Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 218 If Someone Robs Natsuki...

Chapter 218 If Someone Robs Natsuki...

"You... As for?"

Henkel sat back on the chair and sighed heavily, "Ange, the dragon slaying business has not been successful yet, you probably don't want to break with us completely."

"I'm just a student of Kassel College, and my personal behavior has nothing to do with the college."

Xia Mu poured a glass of champagne on his own.

The young man next to him who was talking eloquently just now was sweating profusely and dared not move.


With a soft sound, his belt was automatically undone, and the suit pants fell to the bottom...

The eyelids of the others trembled, and they were suddenly glad that they were not standing.

"Ange, why?"

Henkel frowned.

He is already very old, so it doesn't matter if he dies here, but these young people are all representatives of the family, and if something happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of provoking a mixed-race war." Angers said.

This move was discussed between him and Xia Mu, showing a more powerful deterrent, not only to deter Henkel, but also to deter the secret party elders.

If the Gattuso family still wants to give Caesar the Nibelungen opportunity, they have to find a way to kick Xia Mu out.

With that, a new storm begins, which Angers needs.

It is what Xia Mu needs.

He became a living target, and Xia Mi could secretly work in Kassel Academy at will.

"We two, one old lunatic, one little lunatic, one for revenge and one for protecting our companions."

Anger pointed at Xia Mu and pointed at himself, "We only have these things. Even if there are not as many as others, even if they are all rubbish, you don't want to lose them, right? You don't want to have nothing. Don't mess with lunatics like us, that's it."

He stood up, straightened his suit, threw the remote control back to Henkel, and hooked Xia Mu's shoulder.

The two walked away.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

Metal spikes fell to the ground.

The young man whose trousers fell to the ground immediately pulled up his trousers and fell onto the chair with a plop.

The biting cold seemed to still be in his throat, and he clutched his neck, panting heavily.

The meeting room was dead silent.

The young people are all from excellent mixed-race families, they are the elite of the new generation, and they are the spokespersons of the family.

Their vision and hearing are far sharper than humans, and some of them are natural shooters, who can easily hit targets one kilometer away with ordinary military rifles without optical sights.

But no one reacted to the scene just now.

Many people have seen the introduction of Yanling·Jianyu on the Yanling Table, but most of the time, the A-level blood can only control a small amount of metal.

They have never heard of Xia Mu, a metal that instantly controls the entire room, and twists out thirteen spikes aimed at their necks.

He could easily kill them all!

no doubt!

Everyone's shirts were drenched in cold sweat. They sat there blankly, trying their best to recall the burning majesty that erupted from Xia Mu's body just now, which was a kind of spontaneous field born with the burning of blood.

According to the legend of the First Men, the dragon slayer cannot look directly into the dragon's eyes, because looking directly at this creature will destroy the heart and even destroy the soul of anyone who is not determined.


This is the real Longwei!

"They're just demonstrating, don't be afraid."

Henkel was silent for a long time, and said slowly, "They have wildfire-like desires, the strength that supports them."

"That's it...forget it?" A young man broke the silence.

"Of course not, the Gattuso family will not be happy to have a second Angers-style personal hero successor at Kassel Academy..."

Henkel smiled, "Inform Frost of what happened today, I believe he will help us push Angers and Xia Mu farther and farther, and finally come to our side."

The Maserati sped down the highway with the coupe open.

The old and the young wore sunglasses, and the sun and wind splashed on their faces.

"Do you believe it? Frost will know our full performance in the conference room in 10 minutes, and then he will use all his efforts to get you, Caesar's biggest obstacle, out of the academy."

Angers controls the steering wheel with one hand, and looks like he is swaying freely, as if the current speed is not 300 kilometers per hour but 30 kilometers per hour.

Of course, whether it's 300 or 3000, it doesn't matter to him, time zero can control everything.

"That's good. I've completely fallen out with them. When the time comes, who will be selected and the Nibelungen plan will be a mess. That's when the headmaster will play his part."

Xia Mu looked at the backing traffic outside the car, and silently activated the Bronze Throne of Word Spirit.

Even if it crashes like this, there is still a chance of survival.

"If you left the academy and returned to Tokyo, what would you do after that?" Angers asked suddenly.

Xia Mu put his hands to his mouth and shouted against the strong wind: "For the ones you love! Trample them all under your feet!"

Many times people don't know what is the most important thing in life, and they are always deluded by those pursuits and desires.But no matter who it is, one day they will see through the glitz and go back to where they should be, and they will do anything for it.

Xia Mu had already had that reason, when the girl signed the contract of summoning, when the girl was relying on her body, when the girl was blindfolded and looked at him, lowered her lips under the girl's sunshine, and let the angel when kissing...

Ange smiled silently, not wanting to pry into the boy's heart anymore.

Because every sentence Xia Mu said touched his heart.

Playground, ferris wheel.

"Why should I come to this kind of dating holy place with you..."

Xia Mi lay on the railing, looking out the window weakly.

They have made many circles here.

"Because I have to wait for Mumu to come..."

The track of the roller coaster outside the Ferris wheel was reflected in Erika's burgundy pupils, and she turned back at this moment, "What holy place for dating?"

"Do you know the three holy places for dating?" Xia Mi sighed.

Erika shook her head.

"It's a movie theater, an aquarium, and a Ferris wheel."

Xia Mi wrung his fingers and counted them one by one.

"The movie theater is very dark, and girls will naturally have a sense of dependence on boys; visiting the aquarium, in a blue underwater tunnel, there is a sense of mystery that two people are alone in another world; the Ferris wheel is the most suitable place to express love , no one can disturb you, at least 10 minutes of alone time." Teacher Xia Mi earnestly taught.

Erika's eyes lit up: "I want to go with Mumu!"

Xia Mi stared at her face.

The girl's warm little face is beautiful and shiny, and her beautiful eyes are shimmering, which is completely different from the silence just now.

Just because Xia Mu was mentioned?
"Hey, what will you do if someone grabs Xia Mu from you?" Xia Mi asked suddenly.


Erika lowered her head, and the golden light in her eyes flashed away, making it almost impossible to observe.

But Xia Mi was startled by the birth of a tyrannical dragon power, and then disappeared.

Erika didn't need to say anything, she already knew the answer.

"How about we make a bet?"

Xia Mi didn't know what he thought of, the corners of his lips curled up quietly.

"What?" Erika looked up at her.

"If you win, I won't take your Mumu, but if you lose, how about giving him to me for three months?" Xia Mi and her looked at each other quietly.

Erika's eyes widened half a bit: "You... really want to fight Mumu with me..."

The things that Senior Sister Su Qian told me still happened...

Nobody can take Mumu away!

she thought.

(End of this chapter)

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