Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 210 Don't Want The Baby's Erika

Chapter 210 Don't Want The Baby's Erika

The hot air steaming in the bathroom condenses into drops of water on the flowery white marble wall, falling in a line, and the warm atmosphere in the bathroom is filled with warmth.

Erika knelt behind Xia Mu, scrubbing the front of his body a little more vigorously, there would be a slight touch, and then pull it away, if there was nothing, it was sultry.

Fortunately, Xia Mu couldn't see this scenery, and couldn't see the arc of vitality and youth that oscillates between the ups and downs, otherwise the willpower struggling at the boundary line might collapse quickly.

Erika closed her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes trembling, held her head up, and breathed lightly.

She changed her posture and sat sideways, opened her eyes again, stroked his shoulders with her palms, and wiped along his slightly undulating muscle lines.

Soon, everything that could be scrubbed was washed.

"Hands up..."

Erika raised his hand, found the part that hadn't been wiped, and wiped the skin next to his ribs for him.

Xia Mu was so itchy that he couldn't help laughing, and twisted a bit.

Erika turned sideways and grabbed him to prevent him from moving, but his hands were so smooth after soaking in the hot spring water that she couldn't hold him, and she fell down on Xia Mu's body.


Her wet arms hugged his waist in a hurry, and her whole body was tightly pressed against his back.

Xia Mu... froze.

The two remained motionless, embracing each other for a long time in the steaming hot tub.

Drops of water hung on Eriyi's small face, sticking to the back of his neck.

Her little hand seemed to loosen and slid down.

"do not!"

Xia Mu grabbed her hand tightly.


The girl's voice was soft and greasy: "I want to..."

"No, you don't want to!"

Xia Mu stood up from the water with a splash.

Erika was suddenly pulled away by him, screamed softly, and slipped into the water.

Xia Mu subconsciously bent down to grab her, but a little foot accidentally stepped on his ankle at this moment.


His foot slipped, and his whole body fell to Erika.

Water splashes everywhere.

For them, getting hurt is out of the question, it's just...

Xia Mu supported the bottom of the pool with his hands, and Erika's arms hugged his neck tightly, and the two faced each other and immersed themselves in the pool in an embracing posture.

Eri Yi's delicate and charming dimples were full of red clouds, and there was a faint charm in the originally clear water-like eyes, which were dyed hazy like fog by the water vapor.

The bath towel on her body had been loosened during this tossing, and it slid down her body...

Xia Mu sat up slowly.

Erika hugged her even closer.

His hands hesitated, as if they were in a battle between heaven and man, but he slowly put them on her back and hugged her tightly.

The arm suddenly touched something.

Xia Mu was startled, then thought of something, and bumped his elbow.


The shower was turned on, and cold water sprayed over, from head to bottom, completely covering them.

Physical cooling.

Xia Mu still hugged Erika, slowly closed his eyes, and let his mood change to warm under the washing of cold water.

"Erika, now is not the time."

He reached out and gently stroked her wet long hair, smoothing her loose strands.


Erika lay on his shoulders, buried her face in his shoulders and neck, and clung to him.

Xia Mu fell silent.

'Call the system, call the system, are you dead? '

[The current bloodline level of the host: super hybrid. 】

[Host popularity level: 1500 million. 】

'What about the main missions and rewards?What progress? '

[The remaining two rounds of the main chain mission will reward the content of the two steps in Uesugi Erika's rescue respectively. 】

[The fourth round of main missions is open. 】

[Task content: Guarantee that Xia Mi has a future. 】

[Task Reward: Uesugi Erika's bloodline evolution plan. 】

"This thing actually has to be urged to come out..."

Xia Mu pouted.

He looked at the third round of missions again and again, his mood fluctuating.

Xia Mi's future... the road to the true king?

It should be enough to help her devour Fenrir.

For some reason, he was a little uneasy.

Erika could completely listen to him, but Xia Mi couldn't. He probably couldn't influence what she wanted to do.

"Erii, when your bloodline issue is resolved in the future, and we can live in peace of mind, then it will be a matter of course..."

Xia Mu let go of Erika, and her forehead was in conflict with her, "Now, if there is a baby, there may be many uncontrollable changes."

"Huh? Will there be a baby?"

Erika's eyes widened, and she touched her smooth belly in disbelief.

Xia Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, reached out and knocked on her forehead: "I don't even know, you are still here to seduce me!"


Erika lowered her head and touched herself.

What would it be like to have a baby...

She suddenly looked nervous and shook her head vigorously: "No! No baby!"

Seeing her like this, Xia Mu couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong?"

Erika hugged his neck tightly, and said a little uneasy: "Having a baby, you will be separated in half..."

Xia Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Compete with your own child? No mother would think that way."

"I don't want it! I don't want it! I don't want to be a mother!"

Erika paused, and suddenly whispered in his ear: "Mumu, let me be your baby, okay?"


"In this way, you can also give me your love for the baby."

Erika frowned, thinking about it made her feel happy.

Xia Mu: "..."

This is the first time I know that Erika has such a strong possessive desire for him, even her own child's jealousy.

"I'll go out first, and you'll come out when you're done soaking."

His mind had calmed down, he let go of Erika, walked out of the bath, dried himself, and walked out first.

After a while, Erika came out.

Rarely so fast.

She was wearing a loose bathrobe and took off her hair pocket. Her long wine red hair was hanging down. The long hair was soft and thick, and the elegant fragrance of the hair exuded, which made people intoxicated.

A few drops of crystal water wet the strands of hair beside her ears and temples, exuding a trace of pure charm in her light and beautiful girlish posture.

That touching skin is so perfect that it is dazzling. Under the light of the room lamp, under Xia Mu's ecstatic gaze, there is no slight flaw. The light made her whole body seem to be glowing with fluorescent light.

"Mumu, what's that?"

Erika pointed to the small bottle in his hand.

Xia Mu woke up with a start: "Oh... this is essential oil. After taking a bath, use some of it to massage, and the skin will be more plump and shiny."

Eriyi obviously had never experienced essential oil massage, and her eyes lit up at this moment: "I want it too!"

Thinking about the dazzling luster of the skin after maintenance in the sun, she couldn't wait.

Girls' pursuit of beauty is always staggeringly exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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