Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 204 Chu Zihang Who Killed Halfway

Chapter 204 Chu Zihang Who Killed Halfway

"Be careful."

Pedestrians didn't notice what happened at all. Some of them caught sight from the corner of their eyes, probably seeing Raymond lift his trousers, then something dropped, and then Xia Mu helped him pick it up.

Then, Raymond didn't know whether he was too ashamed or wanted to take a rest, so he stepped back and sat on the seat on the platform.

Xia Mu used a wonderful rhythm, which made him mentally confused for a moment and fell asleep.

The enhanced version of hypnosis combined with the hand of God and spiritual flame can take effect quickly when the opponent's bloodline is lower than your own and can be touched.


With thin gloves on, he shook the document bag in his hand and saw that it was sealed with a metal buckle.

This was not difficult for him, after controlling it to open automatically, he stretched out his finger to get the file.


But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded from not far behind.

Xia Mu was terrified, and looked back.

Sure enough, Chu Zihang!

why is he here !

For a moment, Xia Mu's brain waves were running wildly.

Could it be... This is a trap aimed at him or Xia Mi?

Chu Zihang walked over slowly, and said in a calm tone: "The school board of directors just fell on my head through the implementation of the tasks assigned by the department. S-level tasks, task objectives, and ensure the safety of Commissioner Raymond during the transfer."

"Oh, by the way, the commissioner is Lu Mingfei, and I do odd jobs for him."

Xia Mu's face trembled, thinking of the classic allusion that Eunuch Lu charged into the battle with Shang Fang's sword in hand, the general Chu Zihang was the backup, and the emperor was probably planning to kill Eunuch Lu.

"I noticed you when you changed your gray hair. Maybe you thought it was too simple, so you didn't pay attention to these details..."

Chu Zihang finally came to him and stretched out his hand: "You are Xia Mu, don't deny it, and give me the file bag."

Xia Mu took half a step back and lowered his voice: "Don't you want to know what's in the file bag? Don't you wonder why I came to intercept this information?"

Chu Zihang's eyes fluctuated, but he shook his head: "My task is to protect Commissioner Raymond and ensure the safety of the file bag."

Xia Mu continued to seduce: "The content inside is about you and me, and it is not good for us."

Chu Zihang was stunned: "What is it?"

Although he sticks to his duty and is the best soldier and partner, he is not a fool.

"Then, I'm going to take it out and have a look."

Xia Mu silently pressed Raymond to let him sleep longer, and then called Chu Zihang to sit side by side on the seat.

Xia Mi looked at them from afar, hesitating for a while.

Chu Zihang's appearance must have been an accident, she didn't know how Xia Mu planned to deal with it.

"Look at this, you have all the files from childhood to adulthood, and even the weird incident of your disappearance with Maybach when you were 15 years old." Xia Mu handed him some files.

Chu Zihang looked over one by one, his expression gradually changed.

I remember everything clearly.

"This is a document requested by the school board. They are very interested in your past, bloodline, and ability." Xia Mu pointed to the document and said.

Chu Zihang kept flipping, and said to himself strangely: "The basketball cheerleader? Why don't I have an impression of her? I don't even remember these girls who often appear by my side."

Xia Mu took it and took a look, and it turned out that all of them were Xia Mi's records, and there were still doubts about the identities of these people, which finally pointed to a mysterious person who always appeared by Chu Zihang's side.

Regarding this mysterious person, the school management committee has investigated a lot and found a lot of relevant points.

For example, she will always go back to the capital, for example, she likes to wear school clothes with a long ponytail, and most importantly...

Her connection with Xia Mu!
"This mysterious man..."

Chu Zihang gave Xia Mu a strange look: "Is it your diehard fan?"

Xia Mu's face twitched.

In the above records about Xia Mi, apart from observing Chu Zihang, he also participated in various support activities, from ordinary road shows to concerts, to various announcements.

She followed Xia Mu's trail and flew across the country!
"Wait! Why you?!"

Chu Zihang froze suddenly.

The gradually weakening power of Yan Ling made everyone's subconscious of Xia Mu and Erika's identity swapping begin to loosen.

When Chu Zihang discovered that the mysterious person in the record was chasing after Xia Mu instead of Xia Liyi, his subconsciousness began to disintegrate.

If he can find out, the college and the school board will naturally find out, and then many things will change.

Especially after it is sent back to Tokyo, the variables about Erika's future will increase.

"Senior brother, I must destroy all the parts about me, the mysterious man, and Yiyi in the data," Xia Mu said firmly, "including the experience of the night you were 15 years old."

Chu Zihang frowned and thought for a while: "I don't understand."

"I can't explain clearly, but I promise that what I'm going to do will benefit you and not harm you. Do you believe me?" Xia Mu looked straight into his eyes.

Chu Zihang closed his eyes, and after a minute, he opened them again, his eyes regained their calm look: "I believe you."

Between the academy and Xia Mu, to be precise, between the school board and Xia Mu, he chose Xia Mu.

They have experienced the same dark rainy night, and they have gone through several cooperations in Tokyo, as well as the battle of slaying the dragon.

He trusted his intuition, he chose Xia Mu.


Xia Mu breathed a sigh of relief, just now he was really worried about Chu Zihang's single-minded objection.

"Actually, Yiyi and I switched identities, and we both fell into a super powerful word spirit, and we have switched in everyone's eyes."

Xia Mu told others about this for the first time.

As expected, Chu Zihang's eyes were a little dull, as if he was listening to the Arabian Nights.

"Really," Xia Mu met his confused eyes, nodded, and said with certainty, "My real name is Xia Mu, and Yiyi's real name is Uesugi Eriyi."

Chu Zihang remained silent for a long time, lowering his head to digest the shocking news.

"Actually, it's okay to tell the truth. After all, it is easy for you to accept me after I changed my identity, but for those who knew us before, it is a huge shock, such as the Snake Hachiya in Tokyo. .”

Xia Mu spread his hands.

"So, you and I are from the same country, Xia Liyi...actually from there?" Chu Zihang looked strange, "It turns out that it was not you, but her who was so difficult to bring out."

"Yes," Xia Mu nodded, "So I don't want to expose it, otherwise the Sheqi Eight Family will come to the door without saying a word, and beat me up, the guy who abducted their treasure."

Chu Zihang glanced at him, there seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know if he had imagined the scene.

"Help me keep it a secret."

"it is good."

Chu Zihang spoke concisely.

Xia Mu pulled out the materials that could not be taken back, avoiding everyone's sight, a flame ignited at his fingertips, and burned them all.

(End of this chapter)

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