Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 215 Hope This Moment Will Go Forever

Chapter 215 Hope This Moment Will Go Forever

"Dead Zuo started to speak."

Chu Zihang reached out his hand to signal Xia Mi.

"I'm a prophet. I tested Xia Liyi last night, and she's a wolf." Xia Mi pointed at her without hesitation.

"I'm Cupid, I've joined Xia Mu and Xia Mi, they may all be wolves." Ling said lightly.

Xia Mu's mouth twitched... I forgot to mention, Cupid can't reveal who's connected.

"There's no one who jumps up, you two are wolves!" Lu Mingfei interjected.

"The dead are forbidden to speak."

Chu Zihang pushed him back and looked at Eriyi: "It's your turn."

Erika looked confused: "Ah? I don't know anything... My identity is a commoner..."

Xia Mi rolled her eyes coquettishly.

The pure and natural performance is very confusing, making people feel suspicious that she is a sin.

Chu Zihang looked at Xia Mu.

"I'm the prophet. I tested zero last night. She's a good person..."

Xia Mu jumped back decisively, clearly aiming at Xia Mi, intending to blow himself up and admit defeat, and help Erika win.

"Xia Mi jumped to the prophet, it must be a wolf, everyone don't care so much, cast her out first," he glanced at Lu Mingfei, "I think Lu Mingfei is right for the first time, Xia Mi and Ling are very close. It might be those two wolves."

"I disagree."

Susie said, "If Zero and Xia Mi are wolves, she doesn't need to jump Cupid to connect Xia Mi with you. I tend to believe what she said is true."

"If what she said is true, then Xia Mi and I are on the same team, why should we dance the prophet with her?" Xia Mu retorted.

Susie rolled her eyes and fainted.

"I did connect the two of them, but they confronted each other, probably because they were in different camps, acting for their companions, so there must be wolves among them." Ling said lightly.

"But there must be one of us who is a true prophet. If you make a wrong vote, it will be troublesome. Just listen to me and vote for Xia Liyi," Xia Mi said while holding the ball. "Even if I am a wolf, she is just a commoner." , it's not a big problem."

Susie thought silently.

Zero deadpan.

The two of them are the two most critical votes, because Erika will undoubtedly be with Xia Mu, and it has been verified before.

"Both of them vote the same every time, and we will keep it until the next round. If they are really wolves, we will lose!" Xia Mi lit the fire again.

Xia Mu opened his mouth to speak.

"Let's start voting." Chu Zihang said suddenly.

Xia Mu looked at him in disbelief... God helped?

As a result of the voting, Susie and Rei both voted for Erika.

"Xia Liyi, please die," Chu Zihang announced, "Please close your eyes when it gets dark... Werewolves please open your eyes... Werewolves please kill..."

Xia Mu pointed to Xia Mi.

Anyway, the rules are not clear, they only know that lovers must live to the end, but they don't know about martyrdom.

Chu Zihang looked confused.

Xia Mu pointed at Xia Mi again.

Erika looked at him, raised her eyebrows, and happily leaned against him... Naturally, she thought that Xia Mu was venting her anger.

Chu Zihang nodded helplessly: "Werewolves please close your eyes, prophets please open your eyes."

Xia Mi opened his eyes and pointed at Xia Mu.

"He is this."

Chu Zihang pointed down.

Xia Mi curled her lips and closed her eyes.

"It's dawn...Xia Mi died last night and has no last words." Chu Zihang said,
Xia Mi suddenly opened his eyes, pointing at Xia Mu: "You!"

"Speaking is prohibited." Chu Zihang interrupted her.

Xia Mi kept her mouth shut, picked up the pillow on the bed, and slapped Xia Mu on the forehead.

"God! Hurry up and manage the order! The dead are cheating!" Xia Mu dodged left and right.

Chu Zihang glanced away, but turned a blind eye: "Speak from the dead right."

A little confusion appeared on Zero's expressionless face: "I...really connected the two of them..."

"Could they be all wolves?" Susie speculated.

Zero looked at her: "Then who is the prophet?"

Susie frowned and said nothing.

"I'm the last wolf, it's such a simple matter, you still need to hesitate?" Xia Mu kicked Xia Mi back, and said indifferently.

"Why do you give up on yourself? Is it because Xia Mi is a wolf and you are a prophet? You don't want to win with her, so you deliberately misled, and Xia Mi committed suicide last night because he wanted to die with you..." Ling Yue said more smoothly , "Understood! Susie is the last wolf."

"what? What?"

Su Xi couldn't believe it, "I'm a commoner. If you say that, I suspect that you are the wolf. Maybe Xia Liyi is Cupid, who connected you and Lu Mingfei, but Lu Mingfei was the first to be stabbed. I'm alone and helpless, so I can only induce everyone to focus on Xia Mu and Xia Mi!"

Xia Mu was dumbfounded: "This is also okay?"

"Start voting now." Chu Zihang said flatly.

Zero means Susie, Susie means Zero.

Together they waited for Xia Mu's vote.

"Xia Mu, you don't need to be angry anymore after the game." Zero said expressionlessly.

"Don't let her win, she must be a couple with Lu Mingfei!" Susie said.

Lu Mingfei was also dumbfounded.

He knew that Xia Mu was a wolf, but he didn't know why this situation developed.

Erika clapped her hands happily, obviously feeling that she had won.

Xia Mu pointed at Ling: "Okay, then I will vote for you and let you connect."

Everyone looked at Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang held his forehead and pondered: "Xia Mu is a wolf, Xia Liyi is also a wolf, Xia Mi is a prophet, and Zero indeed connected Xia Mi and Xia Mu, so... Did the wolf win this game, or the lover?"

"Of course the wolf won, and one of the lovers died, what kind of lovers!" Xia Mu said with his hands in his hands.

In theory, if Xia Mi died, he should die for love, but I forgot the rules before...


Xia Mi was not convinced, "Aren't lovers one? No matter which one survives to the end, the two should win!"

Erika looked at her: "I don't think so, obviously as long as the wolf survives to the end, the wolf wins."

"But this wolf has already betrayed, he fell in love with the enemy, and even formed a camp with the enemy." Xia Mi said.

Erika shook her head: "But that doesn't change the fact that he is a wolf."

Xia Mi retorted: "Belonging to wolves is nothing more than companionship, but love can cross races. There can be many companions, but only one lover. No matter where it is said, the relationship between companions is closer, so his victory depends on me. share."

"Mumu and I are a couple!"

"Who said, at least this game is mine!"

Two girls, you stare at me, and I stare at you.

Lu Mingfei grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the table and licked them, and Ling took some away from him.

Chu Zihang sat down beside Su Xi, brought an orange, peeled it open, and shared half with Su Xi.

"Okay, okay! The three of us will win this game! That's it!"

Xia Mu made a decision directly.

Game continues.

Then the atmosphere became more and more strange. No matter whether Erika and Natsumi were in the same camp or not, they always confronted each other, and the last feathers fell.

The others were not annoyed, they just thought that the three of them bickering was much more fun than the game, and wished they could watch more.

Time just slipped by.

Although there are noisy, but the mood is very good, the distance between each other has also narrowed a lot.

Until the end of the night, Lu Mingfei was still a little bit reluctant.

Not only is it a pleasure to eat melons, but more importantly...

It would be great if such a day could go on forever.

No loneliness, no troubles, no more than you can ask for.

Just have a good laugh with them.

Lu Mingfei was lying on the bed, looking at the moonlight outside the window, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

I really hope this moment is forever...

(End of this chapter)

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