Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 205 Pretentious...Mi

Chapter 205 Pretentious...Mi
"We've been looking at the information for a while, and it's impossible for Raymond to be unaware of it. What are you going to do next?"

Chu Zihang looked around and found that this was just a blind spot for surveillance, so he didn't have to worry about being discovered by the college and the school board.

"It's not a big problem. Someone will come to take this information in 5 minutes, and Raymond will wake up in 10 minutes. You can show up at that time, and then go and track down the person who stole the information together."

Xia Mu put the rest of the documents in the original order, carefully put them back into the file bag wearing gloves, and controlled the metal buckle to restore its original appearance.

Chu Zihang nodded first, and then fell silent: "There is still a loophole. My task is to protect Commissioner Raymond. Why did I come late?"

Xia Mu twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's not easy, you suddenly got a tuba, and missed these ten minutes."

"I never go to the toilet on the way to the mission, I always go there in advance."

Xia Mu waved his hand, and said in a relaxed tone, "Damn, I have diarrhea after eating the wrong food!"

Chu Zihang: "..."

He felt that his 100% mission record would be broken today, and the reason for the failure was enough to cause him to die on the academy forum.

"Shocked! The president of the Lionheart Society failed the S-level mission. The reason behind it is very heartwarming. It was diarrhea!"

Chu Zihang wanted to die just thinking about it.

"Don't worry, the team that takes over the task is average, it's a piece of cake for you, and your task is not considered a failure." Xia Mu chuckled.

Chu Zihang was expressionless.

That just turned into: "Shocked! The S-level mission of the president of the Lionheart Association almost failed..."

"Goodbye, we will part now. My image will not appear under surveillance. As long as you don't search all the records, you won't find me."

Xia Mu waved his hand: "Let's pretend we have never met before today."

But before he went far, Chu Zihang chased after him after putting the file bag in Raymond's hands, with a curious expression on his face: "Do you know that mysterious girl?"

Xia Mu paused, touched his nose: "Probably."

There's always the feeling of stealing your girl...

Immediately he shook his head fiercely, obviously that guy ran away by himself, so he didn't snatch it!
He is innocent, he is obviously the victim!
When Xia Mu thought about it, his chest straightened, and his confidence rose again.

"At that time, Xia Liyi was still in Tokyo. Could it be that you were with this girl..." Chu Zihang hesitated to speak, with a worried expression on his face.

Xia Mu sighed... It feels like the senior brother has become a CP fan of him and Erika.

"How are you and senior sister Susie?" He turned against the guest.

Chu Zihang's face froze, and he couldn't see any signs of blushing: "It's okay, her body has recovered now, but she can't see her eyes."

"Then you came back from the summer vacation, what will she do?"

"I..." Chu Zihang completely forgot about asking the mysterious girl, and said with some embarrassment, "I took her home."

Xia Mu was stunned, and immediately gave him a thumbs up.

Chu Zihang turned his face away and didn't look at him.

After a while, the two of them saw a person named San Shao walking past Raymond, and replaced the file bag without anyone noticing.

Chu Zihang then reported the situation to the central control room of the college.

Xia Mu sneaks away.

"How is it?"

As soon as he got out of the station, Xia Mi jumped onto him from behind, hugging his neck with both hands.

Obviously, she has seen the results and is just taking advantage of it on purpose.

"Come down..."

Xia Mu was weak, her neck was itchy and numb with the hot breath from her breath.

On the contrary, Xia Mi hugged him a little tighter, and hooked his two long legs in stockings around his waist, completely ignoring the strange eyes of passers-by.

"Thank you, you helped me solve the big trouble." She blew into Xia Mu's ear.

Xia Mu has nothing to do with this shameless girl.

"The matter is over, let's go back to our respective houses..." He paused, and then deliberately added tenderly, "Yiyi is waiting for me."

"Then let her wait!" Xia Mi waved his hand, "Let's go drink!"

"What wine to drink, I'm going back to the academy tomorrow," Xia Mu reached out to pat her, "Come down!"

"No way!"

Xia Mi made up her mind to rely on him, "It's not like you start school alone, I'm going too! Spend the night together and get on the plane together, how nice."

"Don't force me."

Xia Mu's tone was dark and threatening.

Of course Xia Mi would not be intimidated: "Come on, I don't believe you can use the spirit of speech in the street."

"You still need the spirit of speech?"

Xia Mu smiled coldly, breathed on the fingers of both hands, and then, under Xia Mi's puzzled gaze, he let out a backlash, and slammed on her creaking nest...

Gentle, rhythmic, highly skilled, scratching and scratching.


Xia Mi twisted her body, almost rubbing Xia Mu to anger.

"No more! No less!"

Xia Mu tugs at her with red eyes.

Finally, Xia Mi couldn't stand it and jumped off him, laughing until tears came out: "Damn guy!"

She leaned close to Xia Mu's ear, extremely soft and contrived: "Hate~hate~~~"

Xia Mu's hair stood on end all over his body, his body heat dropped instantly and became icy cold.

Looking back, I saw Xia Mi trotting back and waving. The bright and sunny smile was very contagious: "See you in two days!"

The corner of Xia Mu's mouth curled up, and then hurriedly let the corner of his mouth droop deliberately.

no!I have to go back and stay with Erika!

Men are visual and sensory animals, but rarely emotional animals. Unlike women, sometimes they cannot be controlled by will alone, and they must set rules for themselves.

"Xia Mi, is our account settled? I have helped you twice, and I will help Constantine. Besides, we still don't meet each other, and we will be strangers when we meet. Thank you for your cooperation. "

He sent Xia Mi a text message.

After 1 minute, the phone lights up.

"Failed to send, please resend."

Xia Mu: "..."

"This is a text message! It uses the base station signal, not the network! Where did the sending fail?!"

"Failed to send, please resend."

Xia Mu took it.

The red sports car roared back.

"Yiyi! Come and hug me!"

He rushed into the house, hugged Erika and spun around without saying a word.

The girl was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the scenery in a daze, and now she was surrounded by familiar warmth, as if the whole world had become gorgeous.

The speed of Xia Mu's rotation slowly slowed down, hugging her light body tightly, lowering her head to look for the wonderful sweetness.


As a result, they were spinning, one of them lost his footing, and the two of them fell on the sofa together.

Erika was pressed under her body, her beautiful long hair covered the sofa, and her beautiful eyes reflected his shadow.

Xia Mu couldn't bear it any longer, put his hands on the sofa, leaned over to press her, and touched those wonderful pink lips.


The phone rang.

(End of this chapter)

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