Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 268 Natsuki's Plan

Chapter 268 Natsuki's Plan

"Red light district?"

Erika didn't actually use that phone, she was used to buying it for her with Xia Mu, but unfortunately the signal was blocked.

But Yuan Zhisheng deliberately asked Kaguya Hime to convey the content of the text message through the home surveillance, so Erika heard it.

Uncle is serious about making small reports.

Erika sat kneeling on the floor of the corridor, staring at the bamboo forest in the courtyard in a daze as in the past few days.

Hesitating a little at this moment, he still took out his phone and searched for keywords, and then... an eye-opener.

"Mumu... ran to the red light district?!"

Erika stood up abruptly, her face frosty.

She wanted to calm down and think about some things, but she didn't want to allow Xia Mu to go out and mess around!

A quarter of an hour later, Patriarch Uesugi took the initiative to step out of the courtyard for the first time, the news spread like snowflakes, and finally reached Tachibana Masamune and Minamoto.

"Chishen, why did you let Erika come out?" Tachibana Masamune called Minamoto.

Yuanzhi broke into a sweat: "I just wanted to cause trouble for Xia Mu, I thought that Erika would make a phone call, but I didn't expect to go out directly..."

"You already regard him as your brother-in-law in your heart?"

The corners of Tachibana Masamune's eyes twitched, "Did you forget that our policy is to separate them and break their relationship."

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a while: "At this point, can we still break it? We can't even stop him from doing anything. He forcibly takes away the family members who are under observation. What can we do?"

Tachibana Masamune held his forehead, feeling a throbbing pain in his head.

"Also, will Erika still listen to us?"

Yuan Zhisheng said softly, "She has grown up, learned a lot, can think independently, and is no longer that innocent little girl."

"Sometimes I'm a little grateful to Xia Mu, it's him who made Erika look like a human... instead of a little monster."

He paused for a while, "Father, in fact, as long as we treat Erika well, I believe she will not have to fight against us. Moreover, many things that need Erika to do can be done by Natsuki... Is it possible? arrive?"

Tachibana Masamune shrank his pupils: "Do you think he is comparable to Erika?"

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a moment: "Yes, the feeling he gave me after lighting up his golden pupils was very similar to Erika, the sense of threat that was above me."

Tachibana Masamune remained silent for a long time, and began to ponder some shady calculations in his heart...

Yuan Zhisheng hung up the phone and walked back to the Hummer.

"Where are the crow and the Yaksha?"

Only Sakura stood there, he was a little strange.

The expression on Yingqiao's face was distorted, and she pointed to the bustling street: "Go in too."

The corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched: "Let them supervise, and you also supervised it?"

"The two of them feel that they need to watch closely to prevent these people from bullying maliciously during the process... regardless of the wishes of the service staff..." Sakura said with difficulty, her pretty face flushed.


Yuan Zhisheng also blushed a little, but luckily he couldn't see clearly under the bright light, "Where's Xia Mu?"

"He went in too."

Sakura pointed to the biggest store in front, "That's the one."

"He went in too?! Bastard!" Yuan Zhisheng threw away the cigarette butt with a wave of his hand, "I'll go and see!"

"Ah?" Sakura was dumbfounded, "You also... want to..."

Yuan Zhisheng blushed, and roared: "I'll go find him! So that he doesn't mess around! I'm here for Eriyi!"


Sakura followed closely behind.

"Uh, you're coming too?" Yuan Zhisheng turned around.

Sakura straightened up the ball, confidently: "For your health, I must keep an eye on you to prevent you from being tempted!"

Yuan Zhisheng: "..."

The people showing off in the window in front of the door are all real people. They watched Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura enter the door together with strange eyes... I have never seen anyone bring a woman.

"That is to say, you don't belong to the Inuyama family's property, but you are just joining in and paying protection fees to the Inuyama family together?"

When Xia Mu's voice came, Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura looked at each other.

I saw Xia Mu sitting opposite a beautiful woman, chatting about something seriously.

"Have you taken a fancy to the shopkeeper?"

Yuan Zhisheng leaned against the door and listened to the vague chatter inside, but found that Xia Mu really didn't have that kind of thought at all. All he asked about was the current operating status of the red light district, who was protected by it, and what hidden rules were there.

What is he going to do?
Yuan Zhisheng was at a loss.

"Uncle, since you're here, why don't you have a cup of tea together?" Xia Mu turned his head and smiled, apparently he had already found out when they came in.

"Who is your uncle? Don't bark!"

Yuan Zhisheng frowned, but sat down anyway, "What are you asking about?"

Xia Mu pinched his chin with his fingers: "Didn't I have more than 200 more subordinates, I have to find something for them to do."

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment: "Could it be that you plan to contract the red light district?"

Xia Mu nodded solemnly: "What do you think?"

"I don't think so!"

Yuanzhi said angrily, "The family itself never engages in gangster-related industries. We are just the head of all gangsters, and the gangsters are in charge of these industries. If you do this, you will tarnish the Uesugi family's reputation, and the family's participation will destroy the order of the entire road!"

"You made a mistake, I am the only one representing the Uesugi family."

Xia Mu folded his arms, "As for the others, I don't plan to let them join, I just plan to let them form an organization and then develop the underground industry."

His eyes flickered slightly, and after investigating the red light district, his thoughts became clearer.

If you want to gain a firm foothold in Tokyo and raise the third banner, you can’t follow the old path of the Sheqi Bajia. It’s been too long for the ghosts and ghosts to work alone, so you have to choose a good entry point.

But now, he has found the most suitable entry point. As the main family of the Sheqi Bajia, there are many gangs under it, all of them are ordinary people. If a mixed-race gang appears now...

"Xia Mu, what exactly are you going to do? Can you tell me, so that I can have a clear idea? This way I don't have to stare at you every day." Yuan Zhisheng drank his saliva and said seriously.

If more than 200 clan members with unstable bloodlines are released, if there is a big disturbance, then he, the director of the executive bureau, will stop doing it.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm just taking my brothers to eat. I'm going to build an organization. What do you think of calling it the Yamaguchi-gumi? I always feel that the underground forces lack something without this name..."

Xia Mu said casually, Yuan Zhisheng didn't hear anything unusual.

"It's really just like this? And you will watch them, not let them get out of control?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

Xia Mu nodded: "Half-races don't lie to hybrids."

The Yamaguchi group is often an organization that unifies underground forces.

If the major gangs under the Bajia of Sheqi were unified, what would they do with this clan?
"it is good."

Yuan Zhisheng stood up, looked at Xia Mu and said softly, "You are strong enough, I can't stop you from doing anything, but I hope you don't make any big troubles... The pressure we have to do is already great enough."

Then without waiting for Xia Mu's answer, he turned around and left with big strides.

Sakura followed.

(End of this chapter)

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