Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 270 Will You Marry Me?

Chapter 270 Will You Marry Me?

"As for me, I can't be regarded as a member of the Sheqi Ba Family for the time being. I come from across the ocean. Of course, it might be in the future."

Xia Mu's last few words Uesugi Yue didn't listen well at all, his mind was all focused on the four words "Uesugi Patriarch".

"The Uesugi family... hasn't had an heir for decades?" Uesugi asked tremblingly.

Erika glanced at him strangely, then turned her gaze back, put down her chopsticks and looked at Xia Mu in a daze.

Xia Mu smiled, picked up a tissue and wiped her small mouth, "Eriyi was brought back from the outside by the current patriarch Tachibana Masamune, because the bloodline is strong enough, so he was adopted under the name of the Uesugi family and became the only one. Patriarch Uesugi."

Uesugi was more stunned, his beating heart slowly slowed down, and the world in his eyes, which had finally become colorful, suddenly turned black and white again.

"However, no one knows where Tachibana Masamune brought it back, maybe it was a test-tube baby with someone's gene." Xia Mu said lightly.

Uesugi narrowed his eyes, and his heartbeat started to speed up again: "You, what are you implying?"

Xia Mu smiled: "Actually, Tachibana Masamune brought back not one child, but three children, and they all have imperial blood."

As if a bomb had been dropped in Uesugi Yue's mind, it exploded with a bang.

"You can check this past yourself, maybe you can find the truth... Oh yes, Principal Ange seems to know a lot, maybe he can give you the answer." Xia Mu said again.

"That old bastard in Angers?"

Uesugi was full of disgust, "If I look for him, three layers of skin will be peeled off!"

"Boy, do you want to be the supreme underworld?" He got serious.

Xia Mu nodded.

"It's actually very simple. One is name, and the other is force." Uesugi Yue stretched out two fingers, "Snake Bajia recognizes you. You are the emperor in name. No one in the entire underworld can beat you. You are the real one." the Supreme."

"But you are not a member of the Sheqi Ba Family, so you can only learn from Anger, fight over, subdue everyone, press their heads and make them worship you as the boss, that's how it is."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Erika, "Of course, if you become a son-in-law in the Suqi Ba family, you can also become one of your own."

Xia Mu and Eri Yi's beautiful wine-red pupils looked at each other quietly, and slowly, the eyebrows and eyes of the two of them curved together.

People who like each other can't help laughing when they look at each other, even if they are in a bad mood.

The more Uesugi looked at this scene, he suddenly felt quite loving.

"I'd better call all the way, the son-in-law is so ugly..." Xia Mu said with a smile.

Uesugi rolled his eyes: "Don't compare the son-in-law in our country with you, here the son-in-law can inherit the family business, but your surname has to be changed to Uesugi."

Xia Mu's expression was strange: "Shang Shanmu...it's quite familiar."


Erika suddenly called out softly.

Xia Mu looked up, but saw the girl's face was blushing, she lowered her head and dared not look at him.


She looked at Tang Wan's eyes, "Are you still willing to marry, marry me..."

Xia Mu's heart trembled slightly, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"Isn't this what you've been expecting? Why didn't you answer?" Jormungandr's voice suddenly came.

Xia Mu was a little dazed.

Why does this guy look so expectant...

"What we are talking about is not that I will marry you, but that I will marry you..." He said to Erika, holding his forehead in embarrassment.

"Marry, marry me..."

Erika stared blankly at him with her small mouth open, she was dumbfounded.

"Why don't you respond to her positively?"

Yemengard saw through everything.

Xia Mu was silent.

"Mumu, if Xia Mi is still here, what would you do?" The blush on Erika's face suddenly faded, her head was lowered and her two little hands were tightly clenched together.

"I will ask her opinion." Xia Mu said softly.

"I agree." Yermungandr said.

Xia Mu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Mu, Mumu?" Seeing his strange expression, Erika felt a little at a loss, "But how should I ask now?"

"I'm waiting, she will show up."

Xia Mu gently stroked her long hair, "Don't think too much, your task is to make yourself happy and be happy every day."

"She didn't..."

Erika covered her small mouth, crystal-like tears fell down, "Will she come back?"

"It's not easy to explain. She did lose her life, but she has a chance to be reborn." Xia Mu gently wiped her face with a tissue, "So, don't worry about that in your heart, and leave everything to me, okay?"

"not good!"

Erika raised her head, her eyes were watery, but she was determined, "Mumu, I've thought about a lot of things, the old me didn't deserve your kindness to me..."

She stared into his eyes and said firmly, "There is no equality between you and me. No one can keep giving without getting something in return. I think maybe I should do something."

"Who says you're not worth it?"

"Who says I need to get what?"

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to caress her delicate and delicate face, and said seriously, "Being able to have you is my greatest achievement. As for the others, they are not worth mentioning."

Erika's eyes were soft enough to melt.


After watching the drama for so long, Uesugi Yue finally got goosebumps all over his body and couldn't watch it anymore, "What you want to do, whether it's getting married or relying on strength, has nothing to do with me..."

He folded his arms and said, "As for you talking about looking for Angers, then I might as well drag them to do a paternity test."

"I don't recommend you to do this. As long as you understand the current situation of the Eight Snake Qi Clans and the fierce ghosts, you will not act rashly. Even if you are the supreme underworld, it is difficult to change the status quo immediately. more murky..."

Xia Mu spread his hands, "Of course I didn't come here just to tell you this, I have a purpose."

He looked at Uesugi Yue with a sincere face, "Believe me, only I can understand the whole situation and know how to ensure everyone's survival. If what you want is not a momentary recognition and then a total turmoil, but a better future, Then you have to listen to me."

Uesugi Yue's old face twitched: "Are you here to take me in as your subordinate?"

"Well," Xia Mu propped his chin with his hands, "If I can get the assistance of the previous generation of underworld supreme, I can't imagine who else can stop me in the debut."

"I can't speak clearly, until now I haven't figured out who is related to me by blood!"

Uesugi slapped the table and burst into anger, "You think I'll believe your nonsense?!"

"It's okay if you don't believe me. You can look it up yourself, and you can find clues, but it may not be a comedy in the end, it may be a tragedy." The old god Xia Mu crossed his legs.

Uesugi was struck by his words, staring at him with a gloomy old face: "What do you want me to do?"

Xia Mu laughed: "I don't need to do anything at ordinary times, I need you to come back at the critical moment!"

(End of this chapter)

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