Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 269 Uesugi Koshi and Eriyi

Chapter 269 Uesugi Koshi and Eriyi

"Hey! Don't go too far! I paid the bill!"

When Xia Mu walked out of this store, there was a commotion on the street suddenly, and there seemed to be some dispute in a store diagonally opposite.

"Mr. Yue, you only paid one-tenth of the money!"

"Ten hours at night, I only used one hour, isn't it normal to pay a tenth?"

"How can there be such a calculation! You want to say that, don't you only need to pay one hundredth of six hundredths if you finish the job in one minute?!"

Xia Mu couldn't hold back, burst out laughing, turned his head to look, wanting to see who is so talented.

It turned out that to his surprise, the eloquent Mr. Yue turned out to be an old man with all white hair.

He looks quite old, with white hair combed neatly into separate parts, wearing the unique white linen overalls of ramen chefs, with a black towel tied on his forehead, and he looks as if he has been dealing with ramen all his life.

This is... the ramen chef came to relax after closing?
and many more!

Ramen master?Mr. Yue?

Xia Mu's expression became weird.

If I ran into my father-in-law here, it would be an unforgettable first meeting...

Seeing that the quarrel was still going on over there, he simply walked over: "This old gentleman underpaid, I will settle it for him."

The quarrel stopped abruptly.

Old Mr. Yue glanced at Xia Mu inexplicably: "Will you pay for me?"

Xia Mu nodded, and when he heard the number said by the other party, he took out his bank card and swiped it to finish.

After paying the bill, I looked back and saw that the old man had disappeared.

"Fuck! Where are people!"

The shopkeeper pointed to the end of the street: "Over there, I ran away while you were paying."

Xia Mu's head was full of black lines.

Now that we have met, of course we can't let it go so easily.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the map to search for "National University of Tokyo". He remembered that Koshi Uesugi was selling ramen in a back door street there.

"Sure enough, it's not far away, the distance of two streets."

Xia Mu walked along the street, and it didn't take long to find a wooden van, the kind specially designed for selling ramen in the streets.

At this moment, the van did not turn on the lights, leaving only a small dim light inside. Master Yue was lying on the chair, watching a small TV of ten inches or so.

Xia Mu glanced through the window, and could still see the picture of a woman showing her breasts on the screen.

"The old man's taste is a bit retro, Maria Ozawa must have been out of style for a long time." He couldn't help but say.

Master Yue didn't turn his head back: "You will get the money owed to you in a month, so don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Xia Mu lowered his eyes, and said lightly, "The Underworld Supreme really has a personality."


The curtains hanging from the van danced without any wind, and then fell back immediately.

At that moment, Xia Mu seemed to see an old lion suddenly opened its eyes... the prestige is still there.

"who are you?"

Master Yue finally turned around and looked Xia Mu up and down, "Even few people from the Eight Snake Qi Family know about me, where did you find out?"

"Patriarch Inuyama has a good relationship with me."

Xia Mu smiled slightly and told the truth, but didn't actually answer the question.

Uesugi Yue deduced the answer by himself: "Oh, it's Ahe... He asked you to come to me? I'm just an ordinary ramen old man, I can't do anything, and I don't want to get involved in your affairs."

"You don't need to do anything. The old man's most precious wealth is the accumulated experience in his mind. I'm here to ask for advice."

Xia Mu lifted the curtain, sat down on the small wooden stool, and asked with a smile, "Can I have a bowl of ramen? I'm too busy today, so I haven't eaten yet."

"Closed, didn't you see?" Uesugi pointed to the sign angrily.

Xia Mu chuckled: "Just treat it as a repayment of the debt, a bowl of noodles to offset it, it's a good deal."

The old man stared at him twice, and finally turned on the soup pot: "What kind of noodles are you eating?"

"Whatever you want, just what you are best at." Xia Mu spread his hands.

The old man snorted faintly, and threw the noodles into the soup pot.

Xia Mu didn't look at him all the time, but turned his eyes to the outside of the curtain, and there were patters of raindrops falling, separating the inside from the outside.

"It's raining..." he said softly.

Uesugi Yue was making ramen, and gave him a strange look, not knowing why he suddenly felt melancholy.

Xia Mu looked through the rain curtain, and silently looked at a pair of beautiful eyes under the old tree by the side of the street.

She didn't come near, he didn't speak.

Ten minutes later, there were two more bowls of ramen on the table.

"Why two bowls?" Xia Mu asked in surprise.

Uesugi Yue pointed to the outside of the curtain: "That girl has been watching you for a long time, won't you ask me to have a bowl of ramen together?"

Xia Mu burst out laughing, shook his head and stood up, opened the curtain and waved lightly: "Come."

The girl hesitated for a while, and finally walked over holding the little red umbrella, her heels stepped on the water on the road, scattering a few splashes.

"Eat a bowl of ramen."

Xia Mu waited for her to come in before putting down the curtain, sat down again, picked up the chopsticks, and handed them to her in turn.

The girl put away the little red umbrella, took the chopsticks and lightly touched Xia Mu's fingers, and her body trembled slightly.

"I haven't figured it out yet..." She lowered her head and said.

Xia Mu reached out and touched her red hair lightly, and said softly, "It's just a bowl of noodles."


The entanglements in her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace at this moment.

No matter how many things happened, his palm is still so warm...

"Strange young man." Uesugi Koshi leaned back on his chair and crossed his legs.

"Master Yue," Xia Mu took a mouthful of steaming ramen, raised his head and said unintentionally, "Based on your experience, how can you become the Supreme of the Underworld?"


Uesugi lowered his legs and narrowed his old eyes, "Ah, he's not capable of that... you want to be the Supreme of the Underworld?"

Xia Mu smiled without saying a word.

Erika ate ramen in small bites, as if she didn't hear anything.

"It's not enough that they have ruled the underworld for more than 60 years, and now they have introduced you, the new king of mixed blood?"

Uesugi's squinted old eyes slowly opened, dark golden dots permeated the pupils, the majesty of the dragon came oppressing like a tiger roaring from the mountains and forests.

Erika suddenly raised her head, turned her head to look at Uesugi Koshie, the golden light in her eyes shone like a surging sea.

The invisible momentum confronted crazily, but narrowed within the scope of the carriage.


Xia Mu patted Erika on the head, and the golden pupils in her eyes went out, and she continued to eat noodles with her head down.

The old man's eyes also returned to normal, but he looked at Xia Mu and Erika with a strange expression, and he was no longer as casual as before.

"Two... emperors? Where did the eight Sheqi families get their blood inheritance from?" He frowned, his eyes swept over Xia Mu and Erika, and his heart beat faster and faster involuntarily.

Theoretically, only he has the blood of the emperor in this world, and it is impossible for others to have it.

Then the two hybrid kings who suddenly appeared... Could it be...

Uesugi Etsu's heartbeat has never been so fast in the past 60 years.

"Whose children... are you all children?" He asked cautiously.


Xia Mu pointed to Erika, "She is the current Uesugi Patriarch."

Uesugi Yue's fingers trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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