Chapter 281

"What it is?"

"Looks like a silhouette."

"Have you ever seen a person who can walk under the deep sea of ​​[-] meters? And can't you see that dragon scale?!"

The temperature inside the deep submersible was extremely high, and the three of them squeezed together naked at the window, ignoring each other's sweat.

"He doesn't know the password?" Chu Zihang suddenly frowned.

"Shall I go out and tell him?" Caesar said.

Lu Mingfei pushed his furry chest with his elbow: "What if he directly blows up?"

Chu Zihang was expressionless: "Then you should seize the last time to write the suicide note."

"Depend on!"

Suddenly, the black shadow left the nuclear bomb and squatted outside their window, scaring Lu Mingfei into a ghostly cry.

"Give way."

Caesar calmly pushed Lu Mingfei away and wrote numbers on the window.


Seeing the black shadow leave immediately, Chu Zihang understood, but asked again, "Are you sure you remember the password correctly? Didn't you forget it just now?"

"Nuo Nuo's birthday is one day earlier, and she always doesn't like to receive blessings on her birthday, so the party was opened one day earlier, and the password I entered is this." Caesar said.

"Do you feel that the face covered by the dragon scales is a bit familiar?" Lu Mingfei said hesitantly.

Kaiser and Chu Zihang glanced at him from the left and right, then turned their heads away.

"What's your expression?" Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

Caesar snapped off the contact with Sumizuo, then calmly looked at the shadow outside the window and said, "We all know who it is, but there's no need to say it."

"Unless you are willing to see him being investigated by the academy, or even taken into confinement." Chu Zihang added.

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched, and he muttered: "Every time I was saved by him...why isn't she a beautiful girl..."

"For a beautiful girl, are you going to agree with her body?" Caesar bumped him on the shoulder.

Lu Mingfei yelled, "Don't touch me if you're sweaty!"

"He's done it," Chu Zihang said.

Caesar and Lu Mingfei looked up, only to see the black shadow stretch out its claws and make a scissors hand to them, with a ferocious grin on the corners of its mouth.

The three looked at each other speechlessly.

"Come on!"

Chu Zihang narrowed his pupils and almost yelled, but then he realized that the sound could not be transmitted.

In the field of vision, more and more corpse guards crawled out of the bottom of the sea and crawled, reminiscent of tens of thousands of earthworms coming out of the soil when spring comes.

A huge crack appeared, cutting vertically into the long river of magma, and hundreds of thousands of tons of magma poured into the crack.

Something huge was struggling in the lava. Its scales were black, and there were barbed bone spurs growing out of its back. Black metal hooks pierced through its flesh, locking it firmly under the ruins.

But the metal hook was about to be unable to restrain it, and it frantically whipped the ground with its thick tail, and the buildings that were still standing collapsed in pieces, and the metal fragments and gravel floated together, forming a large fog barrier in the sea water.

But this is not the worst, Chu Zihang yelled because he saw a swarm of fireflies flying out of that crack!

It's the ghost-toothed dragon viper!
The dragon vipers pull out silvery bands of light in the sea water. They gather in groups to crush and eat the bronze pillars. They can secrete strong acidic mucus and use their terrifying teeth to chew metal.

"Run! Run! Run!"

Together they yell into the microphone.


The black scales on Xia Mu's body opened and closed, making the sound of metal clashing.

He stretches his arms.

Shocked by his killing intent, the dragon vipers gathered around did not dare to approach him, but swam around him at high speed.

These things are manipulated by the will to kill and the bloodthirsty nature, and when they smell life, they will stop and hunt even if they are on the run.

Several corpse guards rushed towards Xia Mu from different directions in the underground cracks. Their immortal bodies were five meters long. Their huge physique and astonishing strength made their impact comparable to that of a running rhino. Even without sharp minions, they It can also crush the bones of the enemy's whole body.

The sea water was stirred by their long tails, under the impact of the turbulence, Xia Mu's body stood like steel in the storm.

He drew in the air with both hands, stirring up fiery red swirls in the sea water.

A wall of flames reaching the sky slowly rises from the side of the Trieste, and the sound of thunder resounds deep in the trench.

Jun Yan exploded!

Chu Zihang fell silent.

The power of the same word spirit increased by more than a hundred times under Xia Mu's use.

The golden-red flames gushed out from him crazily, gradually turning black, rising to a height of about half a kilometer, forming a huge black wall with a radius of one kilometer.

The sea water next to it vaporized instantly, as if a million thunderstorms exploded continuously on the seabed.

The group of dragon vipers turned into ashes in an instant, and the corpse guards in the domain turned into dry bones.

The corpse guard group outside the domain gave up their attack and started fleeing again.

Even these things can't help being afraid in front of the huge Longwei. Obviously, fighting for their lives with Xia Mu while fleeing for their lives also violated their instincts.

"We have to run for our lives too... Uh, what is he doing?!"

Before Caesar finished speaking, a black shadow flashed and disappeared from the window.

The deep submersible shook violently, and a vortex of black flames appeared in the seawater below the deep submersible. This was Jun Yan's most condensed state. The internal temperature was as high as several thousand degrees, but there was no trace of heat leaking out.

The black vortex slowly rotated in the seawater for a second and then collapsed. The heat leaked out, and a huge amount of seawater was instantly vaporized. The swirling white steam flow roared in the deep sea, and the water vapor flow and flames entangled and circled.

Jun Yan produced a huge amount of steam, and under the high pressure of the steam explosion, the Ditrieste rose suddenly.

The three of Kaiser tied themselves to the seat, bearing the sudden overweight.

Chu Zihang kept staring at the window, hoping to see the figure covered with dragon scales.

Is this the kind of power that Xia Mi bestowed on him?I don't know if he was bleeding from the bottom of his heart when he was fusing the keel, even if he is smiling now, he is still crying...

Just like that day when he was drunk at an izakaya, the voice he muttered before he fell was Natsumi...

Chu Zihang couldn't see Xia Mu's figure, because the front of the deep submersible was blocked by corpse guards, and Xia Mu was pushed behind the deep submersible like a shell, and at the same time, the fire tornado roared in front, opening the opening to the sea surface. road.

On the sea illuminated by searchlights, small boats follow the waves.

Erika stood at the bow of the boat, her long dark red hair disheveled by the sea breeze.

The sea was choppy, but her boat was walking very calmly. The nearby corpse guard rushed towards the boat. Erika pulled out the long cherry red knife in her hand and swung it casually, the corpse guard suddenly split from the middle. .

At this moment, her strength of character was like that of an ancient sword master, with a peerless elegance.


Tachibana Masamune stood on a ship far away from the battlefield, looking at the only calm sea area with deep eyes.

The strange sound of clappers suddenly came from the radio on the ship...

(End of this chapter)

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