Chapter 267

"You... aren't you the head of the Uesugi"

Someone raised his hands and asked in a hoarse voice, "How could you go against the family's orders..."

"It's normal to disagree."

There were more than a dozen guns floating beside Xia Mu, and he moved the fort all at once, "The Uesugi family will take over those who came over, and if you have any comments, please go to the parents."

The more than 200 people who ran over cheered happily, while those who hesitated and retreated regretted it.

"You will not regret your choice today."


Xia Mu waved his hand and led Sakurai Kogure towards the school gate.

Sakurai Akira and the others followed behind him, both excited and nervous. Whether they can rush out depends on whether Xia Mu is really as strong as he said.

No one dared to stop them, because everyone's weapons were flying around Xia Mu, and those who were not afraid of death would face dozens of gun salvos, no one was a fool.

A group of people poured out of the school gate, stepped out of the high courtyard wall grid, and crossed the only bridge. The cheers finally sounded, deafening.

But a Hummer came roaring, bringing up smoke and dust all the way.

Xia Mu stopped, and everyone behind him also stopped.

Countless eyes looked over.

The Hummer stopped.

Yuan Zhisheng came out, and Yasha, Crow, and Sakura got off the station together and came behind him. They were all at a loss in the face of such a scene.

If all the unstable members of the family are released, how much harm will it cause?

"Xia Mu, what on earth do you want to do?!" Yuan Zhisheng approached him and asked in a low voice, "Are you really going to turn the Sheqi Bajia upside down?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I am obviously liberating the suffering people and giving them freedom and dignity." Xia Mu said with a smile.

Yuan Zhisheng's eye muscles twitched: "If they attack, they will all become 'ghosts'!"

The faces of Akira Sakurai and others changed.

For so many years, they have been facing such gazes, as if they are not clansmen, but a group of wild beasts that may choose to devour anyone at any time!
"They're not, they're just a group of hybrids with good pedigree." Xia Mu shook his head calmly.

The poor caged birds behind them all heaved a sigh of relief, and then showed gratitude in their eyes.


Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help but took a step forward, approached Xia Mu and whispered, "If you want to be with Erika, you can't go against the interests of the Sheqi Bajia, otherwise the parents won't allow you to get married .”

Xia Mu folded his arms and said softly: "The relationship between Erika and I is between us. If anyone else dares to reach out, I will chop his hand into a concrete pile, and whoever dares to stop me will sink him into Tokyo." Bay."

Yuan Zhisheng was speechless for a while.

Everything has become different. The boy who played the role of a well-behaved younger brother in front of him for two years finally showed his true colors.

"You can't stop me."

Xia Mu reached out and patted his shoulder, "Get out of the way."

Dazzling golden pupils lit up in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes, and his aura instantly rose to the peak: "Although I can't stop you, I can let them all stay here to ensure that Tokyo's stable family is safe... even if it is at the cost of death."

The three Sakura behind them moved in horror: "Boss!"

"Is it necessary? Is it for the justice you think?" Xia Mu curled his lips.

Yuan Zhisheng was very serious: "That's right, for justice."

"I don't know if the principal has ever told you such a thing. The justice you think is actually the justice told to you by others, and the responsibility you cannot let go is actually the shackles others put on you?" Xia Mu asked.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned: "The principal did say something similar to me, but I have my own ideas and I know what I'm doing."

"I know that if I don't show you the truth, you won't change anything, a stubborn tortoise..."

Xia Mu complained silently, and suddenly remembered that it was useless to give a photo. It was not that he hadn't seen it when the Caesars trio made a big fuss about Genji Heavy Industries in the future. In the end, he forgave Tachibana Masamune with a few fingers broken.

Orphans without parents, the longing for fatherly love pouring out from the bottom of their hearts lost their eyes.

"I'll take you to France to sell the oil on the beach in the future, and you will be very grateful to me when you come back to see me." Xia Mu said with a smile.


Yasha couldn't help laughing out loud: "Shenyou... Muhahaha!"

The veins on Yuan Zhisheng's forehead twitched violently, and he growled again: "It's not the oil! It's sunscreen!"

At this time, five or six buses drove over.


Xia Mu waved his hand.

Yasha's laughter stopped abruptly, he glanced at Yuan Zhisheng, and slowly touched the handle of the gun.

Everyone was watching Yuan Zhisheng, waiting for his decision.

Sakurai Kogure waved his hand and asked Akira Sakurai to organize everyone to get into the car slowly.

"Why are you so nervous? I just took it to visit the family business and increase the income of the Inuyama family." Xia Mu spread his hands.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned: "Watching a concert?"

Xia Mu paused: "No, visit the red light district."

Yuan Zhisheng: "..."

A murmur of cheers came from behind, Yuan Zhisheng looked up and saw the excitement on the faces of most of those young people, they looked like a group of children who had been suppressed for a long time, it was desire and innocence.

Is it a little too much to worry about these guys making things up?

Yuan Zhisheng was dazed in a daze, and his eyes slowly became bright again... No, their bloodlines would make them unable to control themselves.

"Whoever doesn't follow the rules and does stupid things...I will deal with it myself."

Xia Mu gave a faint sound, which made the hearts of the happy caged birds tremble.

They never doubted that he couldn't do it, not only because he swaggered out of the campus all the way, but also because the law enforcement badges on the four Yuanzhi students were their nightmares in the past.

But now because Xia Mu was standing there, the other party didn't dare to make a move at all. Such deterrence was shocking, and it also made them more aware of their impulsive choice today.

The golden light in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes slowly disappeared, he took out his mobile phone and called Inuyamaga.

"Patriarch Inuyama, prepare to pick up guests... 200 people form a group..."

"Eh? It's Young Master's Xia Mu? He said hello to me, and he's already ready."

Yuan Zhisheng raised his head, only to see Xia Mu spread his hands towards him.

"I have a good relationship with Patriarch Inuyama, and our interests are connected."


Yuan Zhisheng waved his hand, "Let's go, we are stationed in the red light district today, and wait for them to finish."

It was useless to talk so much nonsense, Xia Mu said that he would take care of the caged bird that caused the accident to let him relax, but he was still ready to confirm.

He doesn't doubt that Xia Mu has the ability to do it, but he is worried that Xia Mu is just talking about it, but it is not what he intends at all.

Xia Mu and Sakurai Kogure also got into the car and drove in front of the bus convoy.

And the Hummer followed.


In the car, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly smiled strangely, picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Erika Yi's newly replaced mobile phone.

"Eriyi, Xia Mu has gone to the red light district, do you know what the red light district is? You can check it online."

(End of this chapter)

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