Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 217 I choose to hold grudges!

Chapter 217 I choose to hold grudges!

Ange put his hands in his pockets, hummed some aria, and led Xia Mu through the VIP passage of the Municipal Opera House.

Both sides of this narrow corridor are famous paintings, from Van Gogh, Monet to Rubens.

The scarlet zenith, walls, and ground, when the sun shines on it, flow gorgeous colors between blood and roses.


On the side of the corridor, a crimson door hidden in the wall opened, and the skinny old man wearing round-frame glasses and a cowhide roll-brimmed hat nodded slightly at them.

He looked like a retired Texas Ranger, with the frayed badge on his hat.

There are 13 high-backed cowhide chairs in the room, and a handsome young man sits on each chair.

They all greeted Angers in the same way, raised their right fists, and showed the silver rings on their index fingers—thick and simple rings with different totems on the huge ring faces.That is their respective family coat of arms.

"I don't need to introduce this one, right? Hilbert Jean Angers, a well-known funder in the circle, our major client, and the principal of Cassel College."

Henkel sat at the table, motioned Anger to sit casually, and then specially arranged a seat for Xia Mu, "As for this one, everyone must have been in love for a long time."

Xia Mu didn't say hello, just sat casually, raised his head to look around, but found that the young people had their golden pupils lit up one by one, staring at him intently.


Xia Mu didn't even light up his golden pupils, just sat there indifferently, playing with his fingers, as if the gathering Longwei had no effect on him.

"Okay, everyone misunderstood."

Henkel waved his hand.

The surprised eyes of the young people gradually went out... They all had good pedigree, otherwise they wouldn't be the heirs of the family, but the boy opposite didn't seem to be affected in any way.

No wonder so strong...

"After drinking this cup, forget about the previous grievances."

Henkel held out his hand to signal, and a young man took out champagne from the ice bucket and poured a third of a glass for everyone.

Young people toasted with Henkel.

Xia Mu and Anger's movements were exactly the same, they picked up the cup without lifting it, just drank it down and put it back on the table.

The faces of the others were a little ugly.

Henkel drank the champagne as if nothing had happened, and motioned to the young man beside him: "Let's get started."

The young man stood up. He had an artist-like moustache and smiled kindly: "Mr. Xia Mu, we want to sign a covenant with you. I wonder if you are interested?"

Xia Mu raised his eyelids: "Oh?"

"We know that there is no harmony between you and the Gattuso family. The secret party seems to have no place for you, and we will open the door for you." The young man stared into Xia Mu's eyes, "I think you will understand this What a precious opportunity."

"Dig my students in front of me?" Angers put the wine glass on the glass table with a click.

The atmosphere in the meeting room immediately dropped to freezing point, and no one dared to ignore his opinion.

Henkel smiled and patted his hand: "Ange, please be patient, you are our big client, and you are not of one mind with your school board."

"The Gattuso family is the strongest family among us, and Frost is its agent. He has always been tough," Angers said, "I am a moderate, and everyone likes to negotiate with moderates."

"That's why today's scene..."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Xia Mu again: "Mr. Xia, you are very powerful, we are very optimistic about you..."

He has a tall posture and is persuasive. He has the best negotiating skills among this group of young people.His tone was gentle, and he circled around Xia Mu, wanting him to experience his kindness, and standing up made Xia Mu have to look up at him.

Negotiation psychology told him that once you look up to your opponent, your mind will naturally be weak.

"You already have the power to kill the first-generation species. We are very happy to see that, after all, the dragons are also our enemies. Everyone is looking forward to ending the history of the dragons. We are willing to help as much as possible." The young man said with a smile.

Xia Mu didn't look at him at all, his gaze was only on the empty wine glass in his hand, as if he didn't hear anything.

A look of sullenness flashed in the young man's eyes, but he didn't show it. Instead, he reached out and patted the back of Xia Mu's chair, "We are about to get rid of the shadow of the Dragon Clan, and nothing can restrict us anymore. Our power will spread all over the world! This will It is our most glorious era!"

He was full of the tone of a Wall Street junk bond broker, seductive and lyrical, "Mr. Xia Mu, we invite you to create that glorious era together!"


Xia Mu finally put down the wine glass in his hand, and calmly glanced at the faces of everyone in the audience, "So, you want to recruit me to be your thug?"

"It's not a thug," the young man became impatient. "It's about sharing the glory. You who can kill the Dragon King deserve greater support, not the secret party's reservation."

"Principal, what do you say?"

Xia Mu smiled slightly and looked at Angers, "Can I join their forces as a student of Kassel Academy?"

Angers also smiled: "The college trains students, but it does not restrict the employment of students."

A reserved smile appeared on the face of the young man, but he was already laughing wildly in his heart. He did not expect to win it before he gave any substantial benefits. The other party was indeed a child, with no strength but no brains. He had prepared for more than ten days before. What a big deal.

"I seem to have killed hundreds of you hybrids." Xia Mu said suddenly.

The young man remained calm and kept smiling: "It's all over, and their families have received the best compensation."

"No hatred?" Xia Mu asked.

"There is no hatred that cannot be eliminated by interests." The young man is confident.


Xia Mu closed his eyes.

The young man frowned.

This is very impolite behavior in the negotiation process.

"Mr. Xia?"

"Excuse me…"

Xia Mu opened his eyes, a pair of dark golden pupils burning like flames.

"I choose…"

"Remember the vengeance."

Before the words fell, the metal in the entire meeting room suddenly rioted.

"Wait a minute! Don't die together!"

Henkel's roar saved everyone.

A dozen or so young people were in different states, and they all had the awareness to defend themselves, but when they stopped at this moment, they realized that each of them had a piece of metal stuck in their throat, ready to cut their throats open at any time.

At that moment, Xia Mu had finished strangling them.

To him, these so-called family representatives are mixed races who do not fight all the year round and only do business and engage in private struggles. They are simply a group of chickens and dogs.

Only old man Henkel could see it, and he pulled out a remote control in one hand and an alchemy revolver in the other.

Words and Spirits Holy Judgment!
Angers also said that he could not avoid the spirit of speech.

That gun is Henkel's weapon from a hundred years ago, the Alchemy Wheel Texas Dawn.

"Xia Mu, we won't be so stupid as to expose the family representatives to danger..."

Henkel waved the remote control, "Do you believe it? After you press it, the ground will be washed away by carpet missiles within a radius of ten miles, and no one will survive."

"There is also the gun in my hand, which must be hit under the Holy Judgment."

"Is that so..."

Anger said lightly, "Then give it to me."

Henkel's body trembled, and the remote control in his hand had fallen into Angers' hands.

"Don't make me shoot!"

Henkel's words are very timely, if it weren't for that, the gun in his hand would have been taken away...

(End of this chapter)

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