Chapter 243 Big Uncle...


Zhao Menghua was as skinny as a stick, and he spoke as if his teeth were leaking, "Speak as if you are a strong man."

He looked back, originally wanted to find support from Gao Mi and Wan Boqian, but saw them standing up swiftly and walking behind Xia Mu.

"Junior brother, leave it to you!"

"We will support you behind the scenes!"

The two clenched their fists to encourage each other.

Zhao Menghua was dumbfounded: "Are you crazy? If we don't follow the rules, we will suffer twice or three times the loneliness next time!"

"Next you will see a miracle."

"Don't be surprised whatever you see."

Gao Mi and Wan Boqian looked at him with a smile.

Zhao Menghua only felt that the two men were out of their minds.

In many cases, the more ignorant people are, the more confident they are. Because they know too little, they think that everything is wrong with others.

Xia Mu glanced at the motionless Zhao Menghua, and finally gave up on the plan to directly erupt Jun Yan, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand changed, revealing the muzzle of the gun.

Before Zhao Menghua could realize what this high-tech gadget was, a fierce flame suddenly shot out from the muzzle of the gun, covering Queen Kamaitachi like a series of sharp rays.

"Oh! Don't, don't slap people in the face! You don't slap people in the face! Do you have any gambling products? I invite you to play a game and draw your gun!"

The croupier was obviously set to automatically reply, so he spit out a bunch of bad words first.

Zhao Menghua was so frightened that he couldn't see his shit, and he backed away.

Because Queen Kamaitachi unfolded her body while retreating in front, the terrifying nine ferocious faces let out earth-shattering roars.


Suddenly, in the bright light, a figure suddenly appeared, bringing a hurricane and flames, and piercing the spear into the Queen's body.

At that moment, when the light was shining brightly, Zhao Menghua's eyes widened, as if seeing the birth of a fairy.


Queen Sickle Weasel turned into a mass of scorched gray skeletons and fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

Zhao Menghua was dumbfounded.

"Senior brother is amazing!"

"Junior brother is great!"

Gao Mi and Wan Boqian waved their hands and cheered loudly, giving full play to the role of cheerleaders.

The front of the platform collapsed, revealing a dark passage.

Everyone shivered as the wind blew, and Gao Mi and Wan Boqian didn't make any noise.

"You go back and continue to take the train. The cycle is broken and should take you out of the Nibelungen."

Xia Mu turned the spear in his hand back into an umbrella shape, and walked forward alone.

"Senior brother!"

Wan Boqian couldn't help crying.

"Listen to him, we will become a burden with the past."

Gao Mi took her hand, and helped Zhao Menghua who was trembling all over, "Let's go, while there are no new incidents."

Three skinny figures supported each other and left from opposite directions.

"What the hell is this all about!"

Zhao Menghua couldn't help but look back, but Xia Mu was nowhere to be seen...

"A big bad wolf is a big bad wolf, how could it be possible to follow other people's rules."

Mai Tokuku and Su Enxi ate happily with snacks as if they were watching a movie.

"It should be here."

"Well, the igniting point of this scene is here."

The two opened a bottle of red wine, poured two glasses, and touched...

Xia Mu walked forward in the wet tunnel.

The darkness was like a sticky quagmire, in which he waded.

Just like the current situation, there is obviously only one way in front of him, but it feels like walking into an abyss.

Xia Mi's future... Are there any other options?
Xia Mu pursed his lips in the dark, his hand holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella became stronger and stronger.

This world is like this, there is no unreasonable love, no unreasonable hatred, the intersection of two fate lines, and then spread out, no one knows what the future will be.

Maybe it's a lack of power after all...

He sighed from the bottom of his heart, and felt that he should continue to find the other two dragon kings, and he must improve his strength to the level of a real king.

That way, maybe you won't be as anxious as you are now.

He suddenly stopped and looked up, only seeing the golden starlight drifting in the darkness of the infinite heights, he couldn't see the top or the wall.

He walked into this vast space like an ant crawling into St. Peter's Basilica in the middle of the night.

Those golden starlights look like fireflies, and dozens of parallel railway tracks underground can be seen through their twilight.

The railroads here have become spider-like structures, originally designed to store military subway trains full of heavy tanks, and now only the rusty tracks remain.

He reached the end of the subway and the end of the maze.

Xia Mu groped forward across the sleepers, and finally he saw a rock wall dug out by hand, which was full of traces left by machinery, and a fusiform cement platform was attached to the rock wall, as deep as a trestle bridge entering the sea. In the rails, it is probably used for trains to stop for maintenance.

He jumped onto the platform and walked to the stone wall.

At this time, a yellow light on the rock wall came on, flickering slowly.

The solid rock wall began to shake.

Cracks appeared from top to bottom, and the entire rock wall was covered with cracked lines. Pieces of gravel fell and dust filled the air.

Xia Mu jumped back all of a sudden.

hell!What kind of light is that!It is clearly Lombok!

The rock wall cracked completely, and a snake-like thing swam out of the crack, like scales!That yellow light is the eyes of the dragon head!
Behind the screen, Mai Tokuro and Su Enxi both stood up and took a step back in unison.

"Fuck! A real dragon!"

It was also the first time for the two of them to see such a majestic and majestic creature.

That kind of beauty is dark beauty, majestic beauty and deep beauty, and it is awe-inspiring.

The blue-black scales on the dragon's body opened and closed sequentially from front to back, making the sound of metal clashing, and the face full of bony protrusions carried the majesty of a monarch.

He looked down at Xia Mu, spread his huge black wings, and roared sharply.

"Let's play a game."

Xia Mu carried the Thousand Chance Umbrella behind his back, and suddenly spoke calmly.

Behind the screen, Mai Tokuro and Su Enxi's eyes were dazed, and potato chips fell from their mouths.

The dragon's golden eyes shrank slightly, like cat pupils.

Xia Mu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood what his posture looked like.

It's just a cat!
A giant cat as heavy as a humpback whale!

The dragon moved its long neck and slowly approached him, slowly opened its mouth, its sharp teeth were like clusters of guns, and its long black tongue licked Xia Mu's whole body from top to bottom.

"It's disgusting! What are you doing!"

Xia Mu jumped back, the reaction was so great that the two people behind the screen couldn't help but laugh.

"Does he know what it is? It's a dragon! A dragon!" Su Enxi had a broken expression, "Who dares to resist the dragon's overtures."

Mai Tokuku showed a stunned expression: "It turned out to be a gesture of friendship, I thought he was going to lick Xia Mu to death... Wait! So why is he acting like a puppy?"

The two looked at each other.

Something is wrong with this dragon...

"You don't like playing cards, what shall we play?"

The dragon's voice was deep and majestic.

"Who says I don't like playing cards?"

"You killed my dealer."

"Oh... forgot..."

(End of this chapter)

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