Chapter 214 Werewolf kill?

"What... are you doing?"

When Eriyi came back, what she saw was Xia Mi's arms hooked around Xia Mu's neck and she was kissing him warmly.

She had just been taught the secrets of female competition by Susie, and she immediately became extremely vigilant.

Is this girl really here to snatch Mumu?
"He got sand in his eye, I'll blow it out for him."

Xia Mi let go of Xia Mu's neck as if nothing had happened, and even smiled at Erika.


Erika's wine-red pupils stared at Xia Mi lightly.

The smile on Xia Mi's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes blinked... a little bad feeling.

This girl, awakened?
"Can you give in?"

Erika completely forgot about the joy of Natsumi when she was a doll, and walked to her side.

Xia Mi could only take two steps back.

Then Erika stepped forward and grabbed the corner of Xia Muyi to let him sit down by the bed, then sat on him herself, holding his face in both hands, the palms were slightly cool, very comfortable.

"Mumu, which eye has sand in it?" She asked softly.

Xia Mu was stunned: "To the left."

Erika puffed up her cheeks, leaned closer, and blew lightly on his left eye.

Xia Mu hugged her slender willow waist, her warm breath kept blowing over her face, and she couldn't help closing her eyes and pressing them against her small face.

"Yeah," Erika whispered, "Has the sand blown away?"


Xia Mu hugged her tightly, feeling the satisfaction of that soft body in his arms.

Erika also hooked his neck, her face was pressed tightly against his, and at the same time, she glanced at Xia Mi beside her.

Xia Mi received her victorious eyes, couldn't help laughing, but then slowly restrained herself.

What's wrong with being such an innocent girl, at least Xia Mu has no defense against her in his heart.

And what about yourself?
Shaking his head, Xia Mi turned around and sat on his bed, hugging his knees and staring out the window in a daze.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Xia Mu let go of Erika and went to open the door.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang stood outside the door.

"Brother suggested something to play with at night, what do you think?" Lu Mingfei chuckled.

Chu Zihang looked calm, but the corner of his eye glanced into the room, not knowing what he wanted to see.

"playing what?"

Xia Mu became interested.

In any case, it was better than the two of them staying together.

"How about killing the Three Kingdoms?" Lu Mingfei suggested.

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that the Three Kingdoms Killing had just started to emerge at this time.

"Can I buy a license?"


Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

"I'll teach you how to play a game. You only need one card for each person, just take the sticker on the back of the room card."

After 5 minutes, seven people gathered in Xia Mu's room...who made their room the largest.

"Let me tell you the rules of werewolf killing..."

"Two wolves, two people, and two gods. The two gods are the prophet and the witch... Well... there are only six of them, they are too strong. The witch should be replaced by rubbish, Cupid, and the game will be more complicated."

Xia Mu, Eri Yi and Xia Mi were sitting on the bed, Lu Mingfei and Ling were on the couch, Su Xi was on the single sofa, and Chu Zihang was standing.

"I'll be a god, so I can tell Susie about the situation." Chu Zihang said lightly, without any hint of his desire to watch the excitement.

"The goal of the werewolf is very simple, just kill everyone..."

"The common people and the gods win by voting the wolf out..."

"Then there are two people connected by Cupid. Their goal is to kill everyone else to win."

In the first game, everyone was still a beginner. Susie, as Cupid, connected Natsuki and Erika together. He and Lu Mingfei danced against the prophet, voted Lu Mingfei out, then killed Su Qian, and finally voted to kill his companion Xia Mi.

"You bastard! How dare you rebel in your nest!" Xia Mi kicked him angrily.

Lu Mingfei was even more aggrieved: "Although I like to talk bad things, but what I said this time is true, why don't you believe me?"

"It turns out that you can dance to the prophet..." Susie thought thoughtfully.

The next second round was much more fun. Xia Mu, who caused public outrage in the last round, was directly stabbed. In the end, it turned out that the two wolves, Erikai and Xia Mi, won.

"The way Yiyi talks, I can't tell it's a wolf..." Susie didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Chu Zihang comforted her: "You can't help if you can't see the expression, but she is still blushing."

Susie was even more helpless... She had to pretend she didn't see it!

"Declaration, first knife protection, don't take the same knife on the first night for two consecutive rounds!"

Xia Mu raised his hand to signal.

This game is like a fish in water for him, in terms of acting skills, he kills the audience in seconds.

The third round begins.

After Chu Zihang confirmed everyone's identity, he frowned.

Painted pear clothes, summer wood, wolf.

Xia Mi, the prophet.

Lu Mingfei, Su Xi, common people.

Zero, Cupid.

"Please confirm the identities of the werewolves with each other."

Erika opened her eyes, and saw that Xia Mu beside her also opened her eyes, a joyful smile appeared on her face, she hugged his arm quietly, and put her head on his shoulder.

"Werewolf, please choose who to attack tonight."

Xia Mu pointed to Lu Mingfei, and Eliyi nodded.

Chu Zihang's eyes flickered: "Werewolf please close your eyes, Cupid please open your eyes, please appoint two people to be lovers."

Zero opened his eyes, looked around blankly, then stretched out his finger and pointed at Natsuki, then slid across Erika, and pointed at Natsumi.

Chu Zihang's pupils dilated by half, and he almost gave her a thumbs up.

This round is interesting.

"Next, I will walk around and pat the shoulders of two people. The person being photographed will open his eyes and confirm who his lover is."

Chu Zihang walked over to pat Xia Mu first.

Xia Mu opened his eyes and smiled... ready to kill everyone.

Then he saw Chu Zihang pat Xia Mi again, he was dumbfounded.


Erika is a werewolf companion, and the lover is Natsumi?Which Cupid is so talented? !
Xia Mi bared his teeth at him and smiled happily.

Xia Mu was expressionless.

"Please close your eyes for couples, please open your eyes for prophets, please choose the person you want to verify your identity tonight."

Xia Mi opened his eyes, with a serious expression on his face, and after careful consideration, he pointed at Eriyi.

Chu Zihang wanted to like it again... so smart!
He pointed down: "She is this."

Xia Mi stared.

"It's dawn, it was Lu Mingfei who died last night, and he has a last word," Chu Zihang said.

"I am dead…"

Lu Mingfei propped his chin in thought: "There's nothing to say, I'm just a commoner...but I have some guesses, you can refer to it."

Everyone looked at him.

"Last night, the wind was howling. I had a premonition that I was going to be killed, so I was very sensitive," he said in a dazed voice. "When the wolves voted, I felt a cold breath coming from the left, so..."

Lu Mingfei pointed to the left, "The wolf should be the two of them!"

Zero deadpan.

Xia Mi rolled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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