Chapter 242 I miss you
"Potato chip girl! What else is there to do! Hurry up!"

Jiu Toku Mai felt that his forehead was sticky, and beads of sweat came out at some point.

It was said that Chu Zihang was murdering someone, but obviously Xia Mu didn't give in too much!
Slaughtering the weasel group and exterminating the dead servants, he walked smoothly step by step, as if anything standing in front of him would be cut off with a single blow.

"Yes, yes, yes... you wait!"

Su Enxi tapped on the computer, muttering, "Where is the little thing I bought back from boredom... where... where..."

"Ha! Found it!"

She clicked on a small software, which moved like a sonic regulator.

Xia Mu's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was very clear in the empty tunnel.

He took it out and looked...Erika's phone.


He connected without thinking.

"Mumu, where are you? I... miss... you."

Jiu De Mai trembled all over, and looked at Su Enxi in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the potato chip girl could make such a delicate and soft voice.

Of course, when it reached Xia Mu's ears, it had already been transformed into Erika's voice.

Su Enxi also blushed a little, reached out and pinched Jiu De Mai's leg, pushing her away.

"Where are you?"

Xia Mu also looked a little gentle.

"I just landed at the airport, can you pick me up?" Su Enxi twisted her body coquettishly.

"It's arriving so soon? I remember that the plane I booked for you is the current one, and it should be preparing to take off."

"Ah... sooner, earlier..."

"Okay, I'll pick you up."

Xia Mu hung up the phone.

"This... succeeded?"

Su Enxi put down her phone, a little unsure.

"Will he make another phone call to confirm?" Jiu Toku Mai asked.

Su Enxi smiled: "It's useless, how can the kingdom of death communicate with the outside world, he can only call me."

"That's good…"

Jiu De Mai breathed a sigh of relief, but was startled again, "What is he doing?"

On the screen, Xia Mu stood still, as if he was thinking about something.

The next moment, a beautiful girl with red hair suddenly appeared beside him.


The red back disappeared in a flash, and Su Enxi was so frightened that he threw the phone directly.

"No, it's Xia Liyi!"

Jiu De Mai pressed her shoulder, pointed at the monitor, "Why did Xia Liyi suddenly appear beside him?!"

Xia Mu was immediately embraced by the girl around the neck, and buried her head in her arms.

He gently stroked her back: "Yiyi, where are you now? No one saw you?"

Erika raised her head, her eyebrows curved: "No, I ran to the airport toilet!"

"so smart."

Xia Mu scratched her nose, and asked affectionately, "Is it Chicago International Airport or Capital International Airport?"

"I haven't boarded the plane yet, and it may not arrive until evening." Erika said.

Xia Mu nodded, his eyes were thoughtful... Was it Lu Mingfei's nanny group who made a move?

"Mumu, where is this?" Erika looked around curiously, there was a gust of wind in the dark tunnel, but she wasn't afraid at all.

"It's a bit dangerous place, don't call me in the middle of the plane today, I can't be distracted..."

Xia Mu touched her head, and pressed his forehead against her, "After you land, I will take you to eat local food."

"it is good."

Erika nodded happily, and then disappeared.

Xia Mu looked around and raised his middle finger to the surroundings.

Jiu De Mai and Su Enxi have black lines all over their heads.

"He found out, it's useless to do any small moves."

At this moment the phone rang.

"Boss!" Su Enxi quickly connected.

"Well, the situation doesn't seem to be very good?" came a man's voice.

Su Enxi was a little embarrassed: "A big bad wolf came in... er, it was Xia Mu. He went all the way into the Nibelungen. If he preempted you, boss, your script will not be able to continue."

"This guy is stealing the show from me again."

The man paused for a while, "Forget it, there's no need to make enemies with him now, so as not to drive people crazy. This time, Yemengjia is already crazy enough, so there will be no additives. The plan ends here, and everyone will watch the show together."

The phone hangs up.

Su Enxi looked at the phone dumbfounded: "The boss actually backed down?"

Mai Tokuro breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the chair: "It's great to watch a play now."

"The boss is very afraid of this big bad wolf..."

Su Enxi picked up the bag of potato chips.

"By the way, will the 'Lu Mingfei' dragon slaying drama that we spent tens of millions of dollars continue?"

Su Enxi glanced at another screen, on which was a picture of the hired game team killing the Quartet.

The potato chips fell from her mouth, and she suddenly felt heartbroken: "My money!"

"Don't pretend, didn't you just sell the oil futures by the way, and made a small profit of hundreds of millions of dollars."

Mai Tokuro snatched her bag of potato chips and continued to watch the surveillance.

"This big bad wolf is so handsome! Much more handsome than my ex-boyfriends like princes!"

It has nothing to do with me, and the mentality immediately becomes different.

Mai Tokuro's eyes sparkled, and he touched his pretty face: "Do you want him to be a member of my ex-boyfriend..."

Su Enxi snatched back the bag of potato chips in her hand: "Be careful that the horse stumbles and the halberd sinks into the sand. That Xia Mi is so perfect, he still can't handle it."

"She still doesn't know how to show the charm of a woman."

Mai Tokuro propped his chin and stared at the monitor...

Xia Mu walked to a platform.

The platform is extremely old, with a cement floor, green tiles on the corners, and the whitewashed walls are peeling off badly. There are several shocking big characters painted in red on it, "Fushouling Station", and there is a date beside it, 1977.

The platform was lit only by a single incandescent lamp, covered with cobwebs.

"Hello, three."

He held up his umbrella and waved hello.

Gao Mi and Wan Boqian, the couple of missing commissioners of Kassel College.

Lu Mingfei's former rival in love, Zhao Menghua.

Opposite them is a weasel empress, but here it plays the role of a croupier on the gaming table. In theory, it can only enter the next space if it wins.


Zhao Menghua was naturally dumbfounded, "Xia, Xia Mu?"

Gao Mi and Wan Boqian became excited: "Junior brother! Are you here to save us?!"

If they met Lu Mingfei, they would never think so.

But Xia Mu's reputation among mixed races is too great, he is a veritable S-level of Kassel College, and Guanglong King killed two of them.

Xia Mu came over.

The croupier tossed him a coin.

"Uh, is my loneliness so small? Just one chip?" He was a little speechless.

Zhao Menghua had a smirk on his face: "When you get on the subway alone and travel underground for ten days, your loneliness will be as much as mine."

"Junior brother, it's not easy to beat this croupier..."

Seeing that he didn't move much, Gao Mi couldn't help asking, "What are you going to do?"

Xia Mu gracefully opened the umbrella.

"The weak follow the opponent's rules."

(End of this chapter)

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