Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 246: Is Ye Mengjia Crazy?

Chapter 246: Is Ye Mengjia Crazy?

"As expected of the first generation species, it's still strong..."

"Xia Mu is not bad either. He is worthy of the name of Kassel College's S-class ace, even more worthy of his name than our little white rabbit."

Su Enxi and Jiu Toku Mai stared at the screen, watching the continuous explosion like fireworks.

The battle has lasted for half an hour, but there is still no winner.

Xia Mu's upper body clothes were burnt to ashes at some point, and exposed to the air naked, the eyes of the two women shone brightly.

An incredibly handsome man with perfect muscles that made them want to touch them with their own hands.

"However, according to his record of killing Norton alone in the past, a king of the land and mountains with limited mobility should not be in a stalemate for so long."

Mai Tokuku held the ball, feeling a little strange, "Did he... keep his hand?"

"Keep hands with a first-generation species?" Su Enxi was frightened by her speculation, "Impossible, even if the dragon is half sealed and mentally retarded, the first-generation species is the first-generation species after all..."

Jiu De Mai shook his head: "This first generation has not even used a few words. Apart from roaring, it just bites and resists like a snake..."

"His dragon scales protect his whole body airtight, like a hedgehog with nowhere to bite, Xia Mu can't help it...uh..."

As soon as Su Enxi finished speaking, Xia Mu suddenly floated on the screen.

Yanling Junyan, explode!

Word Ling·Pupil of the Wind King, explode!

The frenzied flow of flames mixed with tons of oxygen, the scorching light, the city-burning flames!
A tornado of light and fire spewed out from his outstretched palm, the perfect superposition of the two words!Incomparable!
The fire tornado pierced the dragon's eyes like an awl.

"That's right! The weak point is the eyes!" Mai Tokuku clapped his hands, "Amazing!"

But Long Shuangyi lay on the ground holding his head.

The huge body hit the ground, the scales shattered, and blood flowed all over the ground.

He hissed angrily, and iron filings flew like tiny arrows, piercing the air with a hissing sound.

He leaned over and prepared to pounce, but this majestic movement was really inferior to Xia Mu in the flames.

"Can't hit..."

Mai Tokuro was stunned.

"what is that?"

Su Enxi tugged on her sleeve.

On the screen, the dragon pounced on Xia Mu's body and suddenly froze, stopping abruptly.

At some point, Xia Mi floated in front of him, blocking Xia Mu.

The lovely white velvet dress is curled like clouds, and the long hair is flying and fluttering like a spread of silk and satin.

"elder brother…"

Her voice is soft, and her eyes looking at the dragon are extremely soft... It's like looking at a pet that she has kept for thousands of years.

"Sister, sister, he hit me, he hit me, ugh..."

Long's performance shattered the two pairs of eyes behind the screen, and he was lying on the ground with his head in his wings, acting pitifully like a baby.

Xia Mi stretched out her white hand, gently stroked his huge head, and asked softly, "Does it hurt?"


Long's majestic voice is used to act like a baby, just like a middle-aged man holding a little girl's feet and acting like a baby.

However, Xia Mi didn't show any strange expression, just stroked his head lightly, and comforted him softly: "Sister, if you touch it... it won't hurt right away... Be good..."


Long narrowed his eyes, enjoying himself.

If the back half of his body hadn't been sealed in the rock wall, he might have wagged his tail.

"What kind of complicated relationship is this..."


"Brother-in-law and uncle..."

The corners of Jiutoku Mai's mouth twitched, "Why do these two titles appear at the same time..."

"What should I do next? I feel like this is not a story about slaying a dragon, but a drama about family ethics." Su Enxi sat up straight again.

Mai Tokuro shook his head: "It's not that simple."

On the screen, Xia Mi gently stroked and hummed a nursery rhyme.

The brisk voice echoed in the empty darkness, like the song my mother hummed when I was a child when I gently pushed the cradle.

"Sister, I don't feel pain anymore...Sister, play with me..."

Long cheered up.

Xia Mi was still gently stroking him, and the singing slowly stopped.

She lowered her head, looked into Long's huge and ignorant eyes, and said softly, "Brother... die for me... okay?"

Long was obviously stunned, his body shrank back, and his head left her hand.

"Die for me..."

Tears slipped from the corners of Xia Mi's eyes and scattered on the platform floor, splashing water-stained dust.


Long stared at her blankly for a long, long time.

He asked deeply: "After you die...do you have nothing...no TV to watch...no potato chips to eat...nothing..."


Xia Mi closed her eyes.

The dragon prostrated itself on the ground, its wings curled up and its head hugged, like a puppy abandoned by its owner.

Xia Mi slowly floated up.

She sang the words of the spirit, like an angel singing a hymn, her eyes were clear and shiny, and bright blood beads condensed on her bare feet.

Xia Mu knew that she was beautiful, but he didn't know that she was so beautiful.

At this moment, her beauty was set off by the wind, making people unable to bear to cover their eyes, as if they were afraid of the light entering their hearts.

But at the same time, Xia Mi's absolute power, absolute bloodline, and absolute majesty are like mountains in the sky, pressing down in the entire dark space.

Xia Mi looked down at the dragon, reaching out his hand as if to caress the top of his head.

There is so much tenderness in the depths of her pupils, like a little girl reaching out to her puppy.

Long also stared at her blankly, as if shocked by her beauty.

It was as beautiful as a farewell.

He lowered the wings covering his head.

The spiritual fire silently burned on Xia Mu's body, continuously gathering into the tornado around Xia Mi.

The dragon didn't dodge, and the wind dragon wrapped its spiritual flames and drilled in from his two giant eyes.

A gap was drilled out of his skull, and the spiritual flames penetrated into the depths of his skull, burning his nerves.

Although he has a strong body, he can't resist the severe pain of burning nerves.


His howl was somewhere between the voices of humans and beasts, mixed with madness and nostalgia.

The end-of-life roar of this dangerous animal, though deafening, resembled nothing more than the wail of a dog being slaughtered by its master.

As hellish.

Tears welled up in the corners of Xia Mu's eyes.

Xia Mi smiled softly, and hummed a nursery rhyme in a low voice, as if to comfort the dragon's pain and sorrow.

She descended slowly.

Xia Mu opened his hands and took her soft body into his arms.

"Perhaps because of not knowing dreams, wandering people chase phantoms."

Seeing the dragon falling down from the spring of blood spouting on the monitor screen, and watching the boy hugging the girl tightly in his arms as if embracing the whole world, Mai Shutoku leaned back on the chair slowly, and softly chanted this simple sentence He Ge took a sip of the cold hot chocolate.

Maybe it was because it was cold, and there was a slight bitter taste in the mouth.

"Don't be so sentimental..." Potato Chip Girl patted her on the shoulder, picked up the microphone, "Look where our little white rabbit is, the poor big bad wolf can only be saved by the little white rabbit."

Mai Toku shrugged: "Do you think he will be disappointed? The girl who thought she really loved him turned out to be using him, like a beautiful phantom..."

"But no one wants to give up illusions," said Potato Chip Girl softly. "Who can restrain themselves from believing in something beautiful but unreal?"

"Well, it's good to die before the illusion is shattered."

Mai Tokuro looked at the monitor screen, and slowly...bewildered.

"What is this? Is Ye Mengjia crazy?"

(End of this chapter)

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