Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 245 Odin's Speech Ineffective

Chapter 245 Odin's Speech Ineffective

"La la la..."

In Xia Mi's hut, the girl hummed briskly.

She took out the clothes one by one and tried them on in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

"Naturally beautiful...she looks good in anything..."

"Which one looks the best...it's so hard to choose..."

She smiled brightly, as well as self-satisfied and proud.

I finally chose a set, but it wasn't the best looking one, but the snow-white dress with velvet.

She still remembered how Xia Mu couldn't put it down at that time.

Clean up the bed, wipe the stove clean, and put all the dishes and chopsticks in the cabinet.

Arrange the five-box cabinet neatly, wipe all those precious objects, and then gently close the cabinet door.

She picked up the broom in the corner, swept away all the dust, and then picked up the mop to mop the floor, mopping the whole house clean and bright.

"I'm leaving!"

Standing by the door, she shouted forcefully into the room, showing the brightest smile.

Pull the door open, step out, close the door, lock it, put the key in your pocket.

Before going downstairs, she took out her mobile phone and sent another girl a link, then threw the mobile phone into the trash can, and her figure gradually faded away.

The sun shines on her high ponytail, jumping out a cheerful and bright breath...

At the Capital International Airport, a Boeing plane has just landed.

Erika was dressed in a beautiful retro maiden costume, humming a tune with her earphones, and bouncing down while holding her little red umbrella.

When she walked out of the airport and stood at the exit, she suddenly thought of sending a text message to Xia Mu to see where the two of them met.

But just as she took out her phone, the phone vibrated by itself, and a message popped up... The sender, Xia Mi.

She has Xia Mi's mobile phone number, which Xia Mi gave her to save one night.

She clicked on the text message curiously, it was a link and an extraction code, and then clicked in, entered the extraction code, and a video directory appeared.

Naturally, Erika didn't think about any traffic issues, and opened the video directly with her mobile phone.

The first photo that appeared was the group photo of Xia Mu and Xia Mi at the airport... Erika glanced at the time stamp, it was the time when Xia Mu went out alone.

Then there are many photos, the protagonists are Xia Mu and Xia Mi, and their behavior is getting more and more intimate.

Erika held the phone, her wine red eyes stared at the screen, and her breathing gradually became heavier.

And that night, at the side of the big bed where she and Xia Mu slept together, Xia Mu kissed Xia Mi's arm, all the way to her neck, and she was still asleep next to her!

And during those three months, they did many things behind her back.

Finally, on the last day under the setting sun, Xia Mu and Xia Mi walked across the campus holding hands.

The voices of boys and girls rang out alternately.

"do you like me?"


"Do you love me?"


The phone slipped from the palm of Eri Kuangyi and fell to the ground.

She lowered her eyes, and the golden waves eroded wildly in her pupils, completely disintegrating her sanity in an instant.

The front bangs covered her eyes, and her long wine red hair danced without wind.

"Yiyi, do you want to catch rape in bed? Come here!"

Xia Mi's provocative voice came from the mobile phone on the ground, and at the same time reported an address.

"Beauty, your phone is dropped, I'll help you..."

There was a man who saw Erika's graceful back, and wanted to get close to her, to see if he could get his contact information.


As a result, Erika stepped on it, and the phone instantly fell apart.

The man trembled all over, and looked at the wreckage of the mobile phone on the ground in disbelief...Can a person really crush a mobile phone with one foot?How much power is that?
I looked up again, but I couldn't see the back of the girl with fluttering red hair...

"Oh! What's going on?!"

At the same time, almost everyone who knew Xia Mu and Erika covered their heads, only feeling something popping out from the depths of their minds.

Just when the dragon's blood erupted on Eri Yi's body, the fate line of the exchange was completely reversed at this moment, and Odin's semi-finished word spirit finally completely failed.

"The memories of Natsuki and Natsuri are confused... Swap? The one from Tokyo is Natsu... Um, Uesugi Erika? Natsuki from China?"

For those who know them after the exchange, although there is a sense of weirdness, the difference is not big. For example, for Chu Zihang Anger and others, it is only the background of the two people who have changed, and the people themselves have not changed.

But for people who knew them before the swap, it was a huge disconnect.

For example, those fans who originally belonged to Xia Mu somehow became fans of a beautiful girl from Tokyo, so strange...

In addition, there is the Sheqi Bajia...

Direct fryer!

I rely on!The owner of Uesugi has been replaced!

"Children! Go to Kassel College!"

Tachibana Masamune, contrary to his usual calm and patriarchal appearance, almost kicked open the door of Yuan Zhisheng's room.

"I just contacted the academy secretary Norma, Xiaomu... No, Erika has left the academy, I'm going there now!"

Yuan Zhisheng's brows were full of anxiety, apart from being weird, he was angry.

I originally thought that my younger brother had grown up and was a scumbag, and he would be able to step on two boats...

In the end, it was his sister who was scumbag!

"I'm going to kill him!"

Yuan Zhisheng took out the Spider Kiri and Doji Kiri, and stuck them all behind his back.

"The demons still have to guard against them. I will stay in Tokyo to monitor them, and Erika will be brought back to you."

Tachibana Masamune exhaled and forced himself to calm down. He was not guarding against any general, but Kazama Ruri.

There is such a big mistake in the Bajia of Sheqi, and the fierce ghosts shouldn't be unresponsive at all.

He had to make arrangements in advance so that Ruri Kazama would not be allowed to interfere.

"Pay attention to your attitude, the relationship between her and that Natsuki..." Tachibana Masamune mentioned Natsuki's name, his mouth reacted like shit, "Be careful not to irritate Erika, as for that Natsuki, there will be opportunities to clean up in the future .”

Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath: "Okay."

After he walked out, Sakura immediately followed with her head down.

She really didn't dare to look up, for fear that her weird expression would be seen by Yuan Zhisheng, especially when she thought about how she kissed the two of them in the car back then, thinking about it now makes her feel ashamed.

Those are not two simple children, there is a big bad wolf pretending to be a sheep!
"Boss, hey...hey..."

Yasha and the crow drove and waited outside the gate.

Yuan Zhisheng jumped into the car, deliberately ignoring Yasha's winking expression: "Fastest speed! Go to the airport! Book the earliest flight!"


The crow slammed on the accelerator, and the Humvee ejected and started.

"Boss, so it wasn't my younger brother who wanted to stay away from you at that time..." Yasha turned his head.

If the crow hadn't been driving, he would have been ten meters away from him at this moment.

"It turned out that my younger sister ran away with the man... Hey... hiccup!"

Yasha couldn't speak any more, because the boy's cold light instantly lay across his neck.

Yuan Zhisheng stared at him gloomyly.

"If you can't speak... shut up! Shut up! Mouth!"

(End of this chapter)

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