Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 222 What Does Mumu Smell Like?

Chapter 222 What Does Mumu Smell Like?

"Freedom Day, opening!"

"Student union odds, 1.8!"

"Odds on the Lionheart Club, 1.3!"

"Odds in other cases, 3.2!"

For several days in a row, the night watchman forum has been promoting a new round of 'Freedom Day' gambling market, especially the odds of other situations. The popular science of Lu Mingfei's counterattack last year has fooled more people into betting on it .

"Hey hey, do they think everyone is S-rank?"

In the dormitory, Fingal smiled as he watched the bets accumulating more and more.

Lu Mingfei hesitated to speak, especially when he saw that the bets in the betting pool were gradually increasing in other situations. Although it was not as good as the previous two, there is no doubt that if this situation happened, Fingal, the banker, would definitely be blown away. .

"Brother, do you want to be conservative and adjust 3.2 to 2.3?" He suggested cautiously.

Fingel waved his hand and said with pride, "No need! I can still afford to be in debt with this little money!"

Everyone can afford it, and he can afford to be in debt...

Lu Mingfei lowered his head, silently mourning for his creditors.

"Even if you don't believe me, you still have to believe that humanoid Tyrannosaurus!" Fingel said.

"Humanoid Tyrannosaurus?"

"Hey Xia Mu!"

Fingel stepped on the chair and buckled his toes, "That guy slays dragons like a common meal, isn't it a humanoid tyrannosaurus?"

Lu Mingfei was fainted by the stench, "Yes, it makes sense..."

If he hadn't seen the relationship between Xia Mi and Xia Mu, and hadn't experienced Xia Mi's weirdness, he might have really believed in Finger.

Fingel reached out and patted him on the shoulder, raised his brows, "Come on, don't say that brother doesn't take care of you, let's sit in the bank together and earn [-] to [-] cents, how about it?"

"Don't slap me with your hand that picks your feet!"

Lu Mingfei jumped three meters away, crossed his hands, and said righteously, "Being in the manor is against humanitarianism, and the benevolent will not do it!"

Fingel glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze, "Crazy."

"You are crazy!"

"Hey! You're a big man beating someone with a pillow, isn't it disgusting!"

"You are disgusting!"

The dormitory suddenly jumped up and down.

"What are you doing here? Looking for me?"

Xia Mu knocked on the door of Erika's dormitory, but it was the smiling Xia Mi who popped out his head.

Xia Mu had a headache.

Unexpectedly, the position that was vacated last year was just filled by Xia Mi, and she actually shared a room with Erika.

"I'm looking for Yiyi."

"Tch, heartless man!"

Xia Mi held the ball with both hands, "You have to bribe me to get in."

Xia Mu glanced inside, "Yiyi is taking a bath?"

This is the only reason why Erika Yi didn't show up.

"Yeah, do you want to go in and have a look?" Xia Mi put his hand on his heart, touched it gently, and smiled.

"Then I'll come back later."

Xia Mu took a step back, turned around and left.

But a hand grabbed his wrist, and the sudden force caused him to fall into the room.

The door slammed and was hooked by Xia Mi's feet, Xia Mu was pressed against the wall, Xia Mi grasped his hands tightly with both hands, and gave him a perfect wall-dong posture.

"what are you doing…"

Xia Mu subconsciously lowered his voice.

Xia Mi was very close to him, and he could clearly smell the faint fragrance from her body just after washing, her long hair was hanging down, filled with moist moisture, her eyebrows were picturesque, and her long eyelashes could be counted clearly one by one. come out.

In addition to her slight breathing, there was also the slight sound of water in the room from time to time, which was Erika waving the water.

"Your heartbeat...quickly..."

Xia Mi pressed him, and slowly moved close to his ear, "She is taking a bath inside, and we are having an affair outside, doesn't it feel very exciting?"

"let me go."

Xia Mu turned her wrist, but found that her hands were like iron tongs... Although it is not appropriate to describe a girl's hand strength with iron tongs, it is no problem to describe a dragon.

"Your spirit is in control of yourself, never crossing the line... But what about your body..."

Xia Mi opened her rosy lips, and lightly bit his earlobe, the warm and slippery breath invaded all at once.

Xia Mu was stunned.

The warm and smooth touch moves from under the earlobe, to the cheek, to the corner of the lip...

He jerked his head away to avoid it, but he was panting slightly and his heart was beating wildly.

"Why suppress yourself?"

Xia Mi pressed on him, and sucked his earlobe again.

Xia Mu endured the numb and itchy feeling, and said in a low voice: "The body's reactions are often not controlled by the brain. I really can't deny this, but...is this really what you want?"

Xia Mi's licking action paused, her lips loosened, and her chin leaned against his shoulder and neck to breathe softly, "It's the same as you...what the body wants...is different from the brain..."

"Forbidden love across races, is it really possible?" Xia Mu whispered in her ear again.

Xia Mi didn't answer, just panting softly in his ear.

Enduring the strange commotion, Xia Mu whispered: "The most important thing is, you want me to fall in love with you, but what about you? Do you like me? Love me? Am I irreplaceable? If only because I am The most suitable candidate, then I don't accept this kind of love."

Xia Mi's body seemed to tremble slightly, but he still didn't let go of him.


The sound of water in the bathroom was loud, as if it was the sound of a girl stepping out of the bathtub.

Xia Mu was startled, and felt that the strength on his wrists had weakened, his hands suddenly exerted force, and at this moment he broke free.

He hurriedly put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away.

Xia Mi's blushing face and watery eyes made him stunned.


Xia Mu's eyes widened, because of the fragrant wind blowing against his face, Xia Mi suddenly pressed on him without hesitation, hugged him tightly with both hands, and kissed his neck with red lips like raindrops.

If it weren't for his quick reaction, the mouth would fall quickly.


Xia Mi was pushed away violently by him, and suddenly hit the opposite wall, making a muffled sound.


The domain power belonging to Erika instantly spread, sweeping across the entire dormitory.

Then the bathroom door opened, and the girl ran out wrapped in a bath towel, stepping on the floor with white and tender feet.

"Mumu! Huh..."

She stopped beside the two of them, her eyes flicked over and over their faces, "What are you guys doing?"

Xia Mi leaned against the wall and panted slightly, the rosiness on his face gradually faded.

She looked at Xia Mu's face, then at Erika, there was no complacency or provocation on her face, she just lowered her eyes, "It's nothing, he came to look for you, I stopped him."

She turned and walked away, climbed into bed, and wrapped herself in the quilt.

Erika looked away inexplicably, and looked at Xia Mu again: "Mu Mu..."

Xia Mu came up and hugged her lightly, "It's okay, trust me..."

Erika leaned on him tightly, hiding in his arms, with a reassuring and contented expression on her little face.

After a while, her nose suddenly moved slightly.

What's the smell on Mumu's body?
(End of this chapter)

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