Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 223 Xia Mi's Brainwashing Technique

Chapter 223 Xia Mi's Brainwashing Technique

"what are you doing?"

Xia Mi was baffled by Eri Yi who lifted the quilt and was smelled by her.

At this time Xia Mu had already left.

"It's your taste!"

Erika stood upright beside the bed, with a knife brewing in her eyes, "Mumu smells like you! What did you do to him?!"

Xia Mi covered the quilt again, leaned against the head of the bed, looked at her calmly, "It's just a hug."

"How can you hug him! I won't allow it!"

Erika's red hair was flying with anger, like a witch with teeth and claws.

Xia Mi's brows and eyes slowly curled up, and he smiled like a little fox, "Yiyi, if you grab him so tightly, maybe you will slowly push him away!"

Erika was stunned, her fangs and claws drooping red hair, "Why?"

"Don't you understand? Men can't be tied..."

Xia Mi combed her long hair slowly, "A lot of people's experience is that you have to be indifferent to a man, you can't give too much, and you can't give nothing at all. If you give too much, he doesn't know how to cherish it. If you don't give it at all, he will It's boring."

"Giving too much..."

Erika's small face was dazed.

Thinking back to the past two years, it wasn't a matter of giving too much...it was completely free...

"What you get is never as good as what you don't get. You are the one who got it, and I'm the one who didn't get it..."

Xia Mi's red lips curled up, "So, Yiyi, do you want to think about it and let Xia Mu get me once, so that he will get bored and have no obsession with not getting it, so that he can understand you better good."

Erika's eyes were blank, her little head seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer.

She sat down in a daze, sitting on her own bed, Xia Mi was still trying her best to brainwash her ear.

"You lost to me for three months anyway, didn't you?"

"Don't be so stingy, I don't intend to possess it for a lifetime, just borrow it for a while!"

"Don't worry, he will still be yours after three months. No one can take you away. You are the most important one in his heart."


Naturally, Xia Mu didn't know that Xia Mi was brainwashing his family's Yiyi for many days by relying on sharing the dorm with Eriyi.

After a few days, 'Freedom Day' came.

The whole campus suddenly boiled up, and all the students who participated in the battle received their boarding passes. Of course, they were mainly members of the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union, and the others mainly watched the battle.

The day before, the Lionheart Club and the Student Union began to set up strongholds, roadblocks, etc., dividing the campus into war zones.

Generally speaking, there are still many students in the student union, but the Lionheart Club is full of elites, and there is Xia Mu, so they are only strong but not weak in confrontation.

"Received the latest news, the delegation of the school board will visit today, led by Frost, the spokesperson of the Gattuso family, and will arrive in half an hour."

This news was broadcast on campus in the form of radio.

Both sides, who were gearing up to fight, were all stunned.

"This notification..."

At the command post of the Lionheart Society, Lancelot looked at Chu Zihang and Xia Mu with some uncertainty.

Xia Mu was startled for a moment, then grinned, and then burst out laughing.

The others looked at him inexplicably.

Chu Zihang waited for him to stop laughing, and looked at him calmly: "I'm going to negotiate with Caesar."

"No, Caesar will understand what we mean when we set off," Xia Mu waved his hand, "He's so...proud, he won't take advantage of others."

Susie did not participate in the battle, and the main tactical details were arranged by Lancelot. He is still confused now, "What are you talking about?"

Xia Mu glanced at Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang retracted his knife and nodded.

"Go! Temporarily evacuate all base personnel! Go to the square near the school gate and arm yourself!"

Xia Mu waved his hand, and couldn't help laughing again.


Lancelot was dumbfounded, "The school gate? It's not a combat area at all... Ah! I know!"

He finally came to his senses, and immediately became a little worried, "It's really okay for us to do this...?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think the principal broadcasted it to the whole school?" Xia Mu laughed.

The rift that was destined to appear might as well be bigger, and besides, he has to become that target, the target that attracts everyone's attention.

The Lionheart Society was close to a hundred people. They walked out from various strongholds, turned into a team of five or six people, and marched towards the school gate at a very high speed.

The student union immediately noticed their movement and reported it to Caesar.

"They gave up all their strongholds and set up defenses at the school gate..."

Caesar thought for a while, and put the long knife in his hand back into the scabbard a little bored, "It seems that our round of confrontation will start later."

"How about occupying the opposite side directly? When they come back, they will be caught off guard." Someone suggested.

Caesar glanced at him, his pale blue pupils were full of pride, "I won't do this kind of thing, the respect for the opponent is also the respect for myself."

"Lu Mingfei has already gone." Nuonuo said with a big sniper on his shoulder.

Caesar paused, "Well, that's his position today, let him go."

Train CC0001 ran fast on the mountain road, leaving the familiar scenery behind.

In autumn, the mountains and plains are golden, and the warm wind that comes oncoming is full of auspiciousness and beauty.

"Passy, ​​is the surgeon ready? Are you sure there is no problem?"

Frost Gattuso stood on the sidelines, watching the golden fields go by.

"No problem, just put him to sleep, and ensure that the operation is completed within an hour to remove the white lobe." Passy bowed and said.


Frost nodded.

"The storm is coming, the dragon kings are starting to wake up, we must pave all the way for Caesar."

Patsy stood behind him like a statue, saying nothing.

"The seismic wave detection report of the capital of China, don't bring it to the school board for now." Frost said suddenly.

Paxi was taken aback: "About the news of the Dragon King's awakening, don't you inform the academy to arrange a plan to slay the dragon?"

"This time, I can't let Xia Mu or anyone else succeed. For the sake of the Nibelungen plan, Caesar must personally end the life of the dragon king!"

Frost said lightly, "We still need to make some preparations."


Patsy bowed his head.

"Why haven't you looked up at me today?" Frost suddenly frowned.

Paxi hesitated for a moment, then raised his head, parted his bangs, revealing two different-colored pupils, one blue and one gold.

Frost frowned: "Didn't you take your medicine?"

Paxi smiled bitterly: "It's useless, taking medicine can only temporarily suppress it, my body is getting weaker and weaker."

Frost sighed, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Those who don't have a good life for a few years, treat yourself better and don't force yourself."

"Yes," Percy lowered her head again, "I'm fine, I've been mentally prepared for this, and I'm living for Master Caesar."

Frost was satisfied from the bottom of his heart, but there was a look of regret on his face: "The family will always remember your dedication."

(End of this chapter)

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