Chapter 202 I miss you

Behind her, Erika leaned towards her as if she had lost her embrace, making a low nasal sound.

Xia Mu and Xia Mi were startled and pushed each other away almost at the same time.

Xia Mu turned around.

Erika raised her little head, reached out and rubbed her eyes, looking sleepy.


Xia Mu's heart skipped half a beat.

But Eriyi didn't seem to see anything, grabbed his pajamas on his chest with both hands, found a comfortable position for her little head on his chest, and closed her eyes again.

Xia Mu blinked his eyes.

Erika didn't seem to see anything.

He turned his head to look, but he didn't see Xia Mi.

Am I dreaming?

As soon as Xia Mu's thought came up, it disappeared immediately, because he found that Xia Mi was lying directly on the carpet beside the bed.

He couldn't help but laugh.

There was still some warm and greasy taste left on his mouth, he subconsciously stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked it.

At this moment, Xia Mi sat up straight, her head and shoulders popped out.

Her face was also a little red, but there was a faint smile on her face.

Xia Mu pursed his lips in embarrassment and retracted his tongue.

Xia Mi looked at him amusedly, pointed at his beautiful neck with his finger.

Xia Mu glanced over, but saw that there was a piece of strawberry on the snow-white skin... The temperature on his cheeks suddenly rose.

This guy can really toss!
He actually seduces with his own blood.

Xia Mi saw his face beyond shame, couldn't help but chuckle, but quickly reached out to cover her small mouth, and then waved with one free hand.

Before Xia Mu could understand what she meant, she stood up slowly, with her hands behind her back, and walked out the door with bare feet.

Soon, there was a ticking sound of the apartment door opening and closing.

She left.

For a moment, Xia Mu felt empty in his was going to be over!
He stretched out his hands and hugged Erika even tighter, as if he wanted to expel the fantasy about Natsumi in his mind.


Erika was hugged tightly by him, murmured something, and shrank into his arms again, with an extremely reassuring expression on her face.

Xia Mu gently stroked her satin-like long hair, stared at the ceiling, all kinds of chaotic thoughts drifted through her mind, and she couldn't fall asleep anymore...

"Has an unknown dragon been detected?"

"Are you using the spirit of speech?"

"Is the physical condition abnormal?"

"Have you found any suspected alchemy equipment?"

no no no no no...

During the next freshman summer vacation, Xia Mu spent his daily homework at Kassel College.

Only a little accident happened halfway.

A certain student with personal heroism stole the alchemy equipment from the academy and stole the secret dragon tomb in the "Valley of the Kings" in Egypt, awakening the dragons who were about to "break the cocoon".

As an S-level student, he was directly airdropped.

In order to get more materials for Master Mei's dragon-slaying blockbuster, he launched a thousand-mile hunt.

Take the Star Alliance flight from Cairo to Istanbul, from Istanbul to New York, then from New York to Cape Town, and finally use alchemy missiles to shoot the seaplane on which the dragon is flying, and shoot down a new stealth drone that is being tested in a certain country...

This incident was interpreted by the country's stealth aircraft industry as "the enemy has mastered all the techniques to detect us, and this shooting down is an obvious demonstration", thus abandoning existing research and fully devoting itself to the space shuttle project of "outer space strike".

After he came back, he started to do nothing again. If he was really bored, he took Erika to answer a few announcements and added a few more sums to his deposit.

Then, the day before the start of school, I sent Lu Mingfei a congratulatory text message, which read: "Happy birthday, I wish you get out of the single soon! Zero is very good, female college ten, everything is worth it! Don't miss it!"

I don't know how Lu Mingfei felt when he saw it.

He is the vice president of the Lionheart Club of Kassel College and the sworn enemy of the student union, while Lu Mingfei is a newcomer to the student union.

This is like Lu Su's birthday. Waking up early and receiving a birthday card from Cao Cao makes people feel mixed and confused.

"Xia Mu, the board of directors of your Kassel College is secretly investigating you, and also investigated Chu Zihang by the way. There is content related to me in that document, which must be erased. I originally planned to do it myself, but I want to Think about it... I miss you, let's go together."

Xia Mu nodded repeatedly when he saw the content in front of Xia Mi's text message, and was quite relieved.

Finally, she didn't expose herself recklessly, but she almost dropped her phone to the ground when she saw the last sentence.

"Mumu, what's the matter?" Erika leaned over to look.

Xia Mu pressed the power button as if nothing had happened, causing the phone's screen to go black: "It's nothing, a small task, I'm going out for two days."


Erika's expression didn't change, she was used to it.

And every time Xia Mu came back from the house, he would always bring her some gifts, except for the doll Xia Mi last time, he also brought fun things from various countries when he went on missions.

It can be seen from this that the dragon that he chased and killed was really lucky. He had already gone halfway to visit the gift shop and then chased and killed the dragon. The dragon lived a lot longer than other similar people who encountered Xia Mu.

"come back earlier…"

As usual, Erika bit his lip when she sent him out.

When Xia Mu walked into the garage, he still recalled the wonderful and long taste.

When someone at home is waiting for you, you can not miss the scenery outside.

He made up his mind, this time he can't be tempted by Xia Mi no matter what!Don't be taken advantage of!
In the garage, there was a row of cars parked, Xia Mu got into a new car, a big toy just bought two days ago.

Dark red, slender and low, like a sleeping leopard.

He sat in the driver's seat, pulled down the sun visor, and stared at his face in the vanity mirror.

With a clear face, a broad forehead, a straight nose bridge, strong eyebrows, and those warm black eyes, he is so handsome.

"As expected of me."

Xia Mu closed his eyes and focused, and slowly opened them, the light in his eyes seemed to have thrown a torch into the ancient well!
He flicked his hair and moved his facial muscles slowly and vigorously... There was already another person in the mirror, that face was as hard as a glacier, and the golden shimmer in the depths of his pupils was like a will-o'-the-wisp.

No one would be willing to look at him at this moment, the stern air like a spear was silently dispersed, looking into his eyes, it was like a gun with no safety on it.

I don't know when it started, but he found that he seemed to have an extra personality. When the golden pupil was lit, the state would switch, and sometimes he couldn't figure out which one was the real self.

Maybe just like Xia Mi, he gradually acquired a character similar to "Jomungard".

He put on black sunglasses, "Start!"

The engine roars high-pitched, the gears of the dual clutch bite tightly, and the power is evenly sent to the four wheels. The wide tires grip the ground like the curled claws of a beast before it pounces.

The rolling shutter was slowly raised, and the sunlight fell on the windshield like a waterfall.

Xia Mu let go of the brakes, the accelerator went to the end, the engine cheered, and the red supercar pierced the grand light curtain like a sword...

(End of this chapter)

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