blood poured into his mouth, from Xia Mi's beautiful neck.

Before Xia Mu's confused head figured out what was going on, his body made its own choice and bit her neck fiercely.

Xia Mi tilted her head and hugged his upper body, the skin around her neck was numb, her eyes were blurred, and her breathing became heavy...

(End of this chapter)

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