Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 224 The Persecuted Delegation

Chapter 224 The Persecuted Delegation

"Why is there no one?"

The train gradually stopped, and dozens of people from the delegation got off behind Frost.

But the gate of the campus was empty, and there was no one in sight, not even a guard.

No, there is still something.

Frost looked up and saw a black drone hovering above his head, faithfully recording the scene below.

"'Freedom Day' warning! 'Freedom Day' warning! Anyone who enters the battle area illegally will be regarded as an intruder! Be regarded as an intruder!"

The college radio rang.

Percy was stunned for a moment, then his face changed, and he stepped forward and said to Frost: "Freedom Day is a tradition of Kassel College. No matter what students do on this day, they will not violate the school rules."

"What goddamn rules?!"

Frost was furious, "Are they still a school? Let the students do whatever they want?!"

"What we should consider now is leaving..."

As soon as Percy finished speaking, a tiger pounced and threw Frost to the ground.

"Bang bang bang..."

The sound of guns roaring came from all directions, accompanied by Xia Mu's high-pitched roar: "Kill the intruders! Defend the campus!"

"Defend the campus!"

Lionheart elites charged from all corners, criss-crossed through bunkers, covering the entire school gate with firepower.


A few large characters of Kassel College fell down, knocking Frost who had just got up.

The delegation is not all waste, at least the response is still fast, but the campus is affected by the spirit of the word and the commandments, and the spirit of the word cannot be used, and it is too late to draw the gun and fill the Friga bullets. It is like a leek that has been harvested , It fell down one after another.

"Asshole! Shit! I am the representative of the Gattuso family—"

Frost was furious, pointing at the opposite side and losing his temper.

But a bullet drew a straight line and hit him between the eyebrows.


Frost fell on his back.

Xia Mu blew on the muzzle of the gun 20 meters away from him, "Comfortable!"

The last one standing was Passy, ​​as he raised his hands, "Surrender! I surrender!"

The elites of the Lionheart Club uphold the fine tradition of not killing prisoners and let him go.

"It's over! Call it a day!"

Xia Mu walked past Frost, stepped on his back a few times, and then told everyone to leave and return to the Lionheart Club's residence.

Percy looked at the messy footprints on Frost's body, squatted down silently, and patted him up.

"Hurry up! Treat the wounded! See if there are any serious injuries!"

At this time, the college medical team rushed out and injected the poor delegation with sobriety.

"These bastards! Even the delegation is fighting like an intruder! Lawless! Lawless!"

Frost just woke up, and before he had time to get angry, he saw a man jumping up and down like a monkey.

Professor on duty today, Manchester.

"I want to complain to the principal! I want to report to the school board! Their bad behavior must be stopped!"

Frost got up with a gloomy face, looked at the embarrassed delegation around him, and his chest was filled with anger again.

"Guns! Get the guns! Load Frigga! The bastards!"

Seeing that the delegation was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to find Xia Mu and the others to fight desperately, Paxi frowned, "I suggest not to fight back on this matter, otherwise we will be like them..."

"Oh! You are dead now! Dead people understand? You have lost the qualification to participate in Freedom Day!" Manchester patted Frost on the shoulder, full of human concern, "Calm down, don't be as knowledgeable as children."

"Dead? Are we dead?"

Frost was furious, "Follow me! You are also elites, are you going to be beaten down by a group of students and dare not fight back?!"

Passy ran forward silently following a group of delegations who were screaming from humiliation, thinking about how this would end.

Even the chief surgeon who came over rushed forward angrily... It can be seen that the psychological quality of this group of people still needs to be improved.

Percy thought.


Suddenly, a bullet shot from the slanting stab, and one fell down in response.


Frost yelled.

Then gunpoints emerged from behind the surrounding bunkers.

Standing on a high place, Caesar felt the desert eagle, and said leisurely: "Destroy the intruders."

"Caesar! You!"

Before Frost finished speaking, Caesar's Desert Eagle burst into flames.

He fell on his back...

Patsy raised his hands again.

Another tragic massacre, a mess everywhere.

"Bang bang bang..."

After the student union finished work, the medical team approached again and carried out a second treatment full of resentment.

"Are the people in these delegations sick? Why don't you lie down after death, thinking that you are an army of undead?"

"Our students are nothing compared to them, a bunch of scum."

"Don't talk about it, it's good to let the students vent their grievances, but what the delegation will do later is unpredictable."

"You won't really fire Xia Mu, will you?"


No one paid any attention to the delegation, the Student Union and the Lionheart Club set up their posture and officially started the war.

For a while, the campus was full of guns and bullets, various facilities were smashed, and the smoke filled the air, making it look like a battlefield in the Middle East.

"Caesar isn't here?"

Chu Zihang took the lead and rushed into the enemy line, but found that there was no one in the Amber Pavilion after the battle.

Suddenly, there was a lot of gunshots from the Lionheart Club in the rear.

"Damn! He knows he can't stop the two of us! He sneaked around behind us!"

Xia Mu patted his head.

"It's okay, recoil back."

Chu Zihang calmly drew his sword, recoiled back and still took the lead, like a fired shell, there was no possibility of turning.

He was always so straightforward.

"Be careful in ambush, brother..."

Xia Mu watched him speechless as he rushed back to the arena, retreating first and then advancing under countless gunshots, and the elites of the student union fell on their backs in a moment.

But personal prowess isn't everything.

"It looks like the Student Union is going to win."

Looking at the pictures sent back from the aerial photography, Fingel drank the red wine happily.

At this time, the resident belonging to the Lion Heart Club has been completely occupied, and most of the Lion Heart Club elites were knocked down during the recoil process.

Xia Mu was originally protecting Chu Zihang, but at this moment he was nowhere to be seen.

Under the leadership of Chu Zihang, the rest of the Lionheart Club died together with the ambush elites of the Student Union.

Only Caesar, who sits high in the position of the president of the Lionheart Society, is left...and a sniper rifle that played a key role.

"Is it... Lu Mingfei?"

Chu Zihang understood.

"A person is a qualified leader who makes the best use of him."

Caesar wiped the long knife with a dry cloth, "Come on, our contest was fruitless last year, and it's time to end this time."

"It's better to wait a little longer."

Instead, Chu Zihang sat down opposite him, "Maybe it's not you who hold the winning ticket."

Caesar glanced behind him and frowned, "Where's Xia Mu?"

Chu Zihang pointed to the second floor.

"Fuck! Where did you climb up from!"

"Don't slap your face!"


Ten seconds later, Xia Muti slid Lu Mingfei against the railing, looking down:

"Caesar, your sniper is gone, are you still fighting?"

(End of this chapter)

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