Chapter 280 Poor Sea King
"If you don't change your body, you will be crushed. What are you doing?"

Yemengard's voice sounded in his mind.

Xia Mu was already thousands of meters underwater, and his body was still falling.

"It's not a Super Saiyan, what kind of transformation... I'm just curious, how much water pressure can I withstand with my own body now."

"It doesn't make sense, if you fuse the keel, you can go tens of thousands of meters underwater."


As the dragon scales began to cover every corner of Xia Mu's body, drastic physiological changes happened silently, and the power extended to the ends of the limbs like vines with substance.

Xia Mu raised his head, as if he wanted to take the sky and the earth into his body.

With unparalleled will, unparalleled strength, and unparalleled majesty, his already very powerful dragon prestige has been enhanced tenfold and a hundredfold. Under the dark water, he is like a king glancing at His Highness' trembling courtiers who dare not speak.

Xia Mu looked around, as if inspecting his own territory, floating silently in the dark sea.

The water pressure is still there, the heart is beating extremely slowly, and the weight of the mountain is on the body, acting as if it is on a super planet with a gravity ten times that of the earth.

But after the keel was fused, the surface of the black dragon scales shone with light, and the strong pressure of the sea water was completely offset by the invisible domain.

"It's really like diving into hell and Huangquan."

"Don't worry, there is no country of the dead below, only a Dragon King embryo that was sacrificed to the White King."

"Poor Aquaman..."

At the bottom of the deep sea, the Lenin sank here gave birth to a thick blood vein that penetrated the seabed, and the blood flowed from the Lenin to the entire city, as if it was a spring that nourished this dead city.


As the vibration intensified, the seabed was cracking, and the black gaps were filled with sticky black plasma.

The dragon's blood flowing out of the Lenin is irrigating this ancient city, and this shaking ancient city seems to be waking up!

What needs to be sacrificed with the blood of an ancient dragon?What kind of devil is bred by dragon's blood?
"It's so sad, the high and mighty king is only a bloody sacrifice in front of a more powerful king."

Mai Shutoku, who had been injected with the ancient dragon serum, stood on top of the Ditrieste, sighing silently.

She released the shadow, left the Trieste, and swam to the wreckage of the Lenin.

At this moment, this flesh-wrapped giant ship is withering, and an unknown force is sucking its blood dry. The city is waking up, and it is crazily sucking the ultimate juice.

Jiude Mai reached the side of the Lenin, floated against the hull, and then pierced through a porthole, like piercing broken leather.

She cut off a bud and dived into the Lenin through the porthole.

"what is that?"

Under the spotlights of the Trieste, a black shadow swished past like a swordfish.

The three Caesars in the deep submersible didn't even see clearly, thinking it was dazzled.


Mai Shutoku, who was digging embryos inside the Lenin, suddenly stood up.


The mottled and decayed hull shook loudly, and even the beating blood stopped.

Afterwards, the entire giant ship fell apart.

Jiu De Mai's eyes and pupils constricted, she chose the former without hesitation between saving her own life or continuing to make embryos, her body jumped out like a fish, and escaped from the torn apart hull.


A figure covered with dragon scales suddenly appeared at the place where she escaped, and stretched out its pitch-black dragon claws to grab out the half-digged Aquaman embryo.

"No pulse, he's dead."

"No, Wang's life is not that fragile. If he leaves this incubating bed that sucks him, he will soon come back to life."

Yemengade's voice sounded in Xia Mu's mind, "You can't absorb him now, leave a blood mark, so that you can find it next time."

Xia Mu nodded, and the golden pupils burned quietly like a flame in the deep sea.

The tip of his claws slid across the embryo lightly, and a dark red blood stain penetrated into it. The whole embryo seemed to be lit up, and the bloody light bloomed for an instant, but then went out instantly.

"The corpse guard group is waking up. If you don't want to have a big battle at the bottom of tens of thousands of meters, hurry up. The Neptune embryo also needs to be placed."

Xia Mu nodded, stepped on the bottom of the cabin with his dragon claws, and the bottom was instantly torn apart.

He turned into a black shadow and sprang out from the remnants of the Lenin, and sent the embryo in his hand to a river bed far away from here...

"Long legs, long legs, how are you? Have you got what the boss wants?"

"Uh... got it done, but it was snatched away..."

With the help of countless red lights at the bottom of the water, Jiude Mai saw clearly the figure who had taken away the embryo, and in a split second, Sparta said, "Potato chip girl... isn't the boss a plan? He is not the only true king in the world." The half-breed also has demands for what he wants?"

After a long silence in the headset, Su Enxi said weakly: "Then your action failed?"

Mai Tokuro complained: "I don't want to die yet."

"Lu Mingfei's life will be saved, right? Let their nuclear bombs become duds, otherwise the survival rate will be very low."

"It's done, it's done, I won't tell you anymore, my mother is going to run for her life..."


"Gentlemen, bad news. There is a problem with the circuit of the nuclear power cabin. You can't go up yet. You have to do a deep-sea walk and manually enter the password."

In Xumizuo's command room, Yuan Zhisheng connected to the communication channel and said hoarsely to the three Caesars, "This is our only chance."

Originally, Jiude Mai hoped that Yuan Zhisheng would give up detonating the nuclear bomb, but he didn't expect them to turn their faces directly.

"You wouldn't drag us up if we refused, would you?" Caesar whispered.

"If you refuse, everyone will die. It doesn't matter whether you are pulled up or not." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"Are you advising us to die ourselves in order to save more people?"

"If I was on a deep submersible I would do a deep-sea walk."

"Damn it! Then you will never be able to go to the Nudist Beach to sell magic oil for the rest of your life, Pinta Island Tortoise! ​​Would you like it? And what you are trying to persuade me to do will make me never see my wedding!" Caesar roared .

"I don't want to, but I will still do it. Whether you are willing or not is up to you." Yuan Zhisheng paused every word.

"Your branch is really crazy! You are a bunch of fucking sons of a bitch!"

Caesar stood up, took off the earphone and threw it to Chu Zihang: "I don't want to talk to that lunatic anymore. If you keep in touch with him, you only have enough oxygen for 8 minutes. I set the password, and only I can guess it. If If I haven't come up after 8 minutes, it means that no one can detonate the nuclear power module, and you let him retract the safety line."

"Boss, you, you..." Lu Mingfei spoke incoherently.

"Before I dived, I said that I am the team leader. You two are here to cooperate with me. Don't act on your own." Caesar said coldly, "Do as I say. If I fail to come up, Chu Zihang will take over." My position. It seems that it is still useful to record the suicide note in advance."

"Boss, me, me..." Lu Mingfei was a little anxious.

Caesar grabbed his neck and pushed him away: "You haven't recorded your suicide note yet, think about who to record it to while you still have a few minutes."

"It's not that I want to say, Boss, don't rush to kill the nuclear bomb. There is a black shadow on it, look!" Lu Mingfei didn't even have time to catch his breath.

A question mark appeared on the forehead of Caesar, who regarded death as home...

(End of this chapter)

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