Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 209 Yiyi can't watch this!

Chapter 209 Yiyi can't watch this!
"what sound?"

The three of Xia Mu returned after soaking in the hot springs and put on their bathrobes, only to hear imaginative calls from the ensuite bedroom.

The three looked at each other.

Everyone is experienced, even Chu Zihang has read one with a learning attitude.

"Are we pretending not to know?" Lu Mingfei lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders, obviously suppressing a smile.

"Not Susie."

Chu Zihang shook his head and walked to his room.

"It's not Yiyi either."

Xia Mu walked to another room.

Lu Mingfei stood in front of the door dumbfounded: "Zero?"

That three-none girl is actually watching a short movie?How about watching a short movie?Actually... Interested?

His impression of Zero completely collapsed.

One minute later, Chu Zihang and Xia Mu came back with strange expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Xia Mu glanced at Chu Zihang and guessed the result, so he pointed to the room and lowered his voice: "They are all inside."

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth wide: "Gather the crowd to watch...uh..."

"Susie...could it be listening to the voice?" Chu Zihang raised his forehead.

Xia Mu's face changed again and again.

If Erika sees this...the days to come...

"Yiyi! I'm back!"

He suddenly raised his voice and shouted something, startling Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei.

The voice inside stopped suddenly, and then there was a long silence.

"what are you doing!"

Lu Mingfei let go of his feet and was about to run.

He couldn't imagine the embarrassing scene that followed.

It's not that Chu Zihang left, and it's not the same if he doesn't.

"Yiyi can't watch this!"

Xia Mu beat his chest and stomped his feet, looking distressed.


This time Erika didn't run to him instantly like before, but dawdled for a while before appearing at the door.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were dull.

Chu Zihang immediately looked away.

Xia Mu...is numb.

This delicate, coquettish girl with blushing blushes and misty eyes, is it really his pure and innocent Eriyi?
"Zero! Come out!"

He suddenly cried out.

"What... what..."

Ling's petite figure came out, although he tried his best to maintain calm, but his bluish face could not be concealed by the clouds.

"How can you bring Yiyi to see this kind of thing!" Xia Mu pointed at her, his fingers trembling and angry.


Ling didn't even look at him, and suddenly walked towards Lu Mingfei, "Come here."

"What...what are you doing..."

For some reason, Lu Mingfei felt like something big was about to happen in the face of such panic.

Sure enough, Ling walked in front of him, raised his head and grabbed his collar and pulled it down, hooked his bowed neck with both hands, and touched his lips lightly.

Depend on!my first kiss!

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened.

Zero is obviously looking... emotional.

"Come with me!"

Xia Mu didn't want Eli Yi to stand here like this, let alone watch Lu Gonggong's first kiss, so he went up and took E Li Yi's little hand, and dragged him back into the room.

Chu Zihang stood outside the door and hesitated for a while before slowly walking into the room.

Susie looked quite normal, probably because she didn't feel too much from the sound...


Chu Zihang breathed a sigh of relief.

"You and Ling will live in this room, Lu Mingfei and I will share one room, and Xia Mu and Xia Liyi will share one room."

After he finished speaking, he was about to turn and leave.


Susie's soft voice stopped him.

Chu Zihang's back froze: "Yes."

"I haven't washed yet, can you take me there?" Susie said softly.

Chu Zihang hesitated: "Okay."

When he grabbed Susie's wrist and wanted to guide her as usual, she suddenly limp and fell on his chest, panting slightly, her cheeks flushed: "Hold, I'm sorry... just now I heard... a little... Can you carry me?"

Chu Zihang didn't know how to refuse, so he bent down to pick her up and walked to the bathroom.

Susie hooked his neck with both hands, leaning her head on his shoulder, with a satisfied smile on her face...

Three flowers bloom, one for each.


As soon as Xia Mu locked the door, Eliyi wrapped her tender arms around her, followed closely by her sweet and soft lips.


Xia Mu put his palm between the two of them, letting her pink mouth imprint on his palm.


Erika arched his hand a little dissatisfied.

"Okay, go wash your face and calm down."

Xia Mu touched her head.


Erika reluctantly let go of his neck, and walked into the bathroom step by step.

"Mumu! There is a small bath here! You can also soak in hot springs!" Her surprised voice came out.

Xia Mu went over to take a look, and it was true that hot spring water was introduced into the room even in this suite.

"Mumu, can we soak together?"

Erika looked back, looking at him with big watery eyes.

"What do you want to do?!"

Xia Mu tactically leaned back and stretched out his hand in front of him to defend.

"Hot springs…"

Erika came over and grabbed his hand, "Come with me..."

Xia Mu wanted to resist...it was really hard to break free.

"In this way, I can accompany you, but you can't take off your clothes." He took a step back.

"Don't take off... clothes?"

Erika looked at the bathrobe on her body, it was completely covered from top to bottom.

She still remembered that Xia Mu said that she could not let other opposite sexes see her body, so she covered it well.

But how to soak like this?
"Wrap it in a bath towel." Seeing her embarrassed, Xia Mu couldn't help but change his words, and then regretted it greatly.

"it is good!"

Erika immediately agreed without waiting for him to repent.

The bathtub is not too small, and two people can sit in it without touching each other.

Eriyi's bath towel was wrapped up to her armpits, Xia Mu was wrapped around her waist, and the two faced each other across the water.

"Mumu, can you help me take a bath?" Erika suddenly said.

"not good!"

Without even thinking about it, Xia Mu immediately refused.

If she rubbed her white and tender skin wantonly...he doubted that he could turn into a wolf in an instant.

"Then I'll wash it for you." Erika said again.

Seeing her pitiful little eyes, Xia Mu couldn't help but soften his heart: "Okay, but I can only wash my back."

He turned around, his heart beating slightly faster.

Erika came closer, almost touching his back.

"Don't hug me, don't wash other places." Xia Mu hurriedly warned.


Erika knelt behind him, not letting her body touch him, the gushing warm breath was right next to Xia Mu's ear, making him distracted.

She stroked it with her fingers, it was very soft and warm, very comfortable.

The trance-like numbness spread all over the body in an instant, Xia Mu's feeling seemed to be infinitely magnified at this moment, and his muscles tensed up.


The sound of Wen Xiang's breathing was right next to his ears, and he could feel Erika's body getting closer to him, and her hair was already floating around her body.

"May I wash the front for you..." she said softly.

"No, not good..."

Before Xia Mu finished speaking, a white and tender hand had already stretched out in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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